Essays on Human Rights

Free essays on Human Rights are written works that are available for free online or in libraries. These essays cover various issues related to human rights such as freedom of speech, racial discrimination, gender inequality, and the right to education. They are usually written by scholars, activists, or students who aim to increase awareness and understanding of the importance of human rights. These essays provide valuable insights into the different perspectives and approaches towards human rights, and offer recommendations on how to protect and promote them.
Domestic Violence Laws in Pennsylvania
Words • 889
Pages • 4
States all over the world have and are remote to have their own laws, but are these laws actually fair or just to the people being prosecuted upon or the victims. The laws below have several flaws in them which causes a problem all over the world. These are the current laws of today in mostly Pennsylvania and they are rarely fair to anyone. Some laws are actually causing more problems. “Domestic Violence Laws in Pennsylvania is a law that…...
AbuseDomestic ViolenceHuman Rights
Martin Luther King Jr and Malcolm X
Words • 716
Pages • 3
Throughout the nation’s history there has always been a rift between races. White males have always felt superior to African Americans, and therefore have been enslaving them. This was one of the lowest points in history, but the country and its leaders have done a good job to diminish the inequality and build upon the nations civil rights issues. As of today, there are no outstanding civil rights leaders, but in the height of the civil rights era the world…...
Civil Rights MovementCultureMalcolm XPolitics
Malcolm X On Himself in The Last Few Chapters
Words • 2297
Pages • 10
Malcolm was known as Malcolm Little, Detroit Red, Malcolm X, and el-Hajj Malik el-Shabazz. His first name was representative of his knowledge of the world at the time, as he knew little about how the world worked. He started his crime life early, shoplifting from local stores. “The more I began to...steal from stores, the more aggressive I became in my Inclinations” (15). As he moved to Boston and began wearing zoot suits and conking his hair, he was known…...
ExperienceMalcolm XPoliticsRacism
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Helping The Civil Rights Movement
Words • 1007
Pages • 5
During the civil rights era there were hundreds of activists and marchers that fought for their rights. Imagine being a young African American and not being able to eat at the same restaurants, or even use the same water fountain that a white person uses. Then when a march is organized to oppose this discrimination, marchers are arrested for fighting for their rights. Bernice Johnson Reagon was a civil rights activist who suffered through this discrimination like so many other…...
Civil Rights MovementCultureHuman RightsPolitics
Civil Rights & Class Concepts
Words • 279
Pages • 2
Compare and contrast the venous movements we covered In class regarding the CWII nights Movement Questions to cover include but are not limited to Why were some successful and others not successful How do the circumstances ot the movement relate to Ideas and concepts covered m class? The Civil Rights Movement consisted of organized efforts to abolish unequal treatment to minority groups, including, African Americans, American Indians, Chicanos, Females, and other disadvantaged groups between the years 1954 through 1968. During…...
African AmericanHuman RightsPolitics
Sherri Finkbine’s Case.
Words • 1245
Pages • 5
The black and white of the Sherri Finkbine case goes as follows: Sherri Finkbine was two months pregnant when she discovered her fetus had a chance of being born with a deformity. The deformities would be because of a drug taken for morning sickness that came with no warning. At the time, Arizona state law stated abortion could only be performed if it was to save the life of the expecting mother. As a result, the state of Arizona did…...
Human Rights
A Personal View on the Social Issues That Are Worth Risking My Life for
Words • 1847
Pages • 8
I have put much thought into this topic over the last few weeks, and I think I am really able to speak from my heart about it. When I first thought about it, I was picturing the issues as things like affirmative action, abortion, or same sex marriages. After a lot of thinking though, I decided that these just werent the sorts of things that I would be willing to put my life on the line for. The reason for…...
Human RightsPoliticsSocial Issues
An Overview of the Non-Conformism in American Literature
Words • 1246
Pages • 5
Some people naturally choose a path in life that is different from that chosen by the majority. Henry David Thoreau famously said, "If a man does not keep pace with his companions, perhaps it is because he hears a different drummer." Literature is filled with proof of that. Whether it is as aged as Patrick Henry's Speech in the Virginia Convention or Jerome Lawrence's and Robert E. Lee's The Night Thoreau Spent in Jail, as civil as Martin Luther King…...
