Essays on Law

Free essays on Law are online resources containing academic papers, research works or case studies that explore various areas of law. These essays provide useful insights into legal issues, court judgments, case precedents, legal debates, and theoretical frameworks related to the study of law. They can be beneficial to law students, legal professionals, researchers, and academicians who seek to broaden their understanding of legal knowledge and its application. These essays can also serve as a source of inspiration and guidance for students who may be required to submit similar papers. These essays are provided free of charge, making them accessible to anyone who is interested in learning about law.
The US Government Should Be in Control of the Internet and Its Censorship
Words • 725
Pages • 3
The internet as it stands today is truly the wild wild west. With everything available on the darknet from cocaine to hitmen to prostitutes, and unregistered guns. There is no censorship. No FCC to censor and regulate like TV and radio are subject to. An abundance of anonymity allows for everyone’s voice to be heard equally. The internet has become an integral part of most of our lives, From transactions to communication to entertainment and social media It’s a medium…...
The Suffering of the Characters in the Play Medea by Euripides
Words • 589
Pages • 3
In Euripides Medea the reader sees multiple ways in which each character suffers, However there were different degrees of suffering for these characters. Some did not experience much pain for example Green and his daughter These two, although rarely seen, both lost their lives at the hand of Medea’s rage fed by Jason's lust for a new bride. From the readers‘ point of view this may seem like a prime example of ultimate suffering but not in my opinion. Green…...
Vandalism, Assault and Domestic Violence
Words • 1194
Pages • 5
The problem with illegal drugs is that addicts normally cannot buy them, and they are so difficult to get that addicts often resort to theft or robbery in order to pay for their addiction. If people could go to Sonic and buy a cocaine slushie, or drive up to Burger King and order a crack burger and a weedshake. People would not need to commit theft, robbery, or endanger the public in order to pay for their habits. Around seven…...
AddictionCrimeCriminologyDomestic Violence
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Problem of Our Society Domestic Violence
Words • 1131
Pages • 5
Domestic abuse remains a concealed subject in our society. It is illustrated by silence- silence from those who are suffering, silence from those around them, and silence from those who perpetrate violence. This stigma leaves women, children and men to carry the burden of shame on their shoulders. It prevents them from speaking out about their abuse and it prevents them from getting help. Domestic violence at its worst can be fatal. Every three days, someone dies from domestic abuse…...
Domestic ViolenceEducationPoliceViolence
Animal Abuse: An Indicator of the Future
Words • 1105
Pages • 5
Animal abuse is commonly agreed upon to be a cruel and unreasonable act by many. There are many links showing that animal abusers are more likely to commit crimes down the road. Animal abusers have a significantly higher rate of committing drastic crimes such as homicide and more minor crimes such as vandalism, drug abuse, and more. Through analyzing numerous studies by numerous people, this paper will take a look into the brain of an animal abuser and their likelihood…...
AbuseCrimeDomestic ViolenceViolence
Excuse For Domestic Violence
Words • 843
Pages • 4
My research topic is about intimate partner homicide. I hope to answer, or at least gather more information, about why women are more likely to be killed in intimate partner homicides than their male counterpart. My hypothesis that women are killed disproportionally to men in these types of homicides because in our society some males (or for some women, the dormant partner in the relationship) see themselves as dominant over females (or submissive partner) and that is their excuse for…...
Domestic ViolencePrisonPsychologyViolence
The Characters Thomas More and Raphael Hythloday in Utopia by Thomas More
Words • 1012
Pages • 5
First, the author Thomas More does not share the character‘s view about Utopian life in spite of the fact that they share almost everything, Actually, he shapes the character More a distrustful man. In character More’s first letter to Giles, he said: “I would rather say something inaccurate than tell a lie, because I would rather be honest than clever,” (5) However, the character More seems to keep lying in the whole book in spite of the fact that he…...
Racial Profiling in Law Enforcement
Words • 496
Pages • 2
Racial profiling occurs when the police target someone for investigation on the basis of that persons race, national origin, or ethnicity. Examples for profiling are the use of race to determine which drivers to stop for minor traffic violations and the use of race to determine which motorists or pedestrians to search for contraband. Racial profiling is prevalent in America. Despite the civil rights victories of 30 years ago, official racial prejudice is still reflected throughout the criminal Justice system.…...
JusticePolicePoliticsRacial Profiling
A Discussion on Whether Racial Profiling Is Right or Wrong?
Words • 406
Pages • 2
Some say raCIal profiling is iust an excuse for minorities. Others say that those with power often abuse minorities, and that it is proven that they are hassled more than those that arent a minority are. This is espeCially apparent right now with people of Arab decent. I believe that racial profiling does exist in society today. It happens in the work place, in the malls, and on the streets. This article deals with a group in Seattle that was…...
