Essays on History

Free essays on history are online resources that provide students and researchers with access to written works without any cost. These essays cover various historical events, figures, and ideas that have shaped the world. The topics include ancient civilizations, world wars, social and cultural movements, and politics. They serve as valuable references for students seeking to enhance their knowledge of history or to supplement their research work. The essays are written by professional historians, scholars, and experts who have a vast knowledge of the subject matter. Paperap have made history more accessible and convenient for learners of all levels.
Imperialism Is Natural and Normal
Words • 1094
Pages • 5
The West impacted medieval Japan by bringing in new technology and trade. The West brought in guns and new religions. Missionaries and merchants traveled for two years to reach Japan. This made many merchants rich and brought in new materials. This helped the economy and changed the way Japanese Samurai fought. The Japanese were very interested in the Europeans because of their new technology such as guns. They were also intrigued because they had never seen a European before, they…...
EuropeImperialismImperialism In Africa
Effects of Imperialism and Colonialism
Words • 1095
Pages • 5
Rwanda is a small country in east-central Africa. It was a country that faced genocide, about 800,000 Tutsis and moderate Hutus were killed by dominant Hutu forces in just 100 days. Rwanda was a country with many great ideas it had a strange way of culture and Religion. The country had different languages because of the fact that Belgium and Germany took over the small country which then showed Rwanda a new way of living including traditions, languages, culture, and…...
AfricaImperialismImperialism In Africa
The White Man’s Burden
Words • 1078
Pages • 5
Imperialism and race are some of the most prominent themes in the poems, as well as in Achebe’s novel. Kipling's poem was basically propaganda that supported the idea of Imperialism not only in America, but in other countries around the world. This topic heavily talks about race, which the other texts also cover. Johnson’s poem and Achebe’s novel take in the view of those being conquered. This allows us to see how the views were back in the late 1800s…...
AfricaColonizationImperialismImperialism In AfricaRudyard Kipling
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Cornell Notes and the Project of Imperialism
Words • 1816
Pages • 8
In Umuofia, the customs and traditions were impacted by imperialism. It is well known that the British used indirect and direct control over countries during the colonial period. For example, indirect rule in Southeast Asia allowed ‘indigenous aristocracy’ to “maintain law and order and to collect taxes.” In this way, indigenous people maintained some of their culture without having British totally take over all aspects of the government. Specifically, in South Africa, in a place like Umuofia, the British forcefully…...
Imperialism In Africa
Imperialism in Africa Is Good for British
Words • 1795
Pages • 8
Country Nowadays Somalia, is a country that is located in the Horn of Africa [7]. It has quite long history, from the colonialism on. Somalia nowadays has 16 ethnic groups and the population is around 28-30 million. Out of 85% is Somalis and the rest is other 15 ethnic groups such as Madhiban. The majority of the ethnic groups in this country speak Somali language, which is the official language in Somalia. Their religion is mostly Islam, and there is…...
ImperialismImperialism In Africa
Who Are the Nazi’s
Words • 827
Pages • 4
After World War I, Germany was in chaos. Germany had an uncertain future, with its poor economy, high unemployment rates, and an unstable political system. The aftermath of World War I left many army veterans frustrated with their losing the war. Some of these veterans joined a political organization, the German Workers’ Party, also known as DAP. One of these veterans was a man named Adolf Hitler. Originally, Hitler served in the German army, and his mission was spying on…...
World War 1
An Analysis of the Magna Carta Which Changed the Way Monarchs Ruled in Two Ways
Words • 322
Pages • 2
Over and Above topics The Magna Carta changed the way monarchs ruled in two ways. First, it limited the monarch's arbitrary power. Most of the clauses dealt specifically with King John and his abuses of power over the nobility. Under the Magna Carta, the king could not be above the law; he was subject to it. If the king wanted to impose extra taxes, beyond customary taxes, he would have to get approval from the kingdom about it first. The Magna…...
