Little Brother Cory Doctorow

Fear is a well known human emotion. It is a feeling every person has dealt with at one time or another in their lives. It is an emotion one experiences first as a child and is conditioned to react to in many ways. Some people live in a state of constant fear while other just take things for what they are in life. Fear is defined by as “a distressing emotion aroused by impending danger, evil, pain, etc.,whether the threat is real or imagined; the feeling or condition of being afraid”.

This is a rather grim definition. Fear is also defined as general anxiety. Life is full of choices and is often analogized as an intersection to multiple roads ahead.

Fear has a way to set up obstacles in these roads which become either too big to overcome or the person persists in trying to sneak past. It can ultimately take over a life. In the book “Little Brother” by Cory Doctorow, it is shown how fear can take over a person’s life as it changes their choices, spreads quickly and can turn into paranoia.

A person’s life is profoundly shaped by their fears and their efforts to run from them, which becomes their priority thus, affecting the decisions the make. An evidence to prove this in the book would be in this passage: “She didn’t want me to just unlock her phone.

She wantedme to submit to her. to put her in charge of me.

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To give up every secret, all my privacy. “the password”, I said again, and then I told her the password. God help me, I submitted to her will” (Doctorow 21). Marcus is in prison at this time in the book and he had gone through torture during his first interrogation when he refused to give up his password but here in his second interrogation, he gives up his password because he was afraid to experience the torture all over again. Another evidence to prove this is in this passage: “I’d burned a ParanoidXbox DVD when they first appeared, but I’d never gotten around to unpacking the xbox in my closet, f…

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Little Brother Cory Doctorow. (2019, Dec 05). Retrieved from

Little Brother Cory Doctorow
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