American LiteratureHenry David ThoreauMalcolm X
Advocacy Letter
Words • 449
Pages • 2
Dear President Donald J. Trump, I am writing you on behalf of the transgender student population in America. I am currently a student studying Social Work at the Clarion University of Pennsylvania. As part of the constituency that Voted against you in the previous election, please understand that there are many issues that I disagree with you on. I believe that America’s young people deserve the same opportunities and human rights regardless of how they identify. As the Human Rights…...
Human RightsTitle Ix
The Balance between Exclusive and Fundamental Rights in EU Copyright Law
Words • 1071
Pages • 5
In this essay. I will look at the approach adopted by the Court of Justice of The European Union (CJEU) that Advocat General (AG) Szpunar has identified. in respect to the limits and exceptions to the exclusive rights of the right holder and fundamental rights as set down in the European Charter of Human Rights (ECHR). I will discuss firstly. why it is the EU legislature's prerogative to balance these two sets of rights Secondly. I will discuss the courts…...
Human Rights
The Future of National Identification
Words • 849
Pages • 4
The New York Times article A National I.D the author suggests National identification cards could be a step in the direction of totalitarianism, if not addressed properly. The point of view is outlined by security risks, an over-reaching government, and visions of an unstable future society. The writer offers strong, suggestive language, and theoretical situations to express their point of view. The article has strong opinions expressed about security. The writer is talking about a New York City Council member…...
Civil Liberties
A Thin Line Between Freedom and Security
Words • 912
Pages • 4
There is a thin line between freedom and security. The United States of America has laws in place to protect citizens of their rights but what about providing security? Having the freedom to virtually do what we want puts a damper of being secure.  Sometimes citizens give up some of their privacy unintentionally in return for better security. For example, Apple could unlock my phone and they would have access to all my personal information if they don’t already. Because I choose to use the…...
Civil Liberties
Racial Justice and Civil Liberties
Words • 1458
Pages • 6
It’s the official end of reconstruction, and the African American race has seen the promise given for their rights as the 13th, 14th, and 15th amendments are placed into the constitution. However; it is quickly seen that these promises of equality will not be kept for long. This started with state laws such as the Louisiana Separate Cart Act and other discriminative laws such as Jim Crow Laws. According to historian, C. Van Woodward stated that white and black…...
Civil Liberties
Civil Liberties and Civil Rights
Words • 1657
Pages • 7
You have the right to remain silent. You have the right to vote. You have the right to privacy. Majority of Americans are familiar with these rights but many do not understand the difference between these civil liberties and civil rights. The aforementioned are civil liberties. Civil liberties are basic rights and freedoms that are guaranteed. These are identified in the Bill of Right and the Constitution or through legislatures. One such liberty is The First Amendment: provides that Congress…...
Civil Liberties
Victory In The Fight For Gay Rights
Words • 964
Pages • 4
However, what does differentiate a teacher and is also an important point to bear in mind are the students in this context. Young people often vaguely know or suspect that they may not be straight from a relatively early stage and are often almost entirely isolated in that identity. There are claims that younger people more readily accept expressions of ‘diverse’ sexual orientation now than was previously the case, but we should not forget that homophobic bullying remains a very widely experienced phenomenon by younger people who…...
Gay Rights
What Is Racial Profiling and Why Is It Needed
Words • 1078
Pages • 5
Racial profiling is the act of targeting an individual for the suspicion of crime based on the individual’s race, ethnicity, religion, or nationality. Imagine being wrongfully committed of a crime that you did not commit. Imagine being followed around because the color of your skin is too dark. Imagine being watched carefully in a retail store, when you’re just coming in to shop like everyone else. This indeed is an act of racism, but more specifically racial profiling. Racial profiling…...