Magna Carta
A History of the Magna Carta in England
Words • 679
Pages • 3
The Magna Carta had the most evidence of traditional democratic ideals. It shows the roots of liberty, freedom, equality, etc. The Declaration of the Rights of Man does show some traces of it but not nearly as much as the Magna Carta does. The Magna Carta influenced the Constitution of the United States. The Declaration of Rights of Man gave the impression that the people had certain rights, but under circumstances, they may be denied. Both, the Magna Carta and…...
Magna Carta
A Detailed Outline for an Essay on the Signing of the Magna Carta in 1215
Words • 718
Pages • 3
Democracy is a concept that most countries nowadays highly value. However, the concept that the people get to decide how their countries are ruled has not always been there. If we look back in history at the way decisions concerning countries were made, we would discover a different system. A system where the king was appointed by God, and therefore was the one who made all the decisions. Thankfully, this system started to crack in 1215 when a new document…...
Magna Carta
A President Who is Excited About the Accusation
Words • 448
Pages • 2
The U.S. Government has started to become infected by misogynistic men. Appointed to the U.S. Supreme Court on October 6 of 2018 was Brett Kavanaugh. His appointment was met with much controversy and anger as an FBI investigation was conducted due to allegations of sexual assault on three women. The lyric “liberal kitsch” at 2:51 is a reference to how Republicans often accuse Democrats of blocking the appointment due to partisan motives. The current President of the United States 2005…...
Iraq War
The Accidental Statesman the Understanding
Words • 1027
Pages • 5
The 101st Airborne Division under the command of Major General David Petraeus had been ordered to move north of Bagdad and into the Nineveh province to the capital city of Mosul. With such a rapid deployment of troops to the north the 101st Airborne and Gen Petraeus had limited information about the city, its people, or the surrounding province. This made it hard for General Petraeus to apply his Operational Variables to understand what he and his subordinate commanders should…...
Iraq War
Choice of Journalist
Words • 1060
Pages • 5
Embedded journalism has a tumultuous history in which the ethics of journalists are called into question as the journalist faces the dilemma of choosing between nationalism and unbiased reporting. The United States is well known for its use of this style of journalism to raise public support for the military during the Vietnam and Iraq Wars. However, public outcry during the Vietnam War greatly changed the way the nation utilized this nationalist tool for propaganda and paved the way for…...
Iraq War
Can War Really Be Justified?
Words • 1104
Pages • 5
Originally defined by St. Augustine, the argument for “just war” asserts a pure and good purpose behind military aggression which would redeem it from being sinful by the standards of Christian scripture. In the Summa Theologiae, Saint Thomas Aquinas builds upon Augustine’s foundation for the argument and asserts that war can indeed be justified if it is in agreement with three specific criteria. (Secunda Secundae Partis, Q. 40) First, a war must be initiated by the sovereign, not private individuals,…...
Iraq War
A Bloody Vy for Supremacy
Words • 1441
Pages • 6
Why did Saddam Hussein invade Iran in 1980 starting a bitter eight-year war, later to be known as the Iran-Iraq war? Because relations had been growing increasingly hostile between Iraq and Iran due to the increasing severity of border disputes, coupled with the recent Iranian revolution and Saddam’s fear of being overthrown. Saddam viewed Iran as a threat to Iraqi power in the Middle East and decided military action against the considerably weaker Iranian forces was the only course to…...
Iraq War
Was the Invasion of Iraq a “Just War”?
Words • 633
Pages • 3
IN retrospect, Mearsheimer and Walt’s examination of the necessity of the 2003 invasion of Iraq proved reasonably accurate. There was no justification to invade Iraq and in doing so, the US plunged a historically turbulent region into greater chaos. Beyond the national power vacuum created, the war shifted the regional balance of power and skewed it heavily towards Iran. As Mearsheimer and Walt discussed, Saddam Hussein (with the backing of the US, Saudi Arabia, and several other countries) provided a…...
Iraq War
Preservation of Pompeii & Herculaneum Sites
Words • 501
Pages • 3
Regarded as two of the most notable archaeological sites, Pompeii and Herculaneum have been the subject of informal and formal excavation. Their exposure to the elements has resulted in the need to focus on preservation and restoration, a task undertaken by a variety of archaeologists and curators. The changing methods have varied in effectiveness, and this can be seen through background knowledge as well as sources E, F, and G. Source E presents a preservation method introduced by archaeologist Giuseppe…...
