Neo Noir Characteristics

The Dark Knight and The Matrix neo-noir characteristics Both movies show neo-noir characteristics though both production and story elements. Production elements such as the dark scenes throughout the movie are used to show the contrasting sides to the story. Within both movies it also shows that a friend of the main character dies, and it shows how this may be devastating to the character however they avoid showing emotion or grief as they are determined to finish their quest and do what is right.

These characteristics are vital for creating an nagging neo-noir film.

The scenes in the matrix were mostly dark when going through out the movie and they show a kind of dark green tint in the movie. There were other parts to the movie that were lighter but there was not many and when there were it was only for a small moments within the movie. The darker parts to the movie showed another side to the movie but it made the movie more contrasting and unexpected.

The Dark Knight showed darker scenes because of the main character, Batman who fights crime In a dark and mysterious way.

The matrix used the contrasting lighting to show how the ‘light’ and happy matrix Is a veil over our eyes and the dark ‘real world’ scenes show the horrifying truth. The dark shades In both movies makes them similar production wise but also very mysterious. In the movie The Dark Knight a friend of the mall character dies (Rachel) and It turns the way the character acts with people around him.

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Batman only had the choice to go after one either his friend and ex-lover which he cares much for, or Harvey Dent, Asthma’s savior.

The Dark Knight Film Essay

He goes for the character he knows Is more important. In the end he did not grieve that much even though he did truly cared about Rachel. Batman knew he must simply accept It till he has completed his goal at fighting and doing what he Intended to do from the beginning. Within the matrix friends of the mall character ‘Neo’ Is killed. The characters within the movie do not grieve they Just move on In the hopes of completing their goal of stopping the enemy and saving the day.

This Is an Important neo-noel element shown within both films The Dark knight and the Matrix both shows a lot of Neo Noel elements Including a hearted that dies who Is a close friend of the mall character, they grieve but for not that long however they are still determined to continue their quest. Both movies also show noir production elements such as the lighting effects to contrast between the different sides of the story and to create a dark and mysterious atmosphere, the techniques that were displayed In both films are comparable with those of noel films and are considered Neo Noel films because of that.

The Dark Knight and The Matrix neo-noir characteristics By brownness wowed darker scenes because of the main character, Batman who fights crime in a ‘light’ and happy matrix is a veil over our eyes and the dark ‘real world’ scenes show the horrifying truth. The dark shades in both movies makes them similar production In the movie The Dark Knight a friend of the main character dies (Rachel) and it Harvey Dent, Asthma’s savior. He goes for the character he knows is more about Rachel. Batman knew he must simply accept it till he has completed his goal at fighting and doing what he intended to do from the beginning.

Within the matrix rinds of the main character ‘Neo’ is killed. The characters within the movie do not grieve they Just move on in the hopes of completing their goal of stopping the enemy and saving the day. This is an important neo-noir element shown within both films The Dark knight and the Matrix both shows a lot of Neo Noir elements including a character that dies who is a close friend of the main character, they grieve but for not techniques that were displayed in both films are comparable with those of noir films and are considered Neo Noir films because of that.

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Neo Noir Characteristics
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