Human RightsRacial ProfilingSocial Issues
Civil Rights and Civil Liberties
Words • 753
Pages • 4
Now, many believe that these two things are very similar and often get them confused, but they consistent of many differences. That make them into their own distinct topic; lets us talk about some of these differences. One of the first major difference is how Civil Liberties are not absolute meaning that they can be infringed if a national threat to security, public safety, or conflict with another right arises. An example of this would be the “war on terrorism”,…...
Human Rights
Civil Liberties and Rights of the United States
Words • 676
Pages • 3
The United States Constitution has assured the people their own civil liberties and rights. Some of these liberties have given us the rights to believe, to speak, and to freely act. Throughout the history of our state, these liberties have been established, battled for, and even abused. There have been many events in our history where the freedoms created by our founding fathers have been misused. One of the examples where someone’s civil liberties were tested is the court case…...
Civil LibertiesCrimeCriminal Law
Oath of Allegiance Where It Talks About Freedom and Justice
Words • 705
Pages • 3
The Pledge of Allegiance was published in 1892, stating that everyone has liberty and justice. This was a confusing statement to many minorities because they had never felt like they had been close equal. These civil pledges and liberties were always thought to be the best for the community, but many attacks happened because of the flaws in our society. The attacks on civil liberties today are similar to the attacks on civil liberties during the World War I era,…...
Civil LibertiesHuman RightsPolitics
Social Change After the Great Depression
Words • 2270
Pages • 10
In the 1940s' young Mexican-Americans began to express themselves by wearing Zoot Suits. During the Civil Rights movement, many advocates participated and started protests in order to dismantle racial inequality. During the early 1960's Berkeley students fought to keep their free speech as well as voicing their disagreement of the Vietnam War. The Civil Rights activists and the Berkeley students both participated in non-violent protests. These social protests were able to make a difference because of how violent the opposers…...
ActivismHuman RightsSocial Change
American Government and Politics Cp
Words • 960
Pages • 4
On 24th April 1996, President Bill Clinton signed “Antiterrorism and Effective Death Penalty Act of 1996”, to make easier for the authority to identify and prosecute national and foreign terrorists. The law, anyway, did not have enough success for President Clinton. He asked to Congress to give more power the secret agencies and to police officers so they could check more personal records in terrorism case. The Congress refused, because they thought that doing that they were violating the basic…...
Human RightsPatriot ActPolitics
A Way to Improve Society, but Only Further Destroy It
Words • 694
Pages • 3
To censor is “to examine in order to suppress or delete anything considered objectionable” (Merriam-Webster 1). Censorship is practiced to protect people from controversial topics in books, whether it be violence, substance abuse, or religious views. This seems like a beneficial thing to do for the youth of society, however censorship can end up doing more harm than good. In Fahrenheit 451, censorship is a result of and assisted in people becoming too attached to technology. This made many people…...
AdolescenceCensorshipFahrenheit 451
Tolerance of Censorship in the Countries of the World
Words • 2738
Pages • 11
As an American, I know that I have my entitlement towards the first amendment, which it states, “ the United States Constitution prevents the government from making laws which regulate an establishment of religion, prohibit the free exercise of religion, or abridge the freedom of speech, the freedom of the press, the right to peaceably assemble, or the right to petition the government for redress of grievances.” That “freedom” is guaranteed to the lives of professionals and citizens of the…...
The Most Discussed Disputes
Words • 1567
Pages • 7
Constitutional controversies are at the forefront of today’s news, social media discussions, and politics. The most discussed controversies are abortion, gun control, marijuana usage, and gay marriage. The nation is split on these issues and some believe they are not Constitutional issues at all. Arguments are fueled by personal rights, religion, and Constitutional law and have been extremely divisive. The nation has become so divided over these topics, it is uncertain if agreements can ever be achieved and there is…...
