Hispanics and Cardiovascular Disease

Topics: Hispanic

Cardiovascular disease is the 2nd largest cause of death among the Hispanic community in the United States followed by Cancer and is the leading cause of death in the United States for all other populations. (Balfour, Ruiz, Talavera, Allison, & Rodriguez, 2016) Finding a solution to the cause can prevent further risks of an already growing mortality due to these diseases. Health care professionals and doctors initiate a form of trust through communication by learning Spanish or working alongside interpreters to eliminate language barriers.

Educating patients on proper nutrition and physical activity can deviate reckless behavior due to poor knowledge of these leading diseases. Asking patients about their habits such as smoking or other addictions can assist in the movement of better health by aiding them to withdraw from those habits. The cooperation of community health workers can introduce diverse avenues for patients who need medical attention or checkups, by providing information at free or affordable prices. (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Office of Minority Health and Health Equity, 2015)

Health Problems & Challenges

Of the many problems faced by the Hispanic population, one of the leading tends to be the language barrier, which is the main call for concern.

In many cases healthcare providers don’t speak Spanish, this can affect many relatively small communities, even in large cities the majority of children are relied on to be the translator and interpreter when explaining an issue from the patient to a health care provider. Poverty is the second barrier Hispanics encounter, depending on demographical accounts many find it difficult to find assistance in the affordability in seeking treatment or finding a primary that will work with their income.

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Diseases of the poor such as tuberculosis, malnutrition, cancer, and diabetes are all primary ailments within the Spanish-speaking populations, especially farmworkers. Farmworkers face many challenges not only the risks of contracting one of these diseases such as cardiovascular or cancer, but also occupational hazards. Lastly, time orientation is the final barrier, this accounts for Hispanics not wanting to wait at clinics and prefer walk-in rather than have an appointment, an alternative they also choSaludose is to be seen by a healer as another method of treatment. (Spector, R. E. (2004). Cultural Diversity in Health & Illness. London, England: Pearson.)

The umbrella term known as cardiovascular disease is a collection of diverse conditions that distress the heart. Cardiovascular Disease is contributed by many factors, for example, a person’s genetics, behavior, and psychosocial factors including other underlining diseases. The majority of risks increase with age and are known to be most common in Hispanic men. Cardiovascular Disease can be characterized by many factors such as myocardial infarction also known as a heart attack or stroke. Genetics and lifestyle contribute to the ongoing epidemic with such issues, being uninformed and uneducated have caused a barrier when it comes to living a healthy lifestyle, this can cause a great amount of frustration and disparity for the majority of the Hispanic population. (Balfour, Ruiz, Talavera, Allison, & Rodriguez, 2016)

Cultural Strengths & Barriers

Many resources are available or in the works to assist with these barriers, for instance, the federal government is aiding eligible Hispanics in obtaining insurance coverage through the affordable care act. They are also committing to building capacity in areas where health workers are needed such as those known as promotores de salud. Supporting existing programs in the community, and improving community health access and preventive care.

Doctors and healthcare professionals can learn Spanish to eliminate language barriers or partner with interpreters for Spanish-only patients. Educate the Hispanic population on the importance of obtaining and maintaining health insurance. Discuss preventative care and schedule follow-ups with a primary care physician and be mindful of nutrition and physical activity.

Hispanics being born in the United States or elsewhere has always raised concern about the beginning of the degree of inherited or developed aliments. Cancers are most common in Hispanics born in other countries. In comparison to the United States-born Hispanics, half have heart disease, less cancer, and less hypertension, although scaled high in having cholesterol. Demographic social factors play a key role in the health crisis among the Hispanic community, 1 in 3 have not finished high school, 1 in 4 live below poverty areas, and 1 and 3 do not know how to speak English. (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Office of Minority Health and Health Equity, 2015)

Strategies for Care Delivery

Building a foundation that includes strategy transformation on barriers in the Hispanic community, finding new and improvised approaches with education and information. Find lists of partnerships, networks, and health care institutions to implement a structure for Hispanic patients for the enhancement of quality care and patient needs. Introduce new measurement approaches working with interpreters and employing more bilingual staff.


Hispanics face many barriers and hardships, some due to a lack of knowledge, education, money, and language. There is a widespread scare of the care and health of the Hispanic community that is based on many factors, Heath Care providers need to learn Spanish or work beside translators and interpreters. Education the Hispanic population and aiding them with basic English classes as well will have a huge impact on the dialect between physical and patient. Encouraging a well-balanced meal with the incorporation of physical activity can divert away from diseases such as cardiovascular disease and cancer. The encouragement from the community for more organizations and funding for clinics is poor funded areas and for those that are on set incomes. Having those that qualify for health insurance should apply for the affordable care act, and seeking information on programs such as (promotes de Salud) can make a huge difference in fighting Cardiovascular diseases as well as contribute to an influx of a healthier lifestyle.


  1. Balfour, P. C., Ruiz, J. M., Talavera, G. A., Allison, M. A., & Rodriguez, C. J. (2016, May). Cardiovascular Disease in Hispanics/Latinos in the United States. Retrieved from https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4943843/
  2. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Office of Minority Health and Health Equity. (2015, May 5). ¡A la Buena Salud! ? To Good Health! Retrieved from https://www.cdc.gov/vitalsigns/hispanic-health/index.html
  3. Spector, R. E. (1996). Cultural Diversity in Health & Illness: Guide. McGraw-Hill/Appleton & Lange.

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Hispanics and Cardiovascular Disease. (2022, May 13). Retrieved from https://paperap.com/hispanics-and-cardiovascular-disease/

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