Gym management system

Fitness Plus+ is an absolutely user-friendly website which will guide its user in every possible way. It consists of all types of exercises for the people who want to be fit and healthy. It helps the user to achieve their target weight by guiding them in their nutrition and diet. A user can customize his/her workout or also have a pre-created workout program. The users can opt for personal trainers i.e. PT who will help them be inspired and determined until the goals are completed.

Physical activity plays an important role in your health and well-being irrespective of your age. Some people think it is only sportsmen and sportswomen who need to build physical activity into their lives. However, everyone needs to keep their bodies working well in order to be healthy. Physical activity is necessary to stimulate the body’s own natural maintenance and repair system. Your bones, joints and muscles – especially your heart – will actually stay younger if you keep them busy.

If you are not physically active you increase your health risks in many ways.

Regular exercise is an important part of a healthy lifestyle. Study after study shows the benefits it can have. It can boost your wellbeing and mood, and is a great way. Exercising for at least 30 minutes on at least five days a week is enough to off-set those risks and keep us healthy as adults.

Benefits of Regular Exercising:

• It Can Make You Feel Happier.

• It Can Help With Weight Loss.

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• It Is Good for Your Muscles and Bones.

• It Can Increase Your Energy Levels.

• It Can Reduce Your Risk of Chronic Disease.

• It Can Help Skin Health.

• It Can Help Your Brain Health and Memory.

• It Can Help With Relaxation and Sleep Quality.

• It Can Reduce Pain.

1.2 Objectives

1. Main objective of this website is to give a user-friendly interface of such a complicated chunk of information. From beginners to professional athletes, all can easily make use of this website.

2. To store the record of the customers, the staff that has the privileges to access, modify and delete any record and finally the service, gym provides to its customers.

3. To develop easy to use software which handles the customer staff relationship in an effective manner

4. To develop a user friendly system that requires minimal user training. Most of features and function are similar to those on any windows platform.

1.3 Purpose, Scope and Applicability

1.3.1 Purpose:

1. The sole purpose of this website is to instruct people about the importance of the workouts to be followed for their respective goals and to understand the amount of nutrients required by our bodies.

2. Motivation is also required to show some progress in our health. Thus, motivational blogs are also provided in this website. They are linked to the site.

3. Likewise, to show up at the gym is also required to gain strength. For that, we have included a database for attendance. It will help the trainers to track the consistency of their clients.

4. New membership and renewal of old membership is also a part of this website. Offers for the same are displayed on the newsfeed.

5. This website provides easiness in finding all the information at one place. It would help the officials to obtain membership of the clients without wasting the time to talk to individuals, collecting their money, resolving any of their grievances.

1.3.2 Scope:

1. The scope of website decides in which area the website will get executed and by whom the website will get executed.

2. The scope of the project is working online, increase the speed of accessing the data when it is required, reduce paper work and manpower.

3. The Users of this website are mainly the Existing Customers and the New Customers for renewing membership or getting a new one respectively.

1.3.3 Applicability:

The software is capable enough to allow the concerned person to store and retrieve any type of record with just a single click of mouse. All the data pertaining to transactions or other important entities is kept at central database from where its attributes can be easily controlled. But, Such kind of technical details are hidden from the stand alone user. Data redundency is no more the problem now. The data modified from one particular data entry form will reflect the modifications at the other related forms too. There is no need to manage bulky registers now as data stored in the back end database can be rapidly retrieved either from the front end form itself or directly from the database. It requires one time investment of setting up required hardware and software.

1.4 Achievements

Through this project I gained the knowledge of how to understand the real world problems and how to tackle them digitally. I understood the use of the models like Data Flow Diagram, ER Diagram, Sequence diagram, Use Case diagram, etc. that we learned in our syllabus and how to apply that models in true situations. Also, I have learned to integrate various applications in my project. I have gained the knowledge of Visual studio that is, how to build complex website in simple way. Also learned:

• How to use Microsoft SQL database.

• Structure of Microsoft SQL database.

• How to link Microsoft SQL with the visual studio.

• How to communicate between the users and organizers, sponsors and organizers.

• How make less use of paper.

• Layout of web pages in visual studio.

1.5 Organisation of Report


This chapter contains the details of existing website, limitation in the existing website, the reason which gives rise to the proposed system. This chapter also contains the details of the proposed system like it objective of creating Fitness-Plus+ website, purpose, scope, applicability and what I have achieved by undertaking this project.


This chapter contains all the details of the technology that I have used as a back end and front end for building the project. This chapter also contains the details of why I have selected particular technology for back end and front end. I am utilizing ASP.NET as a Front End and Oracle Database is utilized as a back end. I am creating Fitness-Plus+ site with the assistance of Visual Studio.

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Gym management system. (2019, Nov 24). Retrieved from

Gym management system
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