CrimeJusticePoliticsRacial Profiling
The Dangers of Driving as an African American and the Issue of Racial Profiling
Words • 444
Pages • 2
We live in a day and age where it is dangerous to be a black person driving on your way to work. Racial profiling has been an issue for a very long time now. I believe that because we are entering a new age, things that have been done on the sly are slowly coming to the surface. Racism has existed since forever of course but since so much had changed and; we elected a black president the problem seemed…...
PolicePoliticsRacial ProfilingRacism
Racial Profiling in the US Police Force
Words • 273
Pages • 2
Law enforcement agencies in the US have had a history of racial discrimination against individuals from minority racesl This was recently seen in the rise in cases of police officers using excessive force against unarmed African America individuals who posed no threat to the police officers, The racial profiling by law enforcement officers is a major source of social concern as it can contribute to the public losing confidence in the officers. Research Question For society to solve the issue…...
PolicePrejudiceRacial ProfilingRacism
The Revenge of Iago in Othello, a Play by William Shakespeare
Words • 631
Pages • 3
In the play, Othello, written by William Shakespeare, the theme revenge appears multiple times. One of the main characters of the play was Iago, who wishes to get revenge on Othello. Iago is extremely jealous of Othello’s fortune and lifestyle, and believes that he needs to get revenge on him because of it. He is very motivated to get revenge on Othello because of the life that Othello lives compared to the life he lives. He is jealous that Othello…...
The Issue of Gun Control in Relation to School Safety
Words • 775
Pages • 4
The shock factor seems to have left. No longer seen as valuable lives, but rather minimized to letters and numbers. Kids are dying and nothing is being done. Gun control is an issue that needs to be addressed in America, but it is a long term problem that requires a difficult solution that is likely to pass Congress Students face an imminent threat each day they go to school. This threat hinders their life and their pursuit of happiness, therefore…...
Gun ControlJusticeLawPolitics
The Hot-Button Issue of Gun Control in America
Words • 791
Pages • 4
Gun control is a hot-button issue in America, and has come up frequently all throughout our history. The liberal argument on gun control often includes that American citizens do not need certain guns, or any, or that gun ownership creates a more imminent threat to society than the danger involved in having no firearms with which to pursue personal defense. Conversely, the conservative argument enters that all men and women have a fundamental right to bear arms and munitions, to…...
Gun ControlHuntingJusticePolitics
My Arguments Against Gun Control
Words • 1143
Pages • 5
If you were a thief, would you rather steal from people with guns or without guns? I‘m here to persuade you that gun bans are not what will protect Americans. My main points will be as follows: guns allow law abiding citizens to protect themselves, murderers don’t have any qualms about breaking a minor law such as buying an illegal weapon, and would school shootings have happened if teachers had a gun in their desk for emergencies? I’ll introduce you…...
Gun ControlJusticeLawPolitics
Every Voice Should be Heard
Words • 1205
Pages • 5
In the article “The benefits and flaws of policy disputes get sidelined when activist movements adopt kids as human shields.” (2018), J.D Tuccille claims that kids opinions are by now means trump cards that should constitute the final word in any debate. Tuccille supports his claim by saying “teens might lie on the outer limits of that protective instinct,” and that “kids are pulled into political discussions by adults who want to trump debate and shame their opponents into acquiescence.”…...
Gun ControlJusticeLawPolitics
Gun Violence a Huge Part of American Society
Words • 1429
Pages • 6
The topic I am writing about today is gun control. The reason I am writing about this topic because gun violence has taken a huge part of American society today. In the United States, there are many cases are firearm related, from robbery to murder and the biggest concern to the society is now, school shooting. School shooting has made today’s society emotionally sad and disappointed. The most recent school shooting happened tragically left 17 students killed, and it took…...
CrimeGun ControlJusticeLaw
The Right of Americans to Bear Arms
Words • 1807
Pages • 8
The Second Amendment is Americans given right to bear arms, and over the past few years it has been an extremely controversial topic because there have been many tragedies that have taken place due to gun violence. The Right to own a gun has been our given right since 1791 when the Bill of Rights was written. Americans were given the right to own a gun as a way of feeling secure and to protect themselves. Society especially felt the…...
CrimeGun ControlLawPolitics
Gun Control Laws and Regulations
Words • 729
Pages • 3
Many people and public office personal believe we should make have stricter gun controls laws and regulations, I personally do not agree with those statements at all. If we make gun laws stricter, it will very possibly take guns away from law-abiding citizens. We use guns to provide food, protect our homes and land, and most importantly to protect ourselves and loved ones. I am a criminal justice major, and as of now my projected career field is policing. Working…...