A Review of the Ancient Roman History in the Book Pompeii by Robert Harris
Words • 570
Pages • 3
I chose to read Pompeii by Robert Harris because of my interest in ancient Roman history. I am fairly familiar with most of the content covered in Pompeii, but it was still a compelling read because I find the insights into Roman life interesting, the fact that it was a fiction book also helped me enjoy it. Pompeii is essentially about a roman engineer, Marcus Attilius, who attempts to solve a problem with an aqueduct providing water for over 250,000…...
A Research to Understand the General Population in Pompeii
Words • 797
Pages • 4
Pompeii Project: Porta Nola Necropolis Pompeii is no longer inhabited as it once was as a Roman town, but there is still plenty going on there. While approximately 2.5 million tourists visit Pompeii each year, quite a few archeologists also occupy the site, literally digging deeper for the truth about Pompeii. Recently in 2015, a project was initiated called the Pompeii Project: Porta Nola Necropolis. The articles and information for this project can be found on the British School at Rome's research…...
Virtual Tours to Knossos, Acropolis, and Pompeii
Words • 1043
Pages • 5
Virtual Tours Virtual tours enable audiences to view specific locations and reveal their key tourist attractions and locations to view. Often, individuals will visit virtual tours before booking their vacation because they allow them to get a better understanding of the area and all that there is to do there. This week, we will be exploring three websites offering virtual tours to Knossos, Acropolis, and Pompeii. Each of these specific sites all have the same purpose, however, by analyzing their…...
Integrated Logistics for Agri Market Sector
Words • 1670
Pages • 7
Integrated logistics for Agri market sector “Sabka Saath Sabka Vikas” is a key theme of Inclusive development in the country. Agriculture stands at the fulcrum of transformation. India has 2/3rd of its rural population and around 45% of its workforce in agriculture and allied activities. India is the second-largest food producer in the world in terms of calorific value and the fourth-largest in terms of product value. India is also the world’s largest producer of milk, pulses, and jute. Despite…...
Green Revolution
Effects of Agricultural Economic Growth
Words • 598
Pages • 3
Development progress which has been experienced for long periods or so has always been assumed to begin from a ‘state of nanaturehere the bulk of the economy’s wealth is devoted to agriculture and industrial commodities to meet basic needs (David Ashton et al, 1999). In our global world economies that remain poor have failed to accomplish transformation in economic structure and have been not able to diversify away from agriculture to modern manufacturing. In Sub-Saharan Africa, which constitutes a core…...
Green Revolution
Consequences of the Green Revolution
Words • 2151
Pages • 9
Introduction Mexico and India, are two different countries in two different hemispheres, yet they are both affected by the same homogenizing movement. The effects of the Green Revolution were experienced at the same level of detriment by countries in what’s considered the Global South. What claimed to be a relief program based on the “modernization” of their agricultural systems, resulted in massive loss of biodiversity and shifts in the structure of their economies. However, due to the resilient efforts of…...
Green Revolution
An Introduction to the Analysis of Rostows Theory
Words • 600
Pages • 3
Rostow's theory is arguable the most successful outline that countries need to follow to become developed. The green revolution is a perfect outlet point to apply this plan of progress. Taking place mainly between the 1940s and 1960s the green revolution increased agricultural production worldwide and saved many people from starvation. Countries that were not as developed as the US leaned towards Rostow'sfive-step plan to provide for their countries and to grow economically. The green revolution was a great way…...
Green Revolution
The Issues of Pollution in America Today
Words • 963
Pages • 4
One of the biggest environmental threats facing human society falls under the ambiguous, umbrella term of pollution, which can take many forms, and the effects of which are highly variable. Pollution is an issue because it introduces materials to an ecosystem where they might be previously unavailable, or in much lower abundance, and the subject ecosystem usually lacks the necessary tools to handle these materials. These pollutants are often inorganic, and they can provide a physical or chemical threat to…...
