Indra Nooyi Leadership

Topics: Leadership

This sample essay on Indra Nooyi Leadership provides important aspects of the issue and arguments for and against as well as the needed facts. Read on this essay’s introduction, body paragraphs, and conclusion.

Indra Krishnamurthy Nooyi. who is a adult female comes from India. she is a director and leader of PepsiCo Incorporated. At her age of 50. she became the CEO. Leader is a function of a squad or organisation. the thoughts he/she thinks about and the scheme he/she decides will play an of import function in a group.

In add-on. being a successful leader by and large needs to hold more high demands. such as the managerial cognition. communicational accomplishment. originative ability and particularly his/her leading manner. There is no uncertainty that Nooyi can be equal to such a great place today because she non merely is equipped with these conditions but besides she has an first-class leading manner. Harmonizing to Darling and Leffel’s ( 2001 ) model.

this paper will measure how Indra Nooyi develops her leading manner of Analyzer and Director and go a successful every bit good as effectual leader.

Pepsico Leadership Style

Kreitner and Kinicki ( as cited in Darling & A ; Leffel. 2001. p356 ) province leading is a procedure where on single usher and help a group to accomplish a common end. Bing a successful leader. he/she should hold profound cognition every bit good as accomplishments. Additionally. Leadership is distinguished form direction and this differentiation is important. Kotterman ( 2006 ) explains that to direction is that taking duty to carry through and carry on the undertakings every bit good as mark.

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However. he besides states that to take agencies to direct and act upon by an action every bit good as sentiment. Furthermore. Darling and Leffel ( 2001 ) point out that leading manners can be classified into four types which include Analyzer. Connector. Director and Creator. all of which are assorted. However. different leaders and manners are required in different state of affairss. which is what Morrison ( 2000 ) illustrates that different leading manners generate different influence and significance on the entrepreneurial spirit.

Harmonizing to Darling and Leffel ( 2001 ) . by analysing the four chief leading manners. Indra Nooyi. CEO of PepsiCo. could be regarded as an Analyzer. Analyzers by and large are system. cautious. Searching information and roll uping a big figure of informations are ever required before analysers executing undertakings. Analyzers besides are persevering. nonsubjective. They ever are non emotionally and they can command themselves good. In add-on. analysers by and large manage clearly and orderly. when facing with the bad state of affairss or major jobs they will non easy compromise ( Darling & A ; Leffel. 2001 ) . Nooyi is such a type of leading. In 1994. Nooyi analyzed the market and she found that the growing rate of Fried nutrient and quick repasts which are “unhealthy” nutrient of the eating house industry bit by bit developed easy because people started to concentrate on healthy feeding and nutrition jobs. Then. Nooyi resolutely proposed to whirl out the nutrient and drink concern. split over the transcribed concern at the same clip and listed them separately. all of which can cut down the fixed capital and advance the overall influence of PepsiCo ( Jagannathan. 2009 ) .

Furthermore. Nooyi identified the market and recommended that halt in carbonated drinks tend to be saturated market competition environment and open up new fruit drinks market as she considered that advancing healthy nutrient and drink is really important for constructing PepsiCo’s trade name image. In 1998. Nooyi acquired Tropicana which is fruit juice company trade name and merchandise line ( Hays. 1998 ) . In add-on to a Director manner. Nooyi besides could be considered as a Director. As Darling and Leffel ( 2001 ) explain the manner of manager is matter-of-fact ; they are clear about their undertakings and ends and are able to work firm in conformity with this way. What is more. they ever pay attending to the consequences. Director is confident and determined ; they non merely like to accept new challenge but besides have the bravery to take hazards.

As a CFO. in 2001. under the way of Nooyi. Pepsi Company completed the acquisition of Quaker Oats ( Quaker Qats ) 2002 R & A ; D attempts to develop healthy merchandises and all the merchandises are divided into three classs: the “beneficial class” ( good for you ) . “health class” ( better for you ) and “fun” ( merriment for you ) . as a effect. PepsiCo’s non-carbonated drink industry in the universe to busy a market portion of 25 % . 1. 5 times that of the major rivals of Coca-Cola. After Nooyi became CEO of PepsiCo. She began to pay attending to PepsiCo merchandises wellness and balanced construct through the acquisition and merchandise invention. further enrich the merchandise line. Specific steps are successfully amalgamation and acquisition Stacy’s Bagel. Pita Chips. Izze carbonated drinks concern in North America. there are besides including fruit and vegetable juice drinks ( Jagannathan. 2009 ) .

Nooyi non merely can be considered and regarded as a successful director but besides can be an effectual leader. To exemplify Nooyi’s effectivity. looking back on the public presentations that Nooyi achieved. for illustration. when Nooyi was SVP. due to her scheme steps that are logical. serious and thorough. the net incomes of gross revenues of the company were grown a batch. which rose from US $ 20. 337 million in 1996 to US $ 26. 935 million in 2001 ( Jagannathan. 2009 ) . What is more. Jagannathan ( 2009 ) mentioned that during that period Nooyi as CFO. the growing of gross revenues of the PepsiCo increased from US $ 25. 112 million in 2002 to US $ 35. 137 million in 2006. Most significantly. with the great attempts of Nooyi. PepsiCo Company has been built up a positive and healthy trade name every bit good as image around the universe.

In decision. by synthesising the account of Darling and Leffel’s ( 2001 ) model. it is obvious that the characters of Nooyi’s Analysis every bit good as way are showed highly good. Those schemes which include the spin-in of nutrient and drink concern. the acquisition of Tropicana every bit good as Quaker Oats all prove Nooyi has extremely acute analysis ability and long-run vision. Undoubtedly. Nooyi plays a curial function in Pepsico Company. without the smart analysis every bit good as brave determination of Nooyi. and if Nooyi do non concentrate on vision as an Analyzer and Director. PepsiCo may non obtain such great accomplishments. In the hereafter. people believe that Nooyi will develop and beef up PepsiCo Company more and more expeditiously with her “performance with purpose” scheme.

Mentions list

Darling. J. & A ; Leffel. A. ( 2009 ) . Developing the leading Team in an Entrepreneurial Venture: A instance Concentrating on the Importance of Styles. _Journal of Small Business and Entrepreneurship_ . 23 ( 3 ) . 355-371.

Hays. C. ( 1998. July 21 ) . Pepsico to pay $ 3. 3 Billion For Tropicana. _The New York Times_ . p. 1. Retrieved signifier:

hypertext transfer protocol: //www. nytimes. com/1998/07/21/business/pepsico-to-pay-3. 3-billion-for-tropicana. htm

Jagannathan. R. ( 2009 ) . Leadership-The Indra Nooyi Way. _IBS centre for
direction Research_ . Retrieved signifier: hypertext transfer protocol: //www. icmrindia. org/casestudies/catalogue/Leadership % 20and % 20Entrepreneurship/LDEN058. htm

Kotterman. J. ( 2006 ) . Leadership versus direction: What ‘s the difference?

_The Journal for Quality and Participation_ . 29 ( 2 ) . 13-17. Retrieved signifier:

hypertext transfer protocol: //search. proquest. com. libraryproxy. Griffith. edu. au/docview/219091679? accountid=14543

Morrison. J. A. ( 2000 ) . Developing a Global Leadership Model. _Human Resource Management_ . 39 ( 2 & A ; 3 ) . 117-131.

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