How piano is related to PianoThe Piano written by

Topics: Poetry

How piano is related to “Piano”

The “Piano” written by D.H.Lawrence describes a situation of his childhood memory, shows the yearning for his best time in his life and pain of growing. As a word with many meanings in the whole poem, the “piano” connect closely the poem. Therefore, the setting “piano” in the poem is the significant to the overall theme of the poem.

The poem begins with the man heard a woman who is playing the piano and soft singing, he attracts the reader by describing a peaceful and warm atmosphere.

“ softly, in the dusk, a woman is singing to me” (line 1, Lawrence). “dusk” (line 1, Lawrence) is what Lawrence use to show how the memory is vivid and hard to erase. However, “a woman” (line 1, Lawrence) and “ a child” (line 1, Lawrence) also can show this scene is distant for him. It shows that this is his unforgettable memory. Next, he said, “ and pressing the small, poised feet of a mother who smiles as she singing” (line 4, Lawrence).

It is clear that narrator still miss the tenderness of his mother. Therefore, “piano” represent his mother and his happy childhood in this

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stanza. However, “piano” not only is the symbol of pleasant memory, but also resented the song because it reminded him of his past. “ in spite of myself, the insidious mastery of song/Betrays me back, till the heart of me weeps to belong” (line 5-6, Lawrence). Narrator use the crying of his heart to explain he is entangled and upset, because he still hope to back to his childhood.

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Then the “piano” is more like his psychological support, let him to show his longing for family and childhood, as well as the warmth of his family. “ to the old Sunday evenings at home, with winter outside” (line 7, Lawrence) and “any hymns in the cosy parlour, the tinkling piano our guide” (line 7, Lawrence).

The “piano” is used in the whole poem to represent the change in the narrator’s emotion, at the same time to connect the present with the past. At the third stanza, the music changed dramatically, he said, “ so now it is vain for the singer to burst into clamour” (line 9, Lawrence). He is anger that the music pull him back to reality from his good memories. The atmosphere of poem begins to become depressed and upset, when he came back to reality, he realized that he could not go back to his happy childhood. “ down in the flood of remembrance, I weep like a child for the past ” (line 12, Lawrence). The gap between the present and the past made him unable to control himself and began to cry like a child.

In conclusion, just like a guide, the narrators described different scenes with things related to piano to let the reader get close to his inner world and feel his emotion changes. So, it is obviously that the “piano” in the poem is the significant to the overall theme of the poem.

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How piano is related to PianoThe Piano written by. (2019, Dec 13). Retrieved from

How piano is related to PianoThe Piano written by
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