Involving Students in Overcoming Obstacles


Currently, and for the foreseeable future, we are faced with many challenges. These challenges heighten the charge for us to create ways to meet the academic and social needs of children in our school. To achieve this, we must create a vision that will produce goals & strategies that are sufficient and adequate at achieving growth. The charge for us to examine our teaching philosophy and practices are required, and will become useful in maximizing the benefits of the children we all serve.

A sense of Urgency

The academic achievement learning gap is a serious problem facing our school. Data shows that many grade levels are finishing the year well below the 40th percentile in Mathematics and English-Language Art’s. Several methods have been proposed both at the district and local school level in order to combat poor testing scores. One of the most favored methods has been the implementation of the new teacher evaluation system SFS or Standard for Success.

In addition to Standard for Success, other methods have been proposed and implemented to provide support to the academic achievement campaign. Our students deserve our very best! Swift action is required if we are to close the achievement gap and maintain a reputation for providing exceptional instruction.

Building a Coalition

By partnering with staff we are positioned to achieve all desirable outcomes. We are members of similar values and goals and we combine our resources, ideas and experiences to become a powerful united force. Building from within the ranks, a selection committee will ask for recommendations from and determine qualified candidates to guide, coordinate, and communicate activities.

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Visions and Initiatives

As our vision is written and the initiatives put into action the future will look brighter. We will make our future success a reality by overcoming obstacles of the past. Therefore, to meet the challenges of preparing our students for tomorrows economy here is a snap shot of what change looks like:

Useful Assessments and Data

The investment has been made in order to develop core standards and assessment tools that reach beyond traditional testing formats and provide more opportunities for student to think critically, problem solve, and write. We will collaboratively look for curriculums that are interactive and better suited to increase student engagement. Curriculum will also match staff levels of comfort by being easily accessible, simple to manipulate and easy to understand data.

Strong teachers in every Classroom

All students want and deserve a strong teacher. Constructing on the foundation of innovation already taking place in other states we will create opportunities for educators to receive training while in field through observation’s and formal training sessions. These training sessions will work to advance the academic outcome for our students. Teachers will take surveys that will help ensure teacher professional development opportunities are designed to address what’s important to our student and staff population. Professional Developments will help us to better equip teachers with the necessary skills to effectively educate our students.

Re-Think Discipline

Cultivating a positive school culture is part of the foundation that will drive success. Along this journey we will discover a need to reflect and revisit current school discipline procedures. By discussing our most challenging students as a team, we can develop strategic behavior plans. These plans will sharpen our de-escalation strategies and spark creative ways to empower students who are demonstrating positive behaviors. School support services will be broadened through partnership and collaborations with outside organizations such as mental health and child advocacy agencies.

The Movement

Our ability to recruit volunteers will strengthen the vision and provide additional support for our students. When parents volunteer, our students get an immediate glance at how much their parent and parents of other students’ value education. We will get the community involved by partnering with local cooperation and businesses that would offer their time to volunteer. Local religious organizations and elderly centers are also great sources to consider. The goal is to build working relationships that increase our volunteer personnel so that we may meet the vast needs of our students. It’s an old African proverb, ‘If you want to go fast, go alone; but if you want to go far, go together (African Proverb, 2018). ‘ The African perspective is more about love, relationship, community and collaboration.

Removing the Barriers

Truth is, a cultural divide does exist in our school. One way to overcome the cultural barrier is to acknowledge the unique ways that families participate in children’s learning. Culture matters and our classrooms are becoming more diverse year after year. We will build a unique culturally sensitive environment that will reach students in ways that are culturally and linguistically responsive.

Professional development discussions will help us to identify stereotypes that we bring to our environment that lead to misconceptions. Through collaboration, we will implement a culturally responsive curriculum that will help students value their voice, grow in their histories, and cultures. Removing this barrier will foster a true partnership between school and family; by adapting the learning environment to be more reflective to the changes in demographics of our student population.

Appreciating the small wins / Sustaining Success

Everyone wants to be successful and achieve goals. Truth is, big goals are not going to happen instantaneously. In fact, you may not see the results in near months or even years. We have to reprogram our minds to not look for the completion, but rather focus on the appreciation of the small steps along the journey. We need a new way to measure our success. By celebrating small wins’ people are excited to show up, communicate their successes, and celebrate the power of their collective impact (Kotter Co 2018).

For this reason, we will host brief monthly stand up meetings following school dismissal time. As a team we will discuss and celebrate small victories. Motivation will be the driving force that keeps us from seeping in to the pits of mediocrity and contentment. We win as a unified front carrying a relentless pursuit to be innovative and out of the box educators. To this end, we will have quarterly think tank sessions where ideas can be shared and created. By tapping into the value and creativity of various team members we will create an environment capable of sustaining consistent success.

Institute Change

What we have created are solid initiatives that have become the building blocks for our great culture. As a result, we will better understand our value and self-worth. By celebrating small wins, we are motivated to set even higher goals and reach higher heights. Overall, we are changing together. We are overcoming obstacles and challenges as a unified front. We are sensitive to the value everyone has to offer through experiences and creative ideas. This sensitivity allows us to accomplish the greatest feats and achieve results that are imaginable. We are creating a new culture that can be passed down as best practice for years to come.


  1. ‘If you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far, go together.’ (n.d.). Retrieved February 21, 2019, from
  2. ‘If you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far, go together.’ (n.d.). Retrieved February 21, 2019, from

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Involving Students in Overcoming Obstacles. (2021, Dec 17). Retrieved from

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