Green Revolution
The Major Advances Witnessed During the Green Revolution
Words • 1823
Pages • 8
The Green Revolution The Green Revolution refers to the technological advances in agriculture that changed the way farmers in this country managed their farms. These changes allowed farmers to grow and harvest more crops with less manpower. The increase in the amount of food produced allowed them to export crops to other countries. The increase in production also resulted in the price of food decreasing in this country. The main objective of this paper is to discuss the effects the…...
Green Revolution
The Actions of King Louis XIV That Led to the Downfall of Nobility
Words • 570
Pages • 3
“It is legal because I wish it.” This was certainly a true statement spoken by King Louis XIV because as the ruling monarch he was able to do whatever he wanted politically. An absolute monarch has absolute authority politically, economically, and culturally over a state.  This large amount of power usually caused absolute monarchs to become vain and egotistical. While Louis XIV possessed these traits, he was still a very effective absolute monarch because he was able to rule psychologically and geographically. Psychologically, Louis…...
Louis Xiv
The Reign of Louis XIV
Words • 436
Pages • 2
Louis XIV, also known as Louis the Great or the Sun King, ruled France from 1643 to He was made king at the age of 5 due to the passing of Louis XIII. While he was a child, the nobles of the country launched a revolt against the throne, which lead to many years of civil unrest and is now known as the Fronde. During this period, Louis was often forced to stay inside his house and thus grew up with a distrust…...
Louis Xiv
The Failure of Louis XIV to Maintain Control in France After 1685
Words • 763
Pages • 4
How successful was Louis XIV in maintaining royal authority within France after 1685? (24) One of Louis XIV's main policies was to maintain his royal authority throughout his reign to effectively enforce his absolutism. During his reign, there were many successes including the fact that he managed to control the nobility to such an extent until his death when they would perform the lever and coucher. However, there were also several failures in maintaining authority including the fact that Huguenots…...
Louis Xiv
History of French an Indian War
Words • 1480
Pages • 6
At the peak of Britain's rule, it was thought that the sun never set on the British Empire, Many were trapped under its wing of protection and dared a country to stand up to Britain and face the consequences, In 1755 the last of the great conflicts between the British and France broke out Although proving its superior, one of the main facets of the British Empire headed for a major transformation. So that is why the British triumph over…...
French And Indian War
The History of the French and Indian War
Words • 409
Pages • 2
The French and Indian War started in 1754 when George Washington's Nila fired the first shots at Fort Duquesne. The war began and victory looked meek for the British for many reasons. The colonies. were disorganized and many fits of jealousy and disputes arose among them. in a  edition, the colonies’ governors quarreled with their assemblies, The colonies saw themselves,  at the time as trading economic colonies, not an empire or nation. There was no need oF want for military…...
French And Indian War
An Analysis of the French and Indian War in 18th Century
Words • 589
Pages • 3
Be«ween the years 1689 and 1748 France and Brain had the War the League of Augsburg King Wiliams War, the War of Spanish Succession Queen Annes War, and the War of the Austrian Succession King Georges War. Altre of these wars led up to the Seven Years' War, also known as the French and Indian War As the Brith colonies grew in population and wealth, the Brits government began to worry about the attacks from France and Spain. A rench…...
French And Indian War
A History of the Seven Year War in the French and Indian War
Words • 613
Pages • 3
The struggle between France and England for North American sea power and colonial rule ended with the French and Indian War. The war began in 1754 m the upper Oho Valley. Two years later, the conflict spread to Europe which was known as the Seven Years’ War. One of the greatest Dates of the war that practically ended France's power in America was the English capture of Quebec in 1759. The treaty of Pai, signed in 1763, formally ended the…...
French And Indian War
Historical Fiction about an Apothecary Living through the French and Indian War
Words • 1191
Pages • 5
My name is Charles B. Jones. I'm an apothecary, a medical professional, who formulates and dispenses medications to physicians, surgeons, and patients. Numerous times before | have helped people recover from various illnesses like measles, smallpox, malaria, and influenza. | met my wife, Lydia Jones when giving her medicine for the measles. Lydia and | got along well, she was very charming. We planned a time to meet once again, it was set for the Kings arm Tavern, a local…...
