Essays on Culture Shock

Free essays on culture shock are academic works that are focused on exploring the impact of cultural differences on individuals and their emotional, psychological, and social well-being. These essays are designed to provide insights into the challenges faced by people who move to new cultures, including the feeling of disorientation, confusion, isolation, and anxiety, as well as the ways of coping and adapting to new social and cultural norms. In addition, free essays on culture shock tend to analyze the ways in which globalization and cultural exchange can affect our perceptions of identity, belonging, and cultural diversity. These essays can be a valuable resource for students, researchers, and anyone who is interested in understanding the complex dynamics of cross-cultural interactions.
Grand Jury: A Crowd in Court?
Words • 1311
Pages • 6
A grand jury falls under a Heterogeneous Crowd because each person in the grand jury has a different personality. Heterogeneous crowds consist of different types of groups, each potentially independent in their behavioral characteristics and goals. If you want to start modeling the behavior of individuals within a crowd, even simple tasks, such as walking toward a chair, involve several complex decisions such as what course to take and the different ways to avoid bumping into people and other objects.…...
Culture Shock
Researcher’s Ideas
Words • 1317
Pages • 6
Researchers have over time argued that Oberg’s model of ‘culture shock’ is very influential in intercultural communication and interrelated field such as intercultural education. Several studies are focusing on culture shock, frequently evaluating international students to help get a better understanding. The model is used to explain the experiences of international students in new environments. It is often argued that when individuals leave the social setting they are familiar with and where their comfort is assured and move to new…...
Culture Shock
The Importance of Communication With Women
Words • 607
Pages • 3
Transitioning from a predominantly white community to a historically black college and university was a culture shock. I did not realize what I was missing in both my identity and culture. When I stepped on campus, I felt it was important to connect with women my age, especially since I don’t have a sister. I loved the sisterhood that came with team sports, but I also wanted a connection outside of sports. Alabama A&M University Homecoming step show 2004, I…...
Culture Shock
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Leaving and Settling in a New Country is not Easy
Words • 590
Pages • 3
Moving to a new country is not really as easy as it sounds. There are numerous reasons as to why someone would get up, pack all his/her belongings and move somewhere new, while leaving everything he/she knew and loved. The first sixteen years of my life were spent in, what I thought was the most wonderful place, Syria. The differences between my country and the united states were almost impossible to overcome. It was especially difficult moving to the United…...
Culture Shock
The Mississippi Delta Culture Shock
Words • 1594
Pages • 7
In the book The Mississippi Chinese Between White and Black, James W. Loewen wrote about the daily triumphs and struggles the Chinese citizens faced, explained how they overcome these obstacles, and how they evolved and adapted to life in Mississippi. The Chinese people were confronted by many challenges, but they ultimately succeeded by providing Mississippi with unique culture, sojourners, Chinese grocery stores, and retail shops. In the time around the era when slavery ended in the United States (1865), African…...
Culture Shock
Culture Shock: Personal Experience of Treating a Patient
Words • 730
Pages • 3
My client Cesar Milan is a 22-year-old Hispanic male who has been in recovery for 9 months. Cesar was referred to me by his former therapist with a suspension he has relapsed. Cesar has a history of severe Alcohol Use Disorder and moderate Stimulant Use Disorder. Cesar also has a history of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) from physical abuse as a child with distressing recollections and intrusive dreams from the trauma. Cesar has demonstrated through outpatient therapy and AA meetings…...
Culture Shock
Factors Causing Critical Shock
Words • 789
Pages • 4
Hikikomori, known as Social Withdrawal Syndrome, has a diagnostic criterion of individuals being unceasingly reclusive for at least 6 months with remarkable functional deterioration (Kato, Kanba, & Teo, 2020). Originated in Japan, it has become a pressing social phenomenon in modern society. With the psychological ailment significantly impacting Japan’s workforce and reflecting on the overall wellbeing of its people (Kato, Kanba, & Teo, 2018), it raises the question as to why Hikikomori seems to be typically associated with the Japanese…...
Culture Shock
Many Foreigners Go Through Culture Shock
Words • 600
Pages • 3
Introduction Within the cultural adaptation process that foreigners go through, the most critical phase of this process is called culture shock. It may be considered as a profound and individual experience which may bring an emotional and physical discomfort, due to having to leave people behind and adapting to new people with different mentality and a different way of living. Although cultural shock used to be only seen as negative, explanations of culture shock describe that the adjustment period is…...
Culture Shock
The Uncomfortable Part of Culture Shock
Words • 749
Pages • 3
The term culture shock was first coined by Kalervo Oberg during the 1950’s.The historical development of the term culture shock comes from the emerging of cultural learning, combining culture and social identity. Due to the many different cultural traditions it is unlikely for cultures foreign to one another understand or adapt to other traditions quickly. Understanding that each culture’s values or communication styles vary, representing different meanings, etc. Looking into this type of cultural framework there's a very noticeable type…...
Culture Shock
Culture Shock When Studying Abroad
Words • 5294
Pages • 22
Studying abroad and culture shock Are you planning to study in the UK? Are you looking forward to an exciting time, with high expectations of life in Britain? If you have been to the UK already, then you will roughly know what to expect. If it is your first time in the country - and perhaps your first time abroad - you may find that settling in is not an automatic process but that it requires a bit of effort.…...
CultureCulture ShockEducationLearningStudyStudying Abroad
Culture Shock Example
Words • 834
Pages • 4
To move from Vietnam to the United States, I have been an exchanged student for almost 2 months. It is not smooth for a 16-year-old girl like me to start a new life in the other hemisphere of the Earth. Through the big differences of lifestyles between two countries, I have gained a lot of precious experiences of independence and adaption. As I realize, the most difficult part of a new adventure to another cultural environment is "Culture Shock"! It…...
Culture ShockHomesicknessHuman Nature
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FAQ about Culture Shock

Culture Shock When Studying Abroad
...In fact there are very positive aspects of culture shock. The experience can be a significant learning experience, making you more aware of aspects of your own culture as well as the new culture you have entered. It will give you valuable skills that...
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