Free essays on Law are online resources containing academic papers, research works or case studies that explore various areas of law. These essays provide useful insights into legal issues, court judgments, case precedents, legal debates, and theoretical frameworks related to the study of law. They can be beneficial to law students, legal professionals, researchers, and academicians who seek to broaden their understanding of legal knowledge and its application. These essays can also serve as a source of inspiration and guidance for students who may be required to submit similar papers. These essays are provided free of charge, making them accessible to anyone who is interested in learning about law.
Social Policy Essay: What is Social Policy?
What is societal policy?Social PolicySocial Policy refers to the development of public assistance, societal disposal and policies of the authorities used for societal protection. Social policy is related to the governmental attack of development of societal services towards formation of a public assistance province ( Alcock, 2003 ) . British public assistance province is associated with 'poor Torahs ' established to provide to the demands of the hapless. Social policy is non merely a mere academic topic but relates to…...
DisabilityEthicsLaw EnforcementPolicyResearch
Top Down Approach Of Policy Implementation Social Work Essay
Analyzing the mental wellness policy in China through the position of policy execution, it is clear that it is runing under a top-down attack. Quantitatively, using the World Health Organization Mental Health Policy and Plan Checklist and the World Health Organization Mental Health Legislation Checklist to analyse the content of mental wellness policy and statute law in the PRC, we can happen that quite a batch of insufficiencies and defects.The WHO ( 2007 ) suggests the demand to develop a…...
LawLaw EnforcementLifePolicySocial WorkWork
Ecological Theory And Child Development Social Work
The following sample essay on 'Analyse the part of Ecological theory to our apprehension of typical and untypical kid development, and discourse this theoretical account in relation to the factors and possible intercessions for kid maltreatment ' 'The importance of penetration sing the parent child bond has ever been a constituent of societal services usage, but the significance has non ever been indentified of the interaction that the environment plays on a parents ability to move in their kid 's…...
AbuseAdolescenceChild AbuseChild DevelopmentCommunityEcosystem
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Part 1 of the Consumer Protection Act 1987 introduced
In this essay, I shall get down with an scrutiny of the jurisprudence prior to 1stMarch 1988, when Part 1 of the Consumer Protection Act 1987 came into force in the Law of England and Wales, placing the grounds for the origin of the Act and the subsequent intents of this reform-legislation. I shall so discourse the content of the Act with peculiar focal point on its range ; i.e. who can action, who can be sued, and what sorts…...
Common LawConsumer ProtectionContractJusticeLawManufacturing
Tension in 12 Angry Men
This essay will be discussing the methods used to increase and decrease tension by the playwright Reginald Rose in the play 12 Angry Men. The play takes place on a blazing hot day in the middle of July, and begins as some Jurors enter the jury room to discuss a murder committed by a young man. The jurors begin light conversation as they enter the small, hot and cramped room and find their seats. They begin discussing the murder, and…...
Case1 : King v.BioChem Therapeutic Inc Essay
Fact: Dr King is hired by Bio Chem. She signed a particular contract that specifies a period of probation. During this period. she can be let travel but you have to be known the incorrect behaviour in order to be able to rectify it. If the incorrect behaviour persists so your contract will be terminated. Issue: Is the expiration of the contract of Dr King for mistake justified? RatioEmployer version of facts:1st meeting: after 5 months and a half. during…...
Common LawContractEmploymentJusticeLaw
Let him have it and The Daily Mail
In November 1952 a policeman was shot dead and another left wounded in what the Daily Mail called a 'gun battle' when Christopher Craig and Derek Bentley broke into the Barlow and Parker warehouse in Croydon. I have looked at two media sources of information regarding this event. A newspaper article taken from the Daily Mail 3rd November 1952 and Peter Medak's film 'Let him have it! '. Using these sources I intend to illustrate how they manipulate the audience…...
Examining The Concept Of Child Abuse Cases Social Work
This paper will look at kid maltreatment, what that is in Australia today. Through reexamining literature on kid maltreatment and kid protection this paper aims to demo that the construct of kid maltreatment is dependent on societal and cultural values. In order to discourse child maltreatment and its relationship to history and societal and cultural values it is of import to specify the term 'child maltreatment ' in the kid protection field in Australia today. Zuchowski ( 2009: 30 )…...
