Lao Tzu: The Founder of Taoism

Topics: Taoism

The Tao Te Ching is expressed through the design of an archaic Chinese religious tradition, it is singularly the most well-known Chinese documents. It was written as an attribution to the Chinese philosopher Lao Tzu, he is rumored to be the author as well. He was a philosopher, a writer and an idol in Taoism, he practices other archaic Chinese religions. Many people believe he was alive during the 7th or the 4th B.C.E. although it has never been proven.

Laozi Tzu [along with other philosophers] explains all the ideas in the Tao Te Ching by a way of paradox, an analogy, an enigma, repetition, symmetry, rhyme, and a rhythm. The entire book could be read as if it was a puzzle, ‘the ruler is the awareness, or self, in meditation the experience of the body, senses and desires.’ The reader is the one who must put the puzzle pieces together.

Lao Tzu’s main approach throughout the Tao Te Ching is to resolve the social and political problems in Ch’un Ch’iu and the Warring States Periods.

Lao Tzu is the founder of Taoism, he suggested copious solutions that deliver an end to the conflicts and the disunity of China. The specific forms of abolishment and the reform of a few ancient Chinese institutions, not to mention the ideas of new principles for the enhancement and preservation of human life. Lao Tzu’s practices these ideas by trying to solve the social and political problems throughout China, the Warring States Period require more attention.

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In each of the 81 chapters of the Tao Te Ching there was a main emphasis on a way of peace to developing social cohesion and insists on a cure to all fundamental human problems. It presents ways of mystery, cosmology, and grants us ways to conduct our lives the wisest. Therefore, Lao Tzu’s presents ideas about peace and methods of solving the problems in the Warring States period to display a significant change.

When reading the Tao Te Ching it is the beginning of a journey and at the beginning of any journey one must find their way; Lao Tzu shows the way to this journey at the very beginning. Particularly it was mainly emphasized that, “The Way that can be walked is not the eternal Way” [Tao Te Ching chapter 1]. The way is not showing you a path to travel it is more like a way of life. This is used as a metaphor that shows people guidance through life. It should be noted that, “The great Way is all-pervading. It reaches to the left and to the right. All things depend on it with their existence. Still it demands no obedience!” [Tao Te Ching chapter 34]. The way is the origin of all things. The way does not change by us being only good or only bad or if we do whatever we are told. It is spread with us through every part of life. The way of the journey that is traveled throughout our lives is eternal, it just depends on how one decides their path.

Throughout our journey we are accustomed to people who use wisdom, to our own ignorance and to know what we don’t know. To clarify, “Not knowing of the eternal leads to unfortunate errors.” [Tao Te Ching chapter 16]. This is a result of a learning process all through life. If one thinks they are correct but not positive, they usually pursue the false route and it leads them to the repercussion of misjudgment. Not only, “Those who seek knowledge, collect something every day. Those who seek the Way, let go of something every day.” [Tao Te Ching chapter 48]. Knowledge brings awareness, shows intelligence allows you to give others InSite. Ignorance shows an oblivious character, thinking one knows the way when clearly, they do not. But also, “Those who understand others are clever, those who understand themselves are wise.” [Tao Te Ching chapter 33]. Wisdom is a sign of knowledge, intelligence, experience and acumen; it is a knowing one’s value of worth. Knowing and understanding others is how one will be able to overcome others and their self. If one wants to become enlightened and eternally everlasting Tao they must be wise and overcome their self. We are learning how to overcome ignorance, overcome the knowledge we do not know and grow to become wise to be eternally memorialized.

Throughout the Journey as humans our ego will create a desire, a desire of stuff we do not have such as, wealth and with that comes greed. Especially when one is, “Free from desire you see the mystery. Full of desire you see the manifestations.” [Tao Te Ching chapter 1]. If one does not desire anything, they will live a happier life. If one lives life full of desire, they are bond to a life full of manifested moments that leads them to a very unsuccessful, unhappy life. Even so, “Some have lavish garments, carry sharp swords, and feast on food and drink. They possess more than they can spend. This is called the vanity of robbers. It is certainly not the Way.” [Tao Te Ching chapter 53]. When wealth is present it comes with greed because, when one has a surplus of something the value of that item decreases and is used foolishly. For instance, a man with a surplus of food will not understand why it is wrong to waste a large amount of food if he is finished with it. Compared to a man who would be lucky to acquire an entire singular meal throughout the day. The first man is greedy his food due to the fact he has more than he can eat, the other man has a desire for food.

Everyone who goes through life, once they are born the journey begins and it comes to and finishes with death but that is not the end for all. In fact, “Those who die without being forgotten get longevity.” [Tao Te Ching chapter 33]. Those who are not forgotten after their death still live a long existence. They live by being embraced by being truly natual throughout their life, so they were able to live longer though memory. People hold their own fate is in their hands to demonstrate we, “Let people take death seriously, and not travel far.” [Tao Te Ching chapter 80]. People should cherish their life and not pursue what one does not have. There shouldn’t be a desire to move away or desire stuff. People should just enjoy the simple food, simple clothing, and be contented with a simple life for an enteral life. As you can see, how one decided to live their life decides on how happy they will be throughout it and what will happen when their afterlife come and how they will be remembered.

The main approach throughout the 81 chapters of the Tao Te Ching was to resolve all fundamental human problems, to correct the social and political problems and to enhance human life and the way to peace all through China. Numerous of solutions have been stated but more than half have not. They are all different ideas that could bring an end to the conflicts and the disunity throughout China. If people follow Lao Tzu’s methods it will lead them to a better life, society and after life. If they do not, they are bound to misfortune throughout life and once they die. They’re lessons to be learned all through the Tao Te Ching.

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Lao Tzu: The Founder of Taoism. (2022, Apr 28). Retrieved from

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