False Information about Traditional Japanese Orchestra and Vocal Style.

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The gamelan is a traditional orchestra from Japan.

The “white tone” singing style in the vocal part of George Crumb’s Ancient Voices of Children is a style in which the singer:
sings without vibrato

In composing, Crumb uses techniques and instruments from various world musics.

The harmony in Crumb’s Caballito Negro is primarily:

For which work did George Crumb win a Pulitzer prize in 1968?
Echoes of Time and the River

The prevalent rhythm in Crumb’s Caballito Negro is meant to:
emulate the sound of a galloping horse

The gamelan orchestra is made up largely of percussion instruments.


Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of Sonata V?

How many books of madrigal sets did George Crumb write?

John Cage’s work 4’33” challenges the differentiation between music and noise.

Henry Cowell is known for combining Asian instruments with traditional Western ensembles.

Which composer has written several compositions on the poetry of Federico García Lorca?
George Crumb

Whose poetry did George Crumb set in his second book of madrigals?
Federico García Lorca

Harry Partch was a serious proponent of microtonal music.


Cage’s work Sonatas and Interludes is written for:
prepared piano

Which composer invented new instruments capable of microtonality?
Harry Partch

What instruments accompany the voice in Crumb’s Caballito Negro?
metallic percussion and flute

John Cage’s work 4’33” is known for it’s consonant harmonic writing.

One of Henry Cowell’s innovations was the prepared piano.

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George Crumb is representative of avant-garde composition in the United States.

The form of Sonata V from Sonatas and Interludes is:
binary, with each section repeated

John Cage’s Sonatas and Interludes is a work for Javanese gamelan.

Who is considered to be the inventor of the “prepared piano”?
John Cage

The prepared piano called for in Sonatas and Interludes simulates a:
gamelan orchestra

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False Information about Traditional Japanese Orchestra and Vocal Style.. (2017, Dec 15). Retrieved from https://paperap.com/paper-on-chapter-48/

False Information about Traditional Japanese Orchestra and Vocal Style.
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