AbuseAddictionChild AbuseCrimeHealthLife
Subcultural Theory
Consistently in the news we hear of the rise of certain subcultures, the rise of the 'hoodie culture' in teens for example. However, what exactly is a subculture, and are they really linked to crime and deviant behaviour as much as society believes? A subculture can be defined as a group of people who have their own culture, with their own norms and values, which differentiates from the larger culture to what they belong. Many sociologists have researched into the…...
John Duffy Railway Rapist
'Offender profiling' is a general term that has no accepted definition and varies in its use between the USA and the UK. It is based on three strands of expertise: statistical analysis of crime data, behavioural science, and detective expertise. Psychological profiling was in fact used in the Second World War to profile enemy leaders to see if they had weaknesses that could be exploited - for example, William Langer's profile of Hitler and his accurate prediction of suicide after…...
Control Theory and Crime
Before evaluating the contribution of control theory, the understanding of crime and criminality needs to be explained. "What is crime?" "Who commits crime?" These are questions that we will address. Crime or unaccepted social behaviour stems back many years but it is the political element of introducing defined laws that has had a significant effect on the population. Criminality is the etiology of those that defy the laws and do not conform to social norms. Thomas Hobbes (1588-1679), Jeremy Bentham…...
Jeremy BenthamLaw
“The Rape of the Lock” by Alexander Pope’s
The Rape of the Lock begins with a transition sketching the topic of the verse form and raising the assistance of the Muse. Then the Sun ( “Sol” ) appears to originate the easy forenoon modus operandis of a affluent family. Lapdogs shake themselves awake bells begin to pealing and although it is already noon. Belinda still sleeps. She has been woolgathering. and we learn that “her guardian Sylph. ” Ariel has sent the dream. The dream is of a…...
The Primary Socialization Phase Social Policy Essay
Primary socialisation could be more of import than secondary socialisation as the primary socialisation stage is the basic measure that an single takes to come in into society. Socialization has been described as to render societal or do person able to populate in society and larn the societal norms and imposts. Socialization is cardinal to the operation of any society and is besides cardinal to the outgrowth of modernness.Socialization tends to function two major maps of fixing an person to…...
CommunicationLawLaw EnforcementPolicySocializationSociology
A Study On Take Home Examination Social Policy Essay
Besides, Dean outlined two conceptual models for public assistance rights, including doctrinal construct and claims-based construct. Doctrinal construct 'ensured equal chance through the redistribution of chances, instead than results ' . Claims-based construct 'demanded non simply formal equality of position, but the existent redistribution of resources ' . Furthermore, Dwyer ( 2004 ) pointed out there are four rules underpinning public assistance rights, including universalism, selectivism, contributory/social insurance rule and conditionality. A cosmopolitan rule of public assistance services provide to…...
EducationHomeLawLaw EnforcementLearningLife
Social Work Social Policy And Social Welfare Social Work Essay
With mention to alterations in Government policy and political orientations of public assistance, debate the significance of the displacement from Victorian Pauper to 21st century service user and its impact on societal work pattern and values.This assignment has used a historical timeline of Governmental alterations to policies and Torahs as a background to debate the displacement from Victorian Pauper to 21st century service user. The divide between the rich and hapless has ever been an issue that different authoritiess have…...
LawLaw EnforcementLifeLifestylePolicySocial Work
E Government Model Of Public Service Social Policy
E-Government theoretical account through ICT of public service bringing was started in South Africa first clip, for the preferable as channel for citizen-centered service bringing. It means to supply quality services to the citizens of its state. In this paper we will analyze the function of E-government within developing state in the South Africa with the aid of instance survey.First of all we will see what is E-government?E-GovernmentE-Government ( short for electronic authorities, besides known as digital authorities, on-line authorities…...
GovernmentLawLaw EnforcementLifeModelPolicy
?Domestic Violence Act in UK Essay
Domestic can be defined in many ways but the simplest significance is ‘involving the place or family’ whereas force means an ‘act of aggression as one against a individual who resist’ . In add-on, force does non associate to relationship job or issue but is societal context of contemplation of a adult male overturning adult female. It happens to all walks of people in life despite of age, sex, race, assets and mapmaking. Notwithstanding, scoop by both male and female…...