Gun ControlJusticeLawPolitics
Go Ye Into All Nations
Words • 1244
Pages • 5
I saw your article regarding Qeensland being the most recent Australian state to allow abortion and I want to talk about why I believe that is wrong. I read in the article that it used to be considered an offense for the past century if you were to abort a baby and it lead to potential prison time as a punishment and I believe and want to show you why it should still be that way. Abortion is 100% without…...
Marriage Equality as a Human Right in Defense of Marriage
Words • 1028
Pages • 5
John Cornyn, a Republican US Senator from Texas, wrote an essay regarding his views on marriage equality, and same-sex marriage. In this essay, Cornyn discusses how marriage equality laws puts traditional marriage under threat and how it is a constitutional attack on traditional marriage, Cornyn goes on to criticize the case of Lawrence v. Texas by sarcastically commenting on the results of the cases This paper will prove to Cornyn that his views are beyond wrong. In his essay, not…...
Costly Death Penalty
Words • 372
Pages • 2
The death penalty is considered the top punishment of all and usually depends on how grave your crime was. In the United States, the practice of this punishment is different depending on the state you live/reside in, Some abolish it, others decide to keep on practicing it and there’s always been arguments all around on whether it is humane enough or if it’s a violation of the 8th amendment, etc. in my opinion the death penalty shouldn't be used; however,…...
CrimeCriminal LawMoneyPrison
The Solution to Eliminate Racism in the American Justice System
Words • 343
Pages • 2
Over the years, racism and ethnicity has become incurable diseases in the United States of America. While the term justice refers to fairness or equity in the legal practice, this is not the case in the U.S legal system. A survey conducted by the Harvard University says that, half of millennials strongly believe that that the US justice system is corrupted and unfair. Recent figures show that 66% of black millenials and 43% of white millenials have little or no…...
Crime Theories and the American Justice System in the United States
Words • 841
Pages • 4
Crime Theories, an excerpt from Kimmel and Arson defines crime as “any act that violates a formative code that has been enacted by a legally constituted body," or the violation of a deviant act that is regulated by a government. The text continues on to explain a few key theories in relation to crime. Robert K. Merton's 1957 Strain Theory argues that deviance is a by product of inequality, where society puts value on goals, but doesn't provide equal ways…...
The Fight for Justice in Twelve Angry Men by Reginald Rose
Words • 887
Pages • 4
According to Haile Selassie, "Throughout history, it has been the inaction of those who could have acted, the indifference of those who should have known better; the silence of the voice of justice when it mattered most; that has made it possible for evil to triumph.” Justice can be sustained by the effort of citizens who are willing to sacrifice their time in order to rightfully secure the convicted's place. Reginald Rose's play, Twelve Angry Men, demonstrates the perfect example…...
The Driven to Kill by Geoffrey Sant on China and Taiwan’s Broken Justice System
Words • 436
Pages • 2
Driven To Kill Hit-to-kill murders are unfortunately common in China and Taiwan. In “Driven To Kill” by Geoffrey Sant, he describes why citizens would rather kill a pedestrian than leave the victim alive. The broken justice system in China can lead to citizens taking justice into their own hands, whether they are a witness or the driver. In China and Taiwan, the way the law works causes hit to-kill murders to be common. One of the main reasons this is…...
The Five Primary Goals in Criminal Justice
Words • 291
Pages • 2
There are five primary goals in criminal justice. These five things are preventing crime, protecting the public, supporting victims, families, and witnesses, holding people accountable for their crimes, and helping offenders become law abiding citizens. Prevention crime is basically trying to stop it before it happens. Protecting the public means keeping them safe and out of harm's way. Supporting of these persons is making sure they receive justice and are safe. Some situations can be dangerous for these people after…...
The Different Components of the Justice System Should Function as One
Words • 285
Pages • 2
The idea of various components of the criminal justice system not acting in a coordinated manner has a huge impact on the development of policies and to an extension their implementation. For any system to work effectively, it is important for all associated factors to blend and without this, the system may fail. There are various provided reasons as to why the system may fail and one of the most prominent ones is the slowness in the resolution of a…...
Effects of White Color Crime in Community Organization
Words • 512
Pages • 3
Social Disorganization is directly caused by white color crime within the community. Sociologist claim that two components; culture and institutional structures are comprised in both social organization and disorganization alike. Culture tends to be the cause of this, and institutional structures tend to be the effect. White color crime leads to a lot of mistrust as explained in chapter five. Social disorganization theory posits that location matters a lot. A majority of one culture can help predict what sort of…...
The Societal Impact of Violence in Sports
Words • 285
Pages • 2
Violence is considered a pressing ethical concern in sports Different ethical studies focusing on violence in sport, cite various issues associated with boxing and MMA since in part these sports often require constitutive actions defined through intentionally using force that injures another person, Unlike these combat sports, contact sports like football, ice hockey, and rugby have behaviors requiring physical force such as tackling and body checking but do not necessarily involve the intention of harming another person. However, violent incidences…...
