“Good Neighbor Policy”

Topics: Red Scare

“Good Neighbor Policy”- In 1930 the Hawley-Smoot Tariff blocked most imports, but within a year FDR reversed course and began pushing for global trade as a solution to the problems of the US. This also really envisioned FDR’s plan of improving global trade. In direct trade to Latin America, In where he expanded Hoover’s good neighbor policy, encouraging trade and renouncing the use of force. The Good Neighbor policy also undermined German and Japanese economic ventures.

Japanese-American Internment- Idealism was no match for fear in the US days after pearl harbor where thousands of Japanese and people of Japanese ancestry were forced to relocation camps.

Officials believed the Japanese planned to invade the west coast, however, the FBI found no plots involving the Japanese taking over but the press continued to spread rumors instilling more fear among the US. This was a judgment by the US assuming that their nationality linked them to danger.

Rosie The Riveter- Rosie the Riveter is an icon of WWII who represented the working of women during the war.

During the war, the shortage of men opened up the opportunity for a female to have jobs, But employers and the government encouraged women to surrender jobs to returning veterans. This had major and lasting impacts on the female workforce because after the war women were still able to find jobs although they were low-paying jobs it sparked a push for female power and feminization of the workforce. Even today were see Rosie’s The Riveter is used to represent the power of women.

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Truman Doctrine- After the war, relationships between the US and the Soviet Union deteriorated. To combat the spread of authoritarian power specifically from the Soviet Union the US implemented the Truman Doctrine which stated that the US must support free people who are resisting attempted subjugation by armed minorities or by outside pressures. However, this was specifically done to combat Stalin’s expansion of the Soviet Union. This was a turning point in the cold war where there was a declaration but the confrontation was just ignited.

Post-WWII “Red Scare”- Many believed the real communist threat came from within the US and many debated the origins of the second red scare. It was during this time that the fear of communism lead to the arrest of the 12 members of the CPUSA Communist Party of The United States because of a group advocating .. the overthrow of the government by force. Also, the “Hollywood Ten” were convicted because of communist plots in Hollywood, they were jailed for up to a year and blacklisted from Hollywood film studios. There was also a hunt for communist spies within the government one famous example was Alger Hiss aide to the secretary of state who was quietly removed from his job and was charged with ties to communism.

Alger Hiss- During the second red scare, the US government was suspected of government threat of communism thanks to Canadian evidence the FBI began to suspect that Alger Hiss, an aide to the secretary of state, was a Soviet agent. He was quietly removed from his job. Whittaker Chambers an accused soviet agent accused Hiss of passing secret documents. Hiss denied but Congressman Richard Nixon of California forced him to admit that he had known about the Chambers under an alias. They were unable to try hiss for spying but not too late to indict him for lying to congress. Hiss’s perjury trial ended in a hung jury in 1949, but a second jury convicted him in 1950. He served three and a half years in federal prison and maintained his innocence until his death.

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“Good Neighbor Policy”. (2022, Apr 29). Retrieved from https://paperap.com/good-neighbor-policy/

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