Topics: America
What was the significance of a 1901 study of working-class families?
It showed that over 50% of the principal breadwinners were out of work.

How did the Democrats and Republicans feel about federal tariffs in the 1880s?
Democrats wanted to lower the tariff, but Republicans felt that this undermined American business.

Which was NOT an organization of farmers that came into existence in the late 1880s?
The Grange

Why did the Populists nominate Tom Watson for vice president in the 1896 election?
because they were endorsing the Democratic candidate for president and so wanted their own candidate for vice president

In the South, a grandfather clause waived the literacy requirement for voters whose ancestor had….


Voted before 1867

The individual who rocketed to national attention because of the Pullman strike was
Eugene V. Debs

Early in the 1890s, the Democrats succeeded in
Modestly reducing tariff levels

Which of the following was NOT a consequence of the depression of 1893?

Until the 1890’s
The presidency was weaker than congress

By 1900, toward what new policy was President McKinley attempting to direct the Republican Party?
Increasing tariff rates again

In the Pullman Strike of 1894, what did Grover Cleveland’s intervention accomplish?

President Cleveland broke the Pullman strike on grounds that it had
Obstructed delivery of the mail

The Sherman Antitrust Act
was vague and at the mercy of the courts.

What was the result of the 1895 Supreme Court case involving the E.C. Knight Company?

Why did support for free silver coinage grow rapidly from 1894 to 1896?
because it seemed a simple, compelling answer to the economic crisis

The president of the United States during the depression of 1893 was
Grover Cleveland

The president who entered the White House after the heavily disputed election of 1876 was
Rutherford B. Hayes

The two major presidential candidates of the 1896 election were
William Jennings Bryan and William McKinley.

Which was NOT a result of the repeal of the Sherman Silver Purchase Act?

The greatest change in American literature during the late 1800s was the rise of

Why were Americans fascinated by politics during the Gilded Age?
Most Americans saw it as a form of entertainment.

Which of the following lists events in the correct chronological order?
Republican policy to promote industry, Panic of 1893, Republican policy to regulate industry

Why did the Colored Farmers’ National Alliance end?
A posse lynched 15 strikers.

Why was silver not just a political or economic issue but a social movement in the 1890s?

In 1890, the American electorate rejected
Republican legislative activism by crushing the party in the congressional elections.

Those who supported the free coinage of silver
were convinced it would help the agrarian sectors.

During the 1890s, writers who rejected romanticism often wrote
regional stories depicting everyday life.

What was one result of the election of 1892?

Which was NOT part of the Republican Party platform in the post-Civil War period?
decentralized government power

Which of the following is NOT true of American politics in the 1870s and 1880s?
The influence of the Civil War generation was fading.

Which of the following groups made up the bulk of the electorate until 1900?
White males

The Populist candidate for president in 1892 was
James Weaver

When the Democrats endorsed silver in 1896, the Populists
Seconded the nomination of Bryan

The major issue of the election of 1896 was..

Why did Populists not gain as many seats in Congress as they’d expected in the 1894 election?

The Panic of 1893

What does the following quote mean? “In 1899, McKinley spoke of lowering tariff barriers in a world that technology had made smaller.”
After technology had connected the United States to the rest of the world, it made sense to lower taxes on goods to and from other countries.

The Pendleton Act

Which of the following was NOT a reason for farm discontent in the late nineteenth century?
The inability of farmers to organize to voice discontent

The writings of Mark Twain
Relied on the realism and humor of American life.

Which was NOT a demand of the Populist Party?
Maintenance of the gold standard

Why was the Republican-controlled Congress of 1890 notable?
Its legislation shaped the future policy of the nation.

What was the general difference between the Democrats and Republicans in the late 1800s?
Democrats tended to favor little federal government intervention, while Republicans felt that the federal government should promote economic and social reform.

In 1894,

As president, William McKinley
Was an activist president

Grover Cleveland

Which best describes the decision that shattered the Populist Party in 1896?
the endorsement for the presidency of the Democratic candidate William Jennings Bryan

What was true about the leaders of the Southern Farmers’ Alliance?
They tried to capture the Democratic Party.

Why was William Jennings Bryan defeated in 1896?

The major objective of the Alliance Movement was to
Organize and politicize the American farmer.

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