Why Reframing Work For Stress Management

Topics: Behavior


This paper is purposed to see the effectiveness of reframing method in reducing stress and also explain why it work. We cannot control everything about what’s going on life, but we can change the way about how to deal with it, there are a lot of ways to reframe difficult situation from a positive perspective. Reframing method can used to reduce the stress level by reframing the difficult situations in a positive light . Learn to build new perspective about the unexpected situations as a chance to grow and opportunities to learn something new than a burden.

Take action in the moment you feel stress. Afterwards, evaluate what opportunities you can take away from the event/situation.


Life cannot be predicted, especially about what will happen to us later, as humans we can only plan and try our best, for the rest is out of our control. Sometimes we get what we want and achieve what we plan and sometimes is the other way around.

What happened in our perception is when something happens that we don’t like or something that didn’t go our way we tend to see it as a problem, and the way we frame (see) those problems is determine our stress level, and it affected our state; we can feel so upset, frustrated or disappointment all of sudden or maybe feel so angry. The problem is are you gong to get all stressed out by the fact or can you reframe the situations as an opportunity, everything that befall to you that’s a problem that can be looked at as an opportunity if you reframe the situation in positive perceptions, but if you frame it with wrong interpret or negative perceptions then you will get stuck in stress (Bloom, Linda, 2017).

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For instance; Liana young kids she was struggling and stress because of her chronic illness, she cant accept of what happened to herself. So, the helper using reframing method to decrease her stress level by saying do you ever think that the illness is a sign or feedback from your body that your body need your attention, your body want you to take care of the body. The helper is trying to change how see frame to her conditions with positive attitude, this event can explain why reframing is working in stress management (Tanner, 2018), it is because human behavioral and emotional problems are caused by the human perspective itself in assessing a phenomenon. So that human problems are actually not on events or in situation, but on the human perspective itself, events and problems will be a problem if humans view them as problems and vice versa. Human behavior is influenced by the mindset. This mindset makes problems in life and behavior also problematic. So, by reframing the mindset it will changed how we see something, and behavior will also change, and individuals will no longer be problematic humans. Reframing can also help clients to stop blaming others and become more responsible for improving their mindset and behavior (Liu, 2017).

According to research about the stress among Americans, indicate that almost 77% of American found experience the physical symptoms that cause by stress; 15% losing their sex desire, 54% headaches and dizziness, 23% change in appetite, 51% fatigue. And more than 70% reported experiencing the psychological symptoms that brought by stress; 35% feeling as though they could cry, 50% reported irritability or anger, 42% nervous, 45% lack of energy, and 40 % of those who experience stress end up for asking help to the professional trainer (Whitney, 2016). Usually psychologist or counselor using method called cognitive reframing in ordered to look at things to create the way to minimize the stress level and promote a greater sense of peace and control (Scotts, 2018).

Everyone has different perspectives, and the way others see things may be different from the way we see things. A frame can refer to a belief, what limits their view of the world. They interpret events when they see them, but what often happens is that they see them from the position of those who are depressed or low self-esteem. Related to this, the counselor can change the way that client views events or situations by changing the frame of view (reframing) the description described by the client. Reframing is one method of bahavior’s cognitive counseling approach which aims to reorganize the emotional content that it thinks and directs / reframes it towards a rational mind, so that we can understand various points of view in self-concept / cognitive concepts in various situations.

The purpose of reframing in counselling is intended to expand the client’s picture of his world and to enable him/her to perceive his situation differently in more constructive way. Give a client a perspective with a new and positive perspective and also to change their beliefs, thoughts, perspective of clients from negative irrational to rational positive. Once you understand how your own stress impact on your experience of life, you can begin to gain mastery over them (Liu, 2017).

