Miracles don't Happen Today. Do You Agree

Topics: CultureMiracle

Yes I do agree with this statement in some ways but not in others. I agree because a miracle is only a miracle until it has been explained. Which is why they just don’t happen today because we are more technologically and scientifically advanced than ever before, meaning that certain things like the fact that we stay on the earth even though it is round was a miracle when first discovered but now it is a scientific fact that gravity is what keeps us here on earth.

Some may even argue that miracles have never happened at that everything can be explained logically. Such as the feeding of the 5000. When Jesus asked if anyone had any food, only one small boy had any. But Jesus managed to feed 5000 on jus five loafs of bread and two fish so that everyone was full and there was plenty left over. But was it a miracle? Some, many Christian, people would say it was, but others would argue a different case, and that it is explainable.

After just the one small boy gave up his food, everyone else was so embarrassed for not giving theirs that everyone gave their food so there was plenty. Not so much of a miracle after that explanation, is it?But not all ‘miracles’ can be explained, not all that long ago in 1879, an image of the Virgin Mary, along with St Joseph and St John appeared on the outside wall of the Catholic Church, in the Irish village of Knock.

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It wasn’t a projection because it didn’t cast the shadows of the villagers stood in front of it. This miracle from not as long ago as the biblical one, cannot be explained, which leaves me to wonder whether or no miracles do exist.From a religious point of view, obviously these two events would have been miracles. Something that was scientifically impossible, but yet happened thanks to the help of god, or Jesus. But to the non-religious they are miracles until they are explained, and so really nothing at all is a miracle because there is in an explanation behind everything.But to me, the word miracle is used far too often in today’s society, and losing much of the impact of the word. For example, a miracle drug that can cure some terrible disease. Well obviously it can be explained that something in the drug cure the person, so it is not a miracle. Where when Jesus was alive a miracle would have been the fact that he cured some terrible illness, not with a drug, and no one could explain it, and to me that is a true miracle. But an out for body experience, could in a way be classed as a miracle, because the person are dead, yet they come back to life, a miracle or just sheer luck? I suppose in a way we’ll never know. I don’t believe that miracles happen today, but everyone is entitled to their own opinions.

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Miracles don't Happen Today. Do You Agree. (2019, Jun 20). Retrieved from https://paperap.com/paper-on-essay-miracles-dont-happen-today-do-you-agree/

Miracles don't Happen Today. Do You Agree
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