Essays on Opioids

Free essays on opioids are academic papers that discuss the use and abuse of opioid drugs such as heroin, oxycodone, and fentanyl. These essays provide insight into the history and effects of opioid use, as well as the social, economic, and political factors that contribute to the opioid epidemic. They also explore the various treatment options available for individuals struggling with opioid addiction and highlight the importance of raising awareness about the dangers of opioid use. Overall, free essays on opioids offer valuable information and perspectives on a pressing public health issue.
Opioid Overprescription
Words • 735
Pages • 3
There is information nearly daily about the outbreak of opioid drug usage in the United States. Some 65% of heroin users report that they used medicine opioids first and so created that switch to opiates. And latest estimates represent that 4-20 % of all opioid tablets prescribed in the United States are had for nonmedical causes. Today, the anesthesiologist and the doctor at Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis are suggesting ways to reduce the accessibility of opioid…...
Annotated Bibliography
Words • 1052
Pages • 5
Franck, Linda S., et al. “Opioid and Benzodiazepine Withdrawal Symptoms in Pediatric Intensive Care Patients.” NeuroImage, Academic Press, 11 Sept. 2004, The main issue this article emphasizes is the extent of addiction to prescription opioids and their withdrawal symptoms on users. The article provides statistical analysis of children that were subjected to prescription opioid use either for heart disease or respiratory failure. It gives a background on the fatality of withdrawals of opioids, especially fentanyl. The article further illustrates…...
The History of Opioids and their Unremitting Epidemics 
Words • 2070
Pages • 9
The History of Opioids and their Unremitting Epidemics – First Draft It appears that most everything in life is cyclical, and opioid abuse is no exception. Over the past twenty years alone, roughly 400,000 people died from an overdose involving an opioid. In 2019, roughly 130 Americans, on average are dying from an opioid overdose every day, making the drug epidemic deadlier than gun violence and car accidents. What’s concerning is this isn’t the first time in our nation’s history…...
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Are Opioids Really Harmless?
Words • 661
Pages • 3
Human life is enhanced, meaning medical development. The human need for medicine has also increased, and opioids came out based on human needs. In addition to the good benefits that it carries, it also brings many bad consequences. And opioid addiction is a part of it. “In 2015, two million Americans had a substance abuse disorder involving prescription painkillers, and there were more than 20,000 deaths due to overdose”, according to the  American Society of Addiction Medicine: National Institute on…...
Pregnant Mother’s On Opioids
Words • 812
Pages • 4
Abstract Mothers who use opioids during pregnancy not only harm their bodies while pregnant, but their unborn babies also suffer from their abuse of such drugs. The life of a child must lose before the mother is at risk of being charged with a felony according to the bill’s language. Most mothers are aware that they will only be charged with a misdemeanor if drugs are found in their system when they give birth to their infants under a proposed…...
Consequences of the Opioid Epidemic
Words • 702
Pages • 3
Opioids are a real epidemic spreading through the United States bringing death and destruction. Many people, children through adults, are affected by these drugs, and can destroy lives. Even though opioids have their benefits, a huge amount of people are using them unthemed for pleasure. Opioid abuse is very harmful and can affect everyone. Many people believe ‘safe injection sites’ help opioid and drug addicts get off their addiction, but 90% of the time, they feed their addiction. First, studies…...
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