Cognitive Reframing in Stress Management

Problem can become something good and useful if you can change the way you deal with it; don’t frame it as a problem either as a opportunities, so when your are facing the problem, take a deep breath and asking yourself what kind of opportunities behind all of this (Tanner, 2015), it is normal to experience stress if something happened that we not ready for it or out of our expectation, but the way you react those event is really important to your psychical and psychological state, we can’t change our biological responses to stress, there are two kind of reframing, which is context reframing and content reframing. Context reframing is the re-meaning of an event by giving individuals the ability to see behavior as something that is acceptable or desirable in one situation but not in another. Context reframing is based on the assumption that all behaviors are useful, but not in all contexts and conditions. In many cases, people view one behavior in a very narrow context so that it can cause stress, disappointment, helplessness and other negative feelings and Content Reframe or Meaning reframing is the meaning of returning to an event by looking for other meanings of the previous behavior that are considered negative so that changes in meaning are more positive than before. This meaning is general, does not apply to just one event. By applying reframing techniques, people who experience tragic events will be able to interpret what happened as a process so that they still feel happy (Cormier, Nurius,2016).


Method in Reframing

According to Cormier 1985, she mentions that there are six strategy in reframing, which is, first is Rationale, rational used in reframing strategies aims to convince the client that perceptions or retribution of problems can cause emotional stress and also to let the client know the reason or brief description of the reframing strategy and to convince the client that the perspective on a problem can cause emotional stress. Second, identification of client perceptions and feelings in situations of concern; In this stage, the counselor helps the client to identify perceptions or thoughts that arise in situations that cause anxiety in public speaking. In addition, it also aims to help client become aware of what they face in problem situations, because client often do not pay attention to the details they face and information about the situation they are thinking about (Cormier, Nurius,2016).

The third strategy it will be deliberate enactment of selected perceptual features; After the client realizes their presence. They were asked to portray the situation and deliberately faced selected features that they had automatically processed. The aim is so that client can recognize thoughts in situations that contain pressure or situations that cause anxiety, which tend to disturb the client and replace those thoughts so as not to cause anxiety further. The next strategic is identification of alternative perception; At this stage the counselor can help the client change the focus of his attention by selecting other features of the problem at hand. The aim is for the client to be able to select other images of the behavior faced, the last strategies is homework and follow-up; The counselor can suggest that the client follows during this situation the same format used in therapy. The client is instructed to be more vigilant about important coded features or provocative and stressful situations, to combine uncomfortable feelings, to do role descriptions or practical activities and try to make perceptual changes during these situations to other features of the situation which was once ignored. The goal is for the client to know the progress and progress during this strategy and can use thoughts in situations that do not contain pressure in real problem situations (Cormier, Nurius, 2016)


From the finding above explaining about how reframing can help or work in stress management it is because reframing is change the main or core point what make human feel they’re in problem which is the mindset that producing the perspective into something once you can change how you look at something you change how your felling as well ; provide new idea and new perspective to decrease accept bad as a good, irrational to rational and accepted. Reframing can make people more aware and more logical. Reframing is sound easy but it very useful. By understanding this reframing method, I can apply to myself and teach people around me.


  1. Bloom, C., Linda. (2017, December 14). Reframing the Transformative Power of Suffering. Psychology Today. Retrieve from
  2. Cormier, S., Nurius, P. (2016). Interviewing and Change Strategies for Helpers. Chapter 12, Reframing 346; -10: 0-495-41053-9, Brooks/Cole Cengage Learning. 10 Davis Drive Belmont, CA 94002-3098 USA
  3. Chernyak, P., (2015). How to Reduce Stress with Positive Reframing. Wiki How. Retrieve from
  4. Morin, A. (2018, November 05). How Cognitive Reframing Is Used in Mental Health. Very Well Mind. Retrieve from
  5. Liu, H., (2017). The Power of Reframing. The Masterminds Blogs. Retrieve from
  6. Scott, E., (2018, November 26). 4 Steep to Shift Perspective and Change Everything. Very Well Mind. Retrieve from
  7. Whitney, C., (2016, February 18). Change Your Approach to Stress by Reframing Your Thoughts. Green Mountain. Retrieve from

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Why Reframing Work For Stress Management. (2019, Dec 14). Retrieved from https://paperap.com/how-reframing-helping-people-in-management-stress-autorecovered-best-essay/

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