Hester's Strong Will in The Scarlet Letter

Hester Prynne is an adamant character within Nathaniel Hawthorne‘s The Scarlet Letter novel; Prynne chooses a course of action and refuses to change her mind. To this end, when the husband is away from home for a long time, Prynne identifies a man and has a daughter with this man, Further, after leaving the Massachusetts Bay Colony area to avoid public condemnation, Prynne returns to this locality later on and reenacts her past punishmentt This essay analyses The Scarlet Letter to highlight Prynne’s adamant personality based on the following actions: Prynne identifies a man and has a daughter with this man when the husband is away from home for a long time, and Prynne goes back to the Massachusetts Bay Colony area and wears the red letter she used to wear in the past To illustrate her adamant personality, Prynne identifies a man and has a daughter with this man when the husband is away from home for a long time.

While evaluating this scenario, a reader would validly contend that Prynne is unwilling to be held back by the absence of the husband.

Consequently, when the husband stays away from home for about a year, Prynne conceives and gives birth to a baby daughter. The father of this daughter is a local man named Reverend Arthur Dimmesdale. Through this outside-wedlock conception, Prynne illustrates her adamant personality. Such adamant personality causes Prynne to disregard the values of the Massachusetts Bay Colony community regarding marital infidelity. Being a traditional Puritan community, Prynne’s community abhors marital infidelity The fact that, despite these strict restrictions, Prynne gives birth to a baby daughter outside wedlock highlights her adamant personality, If she were not adamant, Prynne would defer to the values of her traditional Puritan community and thus avoid having a baby out of wedlock.

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Moreover, after leaving the Massachusetts Bay Colony area to avoid public condemnation, Prynne returns to this locality later on and wears a red letter she used to wear in the past, thus highlighting her adamant personality, After going back to Massachusetts Bay Colony area, Prynne insists on wearing a certain letter red ‘A’ around her chestt Many years ago, Prynne used to wear this red letter to highlight her condemned status due to the transgression of having sex outside marriage The overzealous religionists in the Massachusetts Bay Colony area demanded that Prynne should wear this letters Although no one pressurizes her to wear this letter when she goes back to the Massachusetts Bay Colony area, Prynne wears this letter anyway (lbid.). This is despite the fact that the current dwellers of the Massachusetts Bay Colony area do not care about Prynne’s past mistakes By insisting on wearing this letter, Prynne underlines her adamant stance; she wants to continue paying for a transgression that has long been forgotten If she were not adamant, Prynne would not insist on wearing this letter at a time when the significance of this letter has been forgotten.

With this idea in mind, a reader would validly contend that, by going back to the Massachusetts Bay Colony area, Prynne highlights her adamant personality. This adamancy prompts Prynne to choose to relive the suffering she once experienced within the Massachusetts Bay Colony, if she were not adamant, Prynne would not go back to the Massachusetts Bay Colony area and reenact her previous suffering. In conclusion, within The Scarlet Letter, Prynne illustrates her adamant personality in several ways. To this end, Prynne identifies a man and has a daughter with this man when the husband is away from home for a long time. Further, Prynne goes back to the Massachusetts Bay Colony area and wears the red letter she used to wear in the past. It would be enlightening to find out why Hawthorne depicts Prynne as an adamant character even though Prynne lives in a conservative patriarchal society.

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Hester's Strong Will in The Scarlet Letter. (2023, Apr 09). Retrieved from https://paperap.com/hester-prynne-s-adamant-personality-in-the-scarlet-letter-a-book-by-nathaniel-hawthorne/

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