Gay Rights
The Stonewall Riots and Gay Rights
Words • 1689
Pages • 7
Japanese-American Internment During World War II, following Pearl Harbor, many journalists and government authorities feared Japanese-Americans. They believed that people of Japanese descent had a plan to invade the west coast, specifically California. As journalists continued to spread rumors of the invasion to the public, the public became so fearful that the FBI investigators began looking into the situation. The FBI did not find any evidence of suspicious activity, but President Roosevelt took the public’s side and ordered relocation of…...
Gay Rights
Violation of the Rights of Gay Teachers
Words • 963
Pages • 4
However, what does differentiate a teacher and is also an important point to bear in mind are the students in this context. Young people often vaguely know or suspect that they may not be straight from a relatively early stage and are often almost entirely isolated in that identity. There are claims that younger people more readily accept expressions of ‘diverse’ sexual orientation now than was previously the case, but we should not forget that homophobic bullying remains a very…...
Gay Rights
Censorship and the Power of Books
Words • 1130
Pages • 5
What is censorship? That might be hard to explain. For every person a “word” can mean many things. Yet at the same time can have a similar overall idea. Take these two examples of the definition censorship. The American Civil Liberties Union claims that it means the suppression of words, images, or ideas that are 'offensive.' The Global Internet Liberty Campaign states it is the control of the information and ideas circulated within a society. Just by these two definitions…...
Censorship and Free Expression
Words • 1254
Pages • 6
Censorship should be avoided at all costs to preserve the wholesomeness of the government, and the safety of its citizens. Censorship is a brutal tool used throughout history by tyrannical governments, and oppressive organizations to maintain dominance, and control of public masses. The American government, and many private companies have been taking steps to limit what kinds of information are appropriate to share in public, or private circles. The only morally sound way to combat this slow march of our…...
Equal Rights Amendment
Words • 1456
Pages • 6
Equal Rights Amendment Laws don’t always match the culture. If a person is asked whether the Equal Rights Amendment became a law, most would say that it did. Unfortunately, passed by Congress in 1972, the ERA was 3 states short for ratification. It stated 'Equality of rights under the law shall not be denied or abridged by the United States or by any state on account of sex,' and this amendment is considered one of the most important, even though…...
Human Rights
Freedom of Expression and Twitter
Words • 1698
Pages • 7
Social media has become a primary source for people to share the freedom of expression on a global scale. According to the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, Freedom of expression is the right of every individual to hold opinions without interference and to seek, receive and impart information and ideas through any media, regardless of frontiers. Social media platforms have been renowned for silencing or banning users based on certain behavioral guidelines that are indicative of violating said platform’s user…...
FreedomFreedom Of SpeechTwitter
Who Believed in Social Darwinism
Words • 462
Pages • 2
The reform of The Gilded Era was not a failure because the government passed laws to define and limit the size of companies and monitor their behavior. The government passed the Sherman Antitrust Act in the 1890s, an act to protect trade and commerce against unlawful restraints and monopolies. Due to the movement of people from rural area to urbanized area, there became a swell of cheap labor. This opened a way for big companies to take advantage of workers.…...
Human Rights
The Affirmative Action Policy
Words • 1593
Pages • 7
Support or favor an individual who is part of a minority group. Affirmative action divide people, because some say it is effective and helpful that makes our society better and equal, but on the other hand some say it is a bad way to do things, since we live in equality with equal chances and they should not favor someone over others, because it has a negative impact in the society that will cause a lot of other problems. Afirmative…...
Affirmative ActionMinorityPolicy
A Justification Of Affirmative Action
Words • 1963
Pages • 8
Affirmative action is any policy directed at compensating someone in return for discrimination that person suffered. It is applied at the group level, and most often in this country, to the variable of race. Elizabeth Anderson defines affirmative action in her book “The Imperative of Integration” in saying, “By ‘affirmative action,’ I refer to any policy that aims to increase the participation of a disadvantaged social group in mainstream institutions, either through ‘outreach’ (targeting the group for publicity and invitations…...