French And Indian War
the French and Indian War as One of the Main Reasons for the American Revolution
Words • 769
Pages • 4
If the French and Indian war never happened the American Revolution would have probably would have tried to occur but would have ultimately failed in the end, The French allied with the Indians would have continued to attack English settlements until they won against the inexperienced colonist troops at the time and ultimately take control over America in name of the Louis, Britain which would have been weakened by the French and Indian war because the French and Indian war…...
French And Indian War
Quebec City and History Of Canada
Words • 2163
Pages • 9
Canada is the second largest country in the world, and the first is Russia, it occupies roughly two-fifths of the continent of North America (Encyclopedia Britannica). The first discovery of Canada was made by John Cabot in 1497. Canada became self-governed and a controlled operation in 1867, while they still held on to the British Crown. The British were soon removed from the Canadian government in 1982. On February 15, 1965 the new Canadian Flag would be raised over the…...
Matching Housing Designs on 6th Avenue East
Words • 2797
Pages • 12
The housing seems to have been designed to match the existing nearby neighborhoods. As one travels east along 6th Avenue, from the Crestmore/Mayfair side into the Lowry area, there is a sign that says “Lowry” and then to the south, is the old Base Commander’s house. Behind that, there is a cluster of renovated Field and General Officer’s quarters that were sold to private owners, mixed in with newer homes and duplexes. As one travels east, on 6th Avenue, the…...
Quebec Childhood Obesity Rate
Words • 653
Pages • 3
Childhood obesity, one of the most pressing and dangerous public health challenges of the century. A global issue that continues increasing at an alarming rate and why? because of the constant of exposure to various types of media(mainly advertising). Nowadays, children between the ages of 7 to 18 spend more time in front of a computer, a TV, tablet and, phone than any other activity in their lives other than sleeping and even when or if they aren't still ’glued’…...
The People Of Quebec
Words • 636
Pages • 3
During the American Revolution, Jefferson states in the Declaration of Independence that the American Colonies should abandon King George the Third because of the king’s tyranny towards the colonies right to self-rule and neglect of the colonies needs. He starts off by saying “a long train of abuses and usurpations”. In the beginning of this quotation, it shows that Jefferson is explaining that the colonists should not overthrow their government for any minor reason. Nonetheless, those people are victims of…...
A Novel that Took Me to The Roller Coaster of Emotions
Words • 1213
Pages • 5
This novel took me on a roller coaster of emotions. I laughed at some parts and wanted to cry in others. This story hit very close to home for me because I lived through Hurricane Katrina, and I remember the devastation that that storm put New Orleans through. The characters that Herlong created felt so real, and I felt like I knew them in a sense through their dialogue. Lil T is my favorite character, and I think his character…...
Berlin Wall
The Ancient Near East holds Mesopotamia
Words • 493
Pages • 2
Mesopotamia is the first place we talk about in our book. Two rivers flow through it, and those are the Tigris and Euphrates Rivers. Because of those rivers, farming was a really big part of the surrounding areas’ lives. Due to the common flooding of those rivers, inventions arose. Some of the inventions included reservoirs and irrigation systems. Those inventions are very much in use today. For example, a very large reservoir in today’s world is the Franklin D. Roosevelt…...
Berlin Wall
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FAQ about History

Who Are the Nazi’s
...In conclusion, the Nazis were members of the Nationalist Socialist German Workers’ Party. The members of this party were anti-Semitism and believed that Jews were imperfect human beings. The Nazis were the one that dragged the Jews and others to th...
An Analysis of the Magna Carta Which Changed the Way Monarchs Ruled in Two Ways
...The king that brought about the Magna Carta was King John. This is the story of how the Magna Carta came to be. King John was trying to increase his wealth and raise money to fight wars. He made the nobles and townspeople mad by having them pay super...
A President Who is Excited About the Accusation
...The 2000s have been completely different than any other time in history. So much progress has taken place but also with progression comes people who cannot accept change. Who cannot accept new ideas and begin to spread hate and put blame on people fo...
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