How To Beat Procrastination

Topics: Habits

Procrastination plagues everyone at one time or another. Whether in school, on the job, or taking on various chores at home, at some point, procrastination has been the main reason of why certain tasks just couldn’t be accomplished at a certain time. Some people define procrastination as simply being lazy, however, it can actually be summed up as a condition that strikes a person when they are overwhelmed by their given workload that has to be completed in a specific time-frame l have experienced procrastination before and the plight that came along with it left me feeling worried about if my projects ahead would ever be completed A seemingly impossible string of tasks can deter anyone and leave even the most motivated person feeling stumped and uninspired, Procrastination usually results in wasted time, missed opportunities, poor performance, self-depreciation, or increased stress, “In fact, it can lock people into a cycle of procrastination from which they cannot easily escape”.

Fortunately, there are several ways [0 get over the slump of procrastination and get things going, By understanding why procrastination is taking place, breaking down each task one by one, and setting up a reward system after completing those tasks, anyone can get on the fast track to an efficient and effective work pace.

So if an individual is facing numerous daily assignments on the job, studying an abundance of information for an upcoming test, or tackling a long to—do list, there is hope to beat the stagnant effects of procrastination. Getting down to the bottom ofjust why procrastination has come into play is one of the first steps in overcoming it Procrastination is a habit and understanding why it is happening allows one to create the necessary strategy that will bypass and break this time-consuming behavior.

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“Begin conquering procrastination by understanding that it is not merely a harmless habit, but an attitude that stifles personal and professional growth”, One reason for procrastination may be because the particular job at hand is unpleasant or is uninteresting.

When this occurs, one may opt in working on the project for 10 to 15 minutes at a time; taking a break and then coming back to it, This is how I usually fight my occasional bout of procrastination This tactic is slow but steady and helps create interest while working. During the breaks, the person may find themselves wanting to get back to the project quicker to do more This is called the “break»way effect”, a genuine interest that occurs when a person works on something then intentionally breaks away from the task. “Procrastination feeds on itself” so it is best to break the pattern as soon as the feeling creeps in. Another factor that could bring on procrastination is that the task may be too difficult for the person to handle, This can easily deter someone fromjumping right on the job because an eminent challenge is present. For times like these, one has to thoroughly do their homework on the task and prepare themselves for what lies ahead. Understanding is the key. With the proper knowledge of what is to be done, the person can take the bull by its horns and conquer procrastination By using this method, it brings the difficult task down to size and makes it less intimidating.

Lastly, another cause of procrastination might be that a person is disorganized Organized people manage to fend off the temptation to procrastinate because they have planned out what they will do and when they will do it. Someone dealing with procrastination who wants to come out of it has to pick up on the an of organizing. It is a convenient way to get the ball rolling when working on a task and helps to get one focused for what is ahead, Focusing on one task at a time is a key element to remember when trying to get out of the habit of procrastinating. Multitasking is a definite no-no as it will create the overwhelming sense that too much work is ahead which, in thus, delays the work process even more A sure-fire way for me to get a grip on the tasks at hand is to make a list that organizes and prioritizes my work. By breaking each task down from biggest to smallest or from most important to least important and then tackling each one by one, the duties seem more realistic and definitely more doable. When there is an understanding of the task and what has to be done in order to complete it, then it becomes easier to carry it out in a timely fashion. It is important to make this strategy a habit as it will aide in future bouts with procrastination and hopefully eliminate it altogetheri Another way to complete thejob and beat procrastination all at once is to make all tasks small tasks.

This can be done by breaking a big task into several small parts and then taking care of them one by one until it is all finished, Minimizing an assignment makes it possible for a person to take progressive steps towards the completion of a bigger project and lessens the work-overload mentalityi These methods establish the pattern of setting goals and successfully accomplishing them; leaving room to reward oneself for all of the hard work they have put in. Creating a reward system is very important when it comes to overcoming procrastination because it acts a light at the end of the tunnel and keeps one motivated. Knowing that a prize is ahead once a goal is complete will help anyone get over the hump that sometime accompanies finishing out a difficult task. Setting up a time for the reward is a substantial factor when setting up the reward system Some find it best to treat themselves after the entire project is finished while others choose to reward themselves with small prizes in between each task, i usually reward myself with a piece of my favorite chocolate. Knowing that good thing are to come keeps me focused on the task at hand No matter when the reward will be given, it is important to keep the positive reinforcement going to enhance good morale while working through an assignment.

One also has to decide what the reward will be and if it is fitting for thejobi The anticipation of the reward can help a person carry through a task and get a good momentum going Something as simple as an ice cream sundae or a good movie after fully completing a task can keep a person going as it adds fun to the agenda, For some people, just patting themselves on the back after completion is enough to get them through their work process No matter the prize, a good reward system makes a person feel like what they are doing is valuable and helps them realize that the work they are putting in is of importance. Consider each reward a gold medal after crossing the finish line; it was a tough race but well worth it in the end, In conclusion, although procrastination can leave one feeling down in the dumps, there are helpful tactics that can help avoid its pitfalls Understanding procrastination for what it is and why it is present, breaking down and completing each task, and rewarding oneself are just several ways to combat procrastination, This condition happens to the best of us but by being aware of it and actually doing something to break the cycle, we all can learn how to overcome procrastination and continue to be the hard workers we all are inside.

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How To Beat Procrastination. (2022, Oct 08). Retrieved from

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