Impact Of SMS On Society Social Policy
Presents mobile phone plays the cardinal function in communicating in many states, it bring convenience because can transport out anyplace anytime, a batch of map like listen music, browse cyberspace or play game. Another progressively popular map is the message services in signifiers of short message service ( SMS ) . SMS foremost appeared in about 1991 GSM. Later, in CDMA SMS, and TDMA webs. Phone Caller ( MO ) , the cardinal SMS characteristic that allows users to text…...
CommunicationComputer NetworkingInformation AgeLawLaw EnforcementPolicy
Analysis of Labelling Theory application in Britain Today
Labeling theory claims that aberrance and conformance consequences non so much from what people do but from how others respond to those actions, it highlights societal responses to offense and aberrance Macionis and Plummer, ( 2005 ) .Deviant behavior is hence socially constructed. This essay will depict in full the labelling theory and remark on the importance of the theory to the aberrant behavior of the young person and the anti-social behavior of the young person in Britain today. The…...
CriminologyHuman NatureJustice
Capital Punishment Should Be Abolished
There are about 1. 000 people sentenced to decease because of perpetrating flagitious offense globally each twelvemonth ( Rogers. 2012. parity. 10 ) . However. some states still insist on implementing the decease punishment or capital penalty in order to cut down offense. In the 20th century it is contended that value of life should be pursed. and everyone deserves the right to last. For this ground. it can be argued that capital penalty should be abolished and whole life…...
Capital PunishmentCommon LawCrimeJusticeSocial Issues
Cultural Dilemma in the US Postal Service
There are legion cultural differences in our societies as a consequence of the legion diverse civilizations that people belong to. Each civilization has its ain ways of making things with different cultural norms. values. perceptual experiences. every bit good as behaviours. Peoples from certain civilizations will pattern the values. norms and perceptual experiences that their civilizations belief in and hence will stop up holding troubles when interacting with people from different civilizations who will hold differing cultural norms. values and…...
CivilizationEmploymentLawNonverbal CommunicationPerceptionService
Concept Of Marriage Under Muslim Law Religion Essay
The research worker has adopted a doctrinal signifier of research to make his undertaking. The undertaking entails the research worker to analyze the construct of matrimony under Muslim jurisprudence. Assorted beginnings both primary and secondary beginnings have been consulted for the same. No portion of this undertaking is plagiarized and the undertaking is the original work of the research worker. Introduction To what extent is sharia a fixed set of norms that apply to all Muslims? Many assume that Islamic…...
Revenge his foul and most unnatural murder
Hamlet then turns his fury back on by talking to himself and showing that if he were not a coward, Claudius would be dead, "... ere this/ I should ha' fatted all the region kites/ With this slave's offal" refering to kites as vultures picking off dead bodies (of claudius? ) and he then explains: "Why, what an ass i am! This is most brave/ That i, the son of a dear father murdered, Prompted to my revenge by heaven…...
GhostHamletRevengeTragedyWikipediaWilliam Shakespeare
Home Appliances To The Countryside Social Policy Essay
The place contraption industry in China has chiefly focused on exporting to European and America markets. It by and large achieved double-digit growing in old ages before 2008. However, the export market is shriveling in recent twelvemonth. The export of family contraptions and electronic merchandises last twelvemonth recorded merely a 3 % addition and lend to 72.5 billion U.S. dollars in 2008. For illustration, China 's export value of colour Television sets had yearly dropped by 18.4 in the first…...
CountryHomeLawLaw EnforcementLifePolicy
The History, Effect, and Cost of Drug Trafficking on Society
When one hears the term drug trafficking, the image of guns, goons, and gold immediately enter the imagination. This is the image portrayed in Hollywood films regarding the trade and it carries a semblance of truth. Drug trafficking does have varied meanings though. I could mean the illegal smuggling of drugs from one country to another or the illegal sale of a controlled substance. In truth, the word carries a more intricate and expansive meaning. Drug trafficking covers the manufacture,…...
CrimeOrganized CrimeSocietySociology
Egyptian Mythology's Impact on the Ancient Egyptian Legal System
Assess the extent to which Egyptian mythology influenced the Egyptian justice system. Crime and punishment within ancient Egypt was heavily influenced by Egyptian mythology and religious belief. The various deities embodied different values and codes of conduct. This was significant as it had a major influence on the severity of the punishment for various criminal activities, depending on the importance and status of the God or Goddess. Ma’at was the most influential God overall on the Egyptian justice system as…...