Schools Should Consider Bullying as a Serious Matter And Needs Sincere Attention
Words • 541
Pages • 3
While the connection and relationship between bullying and suicide is still being researched, I believe that Ohio should hold students and faculty legally responsible for bullying that results in suicide based on the evidence provided. I believe that actions have consequences and if there is clear evidence that influenced a suicide, those individuals should be punished. Bullying can be performed in a number of ways, but is defined by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) as "Unwanted, aggressive…...
Bullying Should Be Considered a Criminal Act
Words • 442
Pages • 2
Would you be able to lead a normal life, if someone kills every ounce of self-confidence which you have? How much time would it take for you to recover from such a situation? These might seem like hypothetical questions for you, but they are real life scenarios, for victims of bullying. In most of the cases, bullying just attracts a normal verbal warning in our colleges and schools and the bully is let off. However, the mental trauma through which…...
The Importance of Role Models for Child Development
Words • 258
Pages • 2
Children these days need role models more than ever. Crime rates are at a high, gang activity is increasing, and parents are working more, resulting in children being unsupervised. It all boils down to one word: why? Could one reason be that children are not being properly supervised? Parents have to take up second jobs or work really long hours to keep up with the increasing prices of homes and cost of living. This leaves teenagers and young boys and…...
ChildChild DevelopmentCrime
The Evolution of the Drug and Arms Trade in the Global Community
Words • 407
Pages • 2
The drug and arms trade are both complex systems that have continuously grown year after year. Drugs are traded around the globe both legally and illegally. The arms trade itself is worth an estimated 80 billion dollars globally. Trading ranges from ammunition to weapons of tad destruction. With the increase of sales from this system we have seen a massive increase in armed violence deaths. The global community has come together to try and address this global issue and has…...
A Witch-Hunt Justification in Holocaust
Words • 821
Pages • 4
Most people don't ever think about the idea of a "witch-hunt," or about their justification. A witch-hunt doesn't always have to do with hunting witches either. It is simply the attempt to find all the people in a particular group in order to punish them, or treat them unfairly ("Witch hunt”). Though it may be surprising, witch-hunts are more common than one would think. They have been cast all throughout the history of man, all for their own reasons. A…...
JustificationNazi GermanyWitchcraft
O’Connor’s Views on Religion Evaluated
Words • 1008
Pages • 5
Paper Type:Evaluation essays
Flannery OlConnoris personal views on the justification of religion and the resulting world or corruption and depravity are apparent in her short story IA Good Man is Hard to Findi. She analyzes the basic plight of human existence and its conflict with religious conviction. The first two-thirds of the narrative set the stage for the grandmother, representing traditional Christian beliefs, to collide with The Misfit, representing modern scientific beliefs. The core of symbolism and the magnet for interpretation is at…...
Nature vs Nurture in Teen Marijuana Use
Words • 408
Pages • 2
"Teens living with two college-educated parents less likely to use alcohol, marijuana" The nature versus nurture debate is one of the greatest topics of biology today. Are we the way we are as a result of our surroundings or are we innately and faithfully built to be exactly who we are? Of course we would like to believe our environment affects us more because that way, our behavior, which we can readily control, can get us the outcome we want.…...
Marijuana Legalization
The Benefits and Abuse of Marijuana
Words • 671
Pages • 3
Cannabis sativa is one of the oldest cultivated plants and has been used for various purposes. The plants are known for their resin production by glandular trichomes, with the maximum amount of resin coating the unfertilized carpellate flowers and adjacent leaves (Levetin and McMahon 2012). Marijuana today is used in illegal ways due to many people find ways to get enjoyment out of it or that's how many actually have a sort of income. Marijuana today has been allowed in…...
Marijuana Legalization
The Pros and Cons of Legalizing Marijuana
Words • 873
Pages • 4
As with any issue, there are pros and cons to making the decision to legalize marijuana for medical use. Every person will make their own judgments about the decision, but my mind has been made up already. There are some illnesses and diseases that respond better to marijuana than they do to prescription medications. Marijuana is also very good for common problems like anxiety, pain, and sometimes even for sleep. This plant is one of the few all natural products…...
Marijuana Legalization
Marijuana Should Be Legalized as a Recreational and Medical Drug
Words • 965
Pages • 4
One of today's hottest topics revolves around the legalization and/or decriminalization of drugs. Drug prevention laws are far from perfect and violate the fundamental right to autonomy that every human shares, but are the laws justified? More importantly, why did the laws ever get created, for profit or protection? To truly answer these questions, I think each drug-legal and illegal-should be analyzed separately, rather than being lumped together in one "noxious" category. For lack of time, space, and energy I…...
Marijuana Legalization
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