English: The Wife's Lament

Topics: Flashcards
The speaker in “The Wife’s Lament” says:

A young man always must be serious,
And tough his character; likewise he should
Seem cheerful, even though his heart is sad
With multitude of cares …. (lines 42-45)

What does the woman feel toward the “young man” in this quotation?


When reading Anglo-Saxon poetry, how does recognizing historical context help a reader understand why certain things occur?
It gives the reader clues about the situation in the time period in which it was written.

The purpose of a caesura in a line of Anglo-Saxon poetry is to
indicate a pause for breath.

The main theme of “The Wanderer” involves the
pain of homelessness.

What does the author of “The Wanderer” seem to miss most?

Which of the following best describes the speaker’s message at the end of “The Seafarer”?
Those who walk with God shall be rewarded.

What initiated the wife’s exile in “The Wife’s Lament”?
a plot by her husband’s kinsmen

What literary characteristics are used in the following quotation from “The Wife’s Lament”?

For since my lord departed from this people
Over the sea / each dawn have I had care /
Wondering where my lord may be on land.


Read this sentence from “The Wife’s Lament”:

Is outcast, far off in a distant land,
Frozen by storms beneath a stormy cliff
And dwelling in some desolate abode
Beside the sea, my weary-hearted lord
Must suffer pitiless anxiety…

What words or phrases help you to recognize the historical context of the line?

my weary-hearted lord

In “The Wife’s Lament,” the wife assumes her husband is now
melancholy, as she is.

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English: The Wife's Lament. (2018, Jan 18). Retrieved from https://paperap.com/paper-on-english-the-wifes-lament/

English: The Wife's Lament
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