Ancient EgyptCrimeJusticeLaw
The Mystery of God’s Plan
Jesus violent death is a part of the mystery of God’s plan where his establishment of the eternal plan of predestination was based on a person’s free response to his grace. God has permitted the acts that flowed from the blindness of man for the sole purpose of accomplishing his plan of salvation. It reflects total obedience even in the midst of suffering and pain to do the will of God for the greater good and salvation of mankind. It…...
Ana Maria Matute “Sin of Omission”
Ana Maria Matute is one of the most significant writers in Spain today. Some of the autobiographic details, especially those of her early life are extremely important, as they influenced her work to a considerable extent. She was born in Barcelona in 1926 in a well-to-do family, but some of the events of her childhood left deep marks on her personality. The most important of these is the Civil War, which is probably the source of one of the most…...
Human NatureLonelinessMurderWar
John Q: an Ethical Analys and Review
The film John Q provides a model for the analysis and demonstration of ethical principles of distributive justice as they pertain to healthcare and, more specifically, organ allocation in the face of scarcity. The film portrays the shortcomings of a managed care system as well as the pitfalls of a libertarian approach to allocation. Here discussed are the ethical approaches of Eglitarianism, Prioritarianisn, Utilitarianism, and Libertarianism to organ allocation as they pertain to the film as well as the situational…...
Public Relations Essays
Public Relations (PR) results from a convicted and thoughtful communication process that recognizes that favourable public opinion, attention and support is not achieved by accident. It recognizes a great deal of hard work since success depends on ensuring that nothing happens by chance. This is probably due to the inevitable growing complexity of the world and its communication channel and our Ghanaian society in particular. Every organization either provides a service or direct sales of products to its publics. This…...
CommunicationHuman NaturePolicyPublic RelationsStrategy
Why Do Good People Do Bad Things
In this essay I will talk about the torturing of prisoners in Abu Ghraib. I will also write about the Stanley Milgrim Experiment and the Stanford Prison Experiment. All of these relate to one of the topics we have covered this term. There is an excellent example of uniforms influencing power in the Stanford Prison experiment which took place in1971, it was lead by Prof Zimbardo1 (see footnote) in which a group of students were selected to act as prison…...
Stanford Prison Experiment
A Statistical View of the Juvenile Justice System
America's youth are faced with an ever-changing set of problems and barriers to successful lives. As a result, we are constantly met with the task of developing enlightened policies and programs to address the needs and risks of those youth that enter our juvenile justice system. The policies we create must be based on facts, not fears or negative assumptions. This document will take a look at the current and former statistics of the juvenile justice system in California and…...
AssaultCriminal JusticeCriminologyJusticeJuvenile DelinquencyJuvenile Justice System
Justice: Aeneid vs Old Testament vs New Testament
The Aeneid, a poem written before the era of Christ and Christianity, has been argued to be a precursor to the values of Christianity, much as the Old Testament is a precursor to the New Testament. While the Aeneid does not explicitly lay out these values, scholars have interpreted the text otherwise. Some scholars have made claims arguing for the connection between The Aeneid and The New Testament, finding their evidence in other works of literature, especially Dante Alighieri’s The…...
The On Renters Insurance
The following sample essay on Renters Insurance. I chose to write my paper on renters insurance. I do not own the place where I live but I do own valuables that should be protected. I decided to contact an Allstate insurance agent for renter’s insurance options. I was informed that renters insurance is for anyone who rents a home, be it a house or an apartment. Renters insurance can protect your personal property against fire, theft, and vandalism. Renters' insurance…...
Business LawCommunicationInsurance
Actus Reus – Paper
ACTUS REUS: OMISSION & CAUSATION The general basis for imposing liability in criminal law is that the defendant must be proved to have committed a guilty act whilst having had a guilty state of mind. The physical elements are collectively called the actus reus and the accompanied mental state is called the mens rea. It is the fundamental duty of the prosecution to prove both of these elements of the offence to the satisfaction of the judge or jury beyond reasonable doubt.…...
Common LawCrimeCriminal JusticeJusticeLaw
Womens Place in Our Society
Today women are enjoying high place in our society because Islam has given them great respect. In the near past women were considered inferior to men. They were debarred from taking part in social life. Their sphere of activities was limited to domestic work. Up to the 19th century it was believed that women were the servants of the homes of their husbands. In those days women were not allowed to take part in political and social life and administration.…...
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