People Who Lack Empathy Are Annoying

Topics: Behavior

Empathy on Merriam Webster, is defined as the action of understanding, being aware of, being sensitive to, and vicariously experiencing the feelings, thoughts, and experience of another of eitherthe past or present without havrng the feelings. thoughts, and experience fully communicated In an objectively explicrt manner. In short, it is the ability to sense other people’s emotions, coupled with the ability to imagine what someone else might be thinking or feeling. In a number of classes, there is a lack of empathy among students and teachers.

It bothers me because they don’t consider others viewpoints or situations before acting insensitive. I think people should understand what their words do, before they say rude things about another person. Sometimes I overhear people saying ignorant things about others. things that those people can’t control. People often make fun of their peers for how they dress, look. or act, which is unfair to do, especially when don’t know that person‘s life.

People can‘t necessarily choose their life, their just born into it, and sometimes, their life can be really hard. It’s important to know that Any person, of any ages can act insensitive.

These people need to try their best to understand others. even if it’s hard to always remember. try and remember that everybody else also has difficulties. We all know that there’s those days, you know, the ones that just suck. They seem to last forever, When those days come. it’s easy to become irritable and say something that you feel guilty about.

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It’s also important to know that others have those bad days too‘ It annoys me when I see someone having a bad day, and the people around them just seem to provoke them on purpose. That’sjust unreasonable and pointless. All that’s going to happen is people getting angry at each other. There’s no reason for it, even if it wasn’t on purpose. you just need to tread carefully whenever you think someone’s having a bad day. It’s really important that you check yourself before you say something. If you do say something hurtful or inconsiderate you should apologize, because that can go a long way.

Generally though. you should try to look at others viewpoints before you say anything that could be rude and start an argument. Occasronally, I’ll say things that are insensitive and when I realize that I said something rude, even if it‘s a day later, I usually regret it. That’s time wasted and it would have just been better to not have said it in the first place. In conclusion, I’m not trying to say that everyone should be kind to each other and be harmonious in school together, because that’s more unrealistic. All that’s needed IS an understanding what what your words can do and you have to think beyond yourself and your own concerns. It really bothers me when people are insensitive. or don’t consider others viewpoints or situations. I think people should understand what their words do, before they say rude things about another person. Empathy and sympathy are both something we all should work hard on to develop if we don’t have that particular skill set. It is something that is hard to remember if you’re more focused on other things in your life. and isjust difficult in general. To be empathetic, you have to think beyond yourself and your own concerns. You have to understand the other person’s situation, perceptions of things, and feelings from their point of View.

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People Who Lack Empathy Are Annoying. (2022, Oct 14). Retrieved from

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