Professional Values In Social Work

Topics: Work


In the case of the Santiago sisters, Frank Haines used his social work values by using cultural competency. Since he had worked in the Latino community before, so he knew how to communicate with the family effectively. He respected their culture by trying to find a time that the father of the girls would be home, so he could talk to both adults in the house. He also used knowledge, he knew the culture, so it gave him an advantage in speaking with the girls and trying to understand where they were coming from.

Interprofessional communication and collaboration are a significant part of ensuring the safety of clients and creating the most effective outcomes in social work.


Interprofessional collaboration in social work can be defined as working cooperatively with others in the mental health field or other community services simultaneously. Another term for this is multidisciplinary teams or a M-Team. The term multidisciplinary is frequently used when in reference to a school setting, the team evaluates referrals for special education or special needs students but, these teams can also be part of health and social care services (Suppes Mary Anne, 2018).

The definitions of this term seem to vary because it is referring to people from many different disciplines who work together to provide coordinated services to a client or family (Suppes Mary Anne, 2018). Miscommunication and different ideas can make it difficult to discuss which type of team is best for the client which seems to be the issue with these kinds of teams.

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Interprofessional Communication Good communication skills, listening, and interview skills are crucial for establishing efficient and respectful relationships with clients and other professionals (Suppes Mary Anne, 2018). Social workers must demonstrate these skills and many others while assessing a client. Working with different types of professionals can be difficult because each professional will have a different approach or idea about a client’s or patient’s care. In the case of the Santiago sisters, working with CPS workers and with a therapist was what was be best for all involved.

The CPS worker worked to find a safe place for the girls while working with the counselor helped resolve issues between the girls and their father. This is a classic case of interprofessional collaboration and communication. In conclusion Frank displayed great communication and collaboration skills in this case. I’m sure it took great patience to deal with someone like the girls’ father.

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Professional Values In Social Work. (2021, Dec 13). Retrieved from

Professional Values In Social Work
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