Pros and Cons to the World Bank Across the Globe

There are many pros to the world bank across the globe, but there are also enough cons that some people believe that the World Bank is only causing massive harm in both developing are industrialized countries. One massive pro to the world bank is that it can fund projects in countries that desperately need help to build up their country’s infrastructure. They would be able to build schools and roads and develop electricity centers for cities. But a con for that is that requests can easily be denied when the World Bank doesn‘t believe that the request is a priority.

Such as how Uganda believes roads are a bigger priority than education, while the bank believes that education is key to the country‘s sun/rival.

Another issue is that some believe that the World Bank gives too much power to the big countries and not enough to the countries that are in need of infrastructure. In doing so, the World Bank is imposing harmful living situations in developing countries, such as funding roads over clean water.

Many believe that the World Bank does not have the best interests in mind when it comes to developing countries. In fact, they believe that they‘re instead focusing on the bottom line: Money.

Though the World Bank does ensure that projects are being carried out to their standard and that the money isn’t being used for something other than its intended purposes. (Such as using education money for military funding.

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) More and more money is being funded into the military around the world, and living conditions are dropping quickly in many places, and the World Bank helps ensure that money is well used. The future of these types of institutions is never certain. no matter what is predicted. because the future is never set in stone. My own impression is that there will be a major reform of the program within the next fifty years, because the programs have serious problems, but good still comes from them.

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Pros and Cons to the World Bank Across the Globe. (2023, Apr 20). Retrieved from

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