Chronological Evolution of the Universe

Topics: OxygenUniverse

The following sample essay on “Reediest”:what Is the chronological evolution of the universe from Its moment of Inception at the Big Bang to the formation of the Earth?

When we look into outer-space today we see billions upon billions of stars the cover the “universe”, but what may have crossed your mind is how did they get there? Well before, these stars were there it was said that the universe was a very hot, small, ND dense with no stars, atoms, forms “singularity.

The way that the universe became what we see today Is what scientist calls “The Big Bang Theory not to get confused with the show. Clients base the Big Bang theory on many deferent factors/ observations. The most important is the “reediest” of very far away galaxies. Reediest is the Doppler reaction that occurs in light. When an object moves away from earth, it looks reddish because the movement stretches the wavelength. The reddish color occurs because; red is the lowest wavelength on the visible.

The more reediest there is, the faster the object is moving away. By measuring the reediest, scientists proved that the universe is expanding and can even work out how fast the object Is moving. Basically, what happened Is that “space” became expanding very quickly about fourteen billion years ago, and which resulted in the formation of atoms, which eventually led to the creation of stars and galaxies. Space as we know it was created, and is still expanding at a very rapid rate while becoming much cooler.

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What is the evolution of Earth’s atmosphere?

In particular, what has happened to the oxygen levels over the Earth’s 4. 6 billion year history? Answer: “Breathe In all the positively, and breathe out all the negativity”, these are some words I say when I’m going through anything that Is stressful In life. The process of breathing for has become so second nature, that living without would cause most of all life to cease living. The question of the day is, “How did the oxygen get here? And is it here to stay”. This question can be answered a theory scientist call “Great oxidation event or GOES”.

Before GOES was happened about 200 million years ago, our atmosphere created oxygen by a bacterium called “Contractible” or blue-green algae. The way this bacteria produce oxygen was photosynthesis, Is a process by which plants, and other organisms’ covert light from the Sun, into chemical energy that can be later used to fuel organism activities, and oxygen is released as a waste product. Before the GOES, any free oxygen they produced was chemically captured by dissolved iron or organic matter.

The GOES was the point when these oxygen sinks came saturated and could not capture all of the oxygen that was produced by controversial photosynthesis. After the GOES, the excess free oxygen started to breathe today.

Why do you suppose that life began in the oceans rather than on land?

What major evolutionary changes occurred during the 3 billion years between life’s inception and when it adapted to existence on land? Answer: Life as we know today comes to exist by reproduction “most forms do”, and any other way seems foreign to us.

About 3 billion years ago, life didn’t walk/roam the earth as we see it today. Some scientist argues that life began in the ocean, because of the temperatures of earth during those times. Other says that life became, in rivers or ponds because of the saltiness of the ocean was far greater than what we know today. Regardless of how you view it, life is here and growing at a rapid rate. The ocean theory is the one that makes most sense to me, reason being so is the temperatures the earth was during these times is nothing compared to today heat.

So for life to thrive, and grow I would say it needs an equal balance. Scientists believe about 3 billion years ago, complex chemical molecules became coming together to form macroscopic blobs called “cells”. These cells were able to split, and replicate themselves as bacteria does and became creating many different diversified groups of cells. Although some did remain attached, others formed hollow balls that we call “sponges”. As time passed, some of these cells became mobile, and started to develop more. The more developed organisms became venturing to land, thus created life from ocean to land.

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Chronological Evolution of the Universe
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