Affirmative ActionJustification
The Affirmative Action And The Numerous Programs
Words • 911
Pages • 4
For the past 40 years, the practice linked to it have been continually under scrutiny. By definition, Affirmative Action is an action or policy favoring those who tend to suffer from discrimination, especially in relation to employment or education; in other words it is an act of positive discrimination. As an outcome of the 1960’s Civil Rights Movement, these policies were put into place to “even the playing field” and to promote social equality for those who have been historically…...
Affirmative ActionAfrican American CultureAsian American
Is the Underground Railroad the End of Slavery or Not?
Words • 3084
Pages • 13
The 1800’s in America were much different than the times now. In 1855 there were only 31 states in the United States and the other parts of the country were called territories. Out of the 31 states, there were two types: slave and free (Slavery 7). The Underground Railroad started around 1780 by the people who favored the Abolitionist Movement (Mitchell 2), but got its official name in 1831 (Underground Railroad 1). The Abolitionist Movement was a movement to end…...
Human RightsSlaveryUnderground Railroad
The Untold History of the Underground Railroad 
Words • 450
Pages • 2
Racism and slavery is and always will be a topic or conversation or even arguments. Although slavery is nonexistent racism is very much still alive in today’s culture. The underground railroad is a topic that is not uncommon as we have grown up learning about it. The daring acts of all those who participated in aiding fugitive slaves are nothing less of astonishing. Even though we have resources available surrounding the underground railroad subject, Foner’s Gateway to Freedom allows the…...
Human RightsSlaveryUnderground Railroad
Underground Railroad Shelter Used by Runaway Slaves
Words • 1500
Pages • 6
The time period that included slavery was an awful time for our country; there was much hate through a false sense of superiority. The Underground Railroad was able to bring the best out of some great individuals in our country in which others decided to follow suit. The lives of slaves who lived under cruel masters had some of the harshest living conditions. They were overworked, beaten, and malnourished because the white masters thought slaves were inferior to them. In…...
Human RightsSlaveryUnderground Railroad
Publication Right to One’s Own Opinion
Words • 576
Pages • 3
A worldview is a concept everyone has and it will affect how each individual person views every major or minor event that happens. While everyone is entitled to their personal opinion and it would be foolish to think everyone would agree on everything, worldviews can negatively affect the consensus of scientific theories. An example of this would be my worldview on Erikson’s Psychosocial Theory. Even though Erik Erikson is an established psychologist, I may not personally hold the same beliefs…...
Human Rights
Surrogacy Publication Technology and Scientific Advances
Words • 572
Pages • 3
Technology and scientific advancements have afforded us the opportunity to solve issues regarding disease and illness that we were unable to previously. Among those conditions is absolute uterine factor infertility (AUFI). Although the disorder has many causes, it has prevented women from carrying children and defaulted the alternative options to adoption or surrogacy. As a result, medical strides have been made to find a plausible solution that allows women affected by this condition to experience gestational motherhood. With compelling opposition,…...
Human Rights
Social Environment Has a Big Impact on Blacks
Words • 2253
Pages • 10
Introduction People usually face lots of choices in life. Some of the choices that they can decide by themselves, but some of the choices that already made for them. Identity is a decision that has already been made for one person when he or she was born. However, identity can exist in different ways, and it also can form by various influences. Black people’s living environment, historical and cultural background can influence their identities. Thus, identities are a kind of…...
Malcolm X
We've found 234 essay examples on Human Rights

FAQ about Human Rights

What Is Racial Profiling and Why Is It Needed
...This shows how African Americans today are still being questioned about their intelligence. In the article, it mentions that Dr. Stanford showed proof of her doctoral license and they were still skeptical about her providing help to the passenger in ...
Oath of Allegiance Where It Talks About Freedom and Justice
...Our society will always have flaws, people will always be let down, and our civil liberties will continue to be attacked. The attacks on civil libraries will always be similar to the attacks on civil liberties during WWI because our nation can’t fi...
Who Believed in Social Darwinism
...Each of these philosophies have distinct pros and cons. Some pro’s of Social Reform include, supporting the goals of social justice, their compassion towards feeding the hungry, housing the homeless, and providing medical car for the indigent. They...
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