Equipment to Avoid at the Gym

Topics: GymHealth

We would like to think that every piece of equipment in the gym is a worthwhile use of our time. They were created for a reason, right? As you look around the gym, you could feel a bit overwhelmed by all the different equipment there is to take advantage of. It can be intimidating to think that you would need to use all of them in order to achieve the best physique.

Well, the good news is, some of those pieces of equipment just aren’t worth your time.

In fact, some machines are downright dangerous. We are going to identify a list of machines at the gym that you can scratch off your lifting session and focus your energy doing things that will get you ripped (in a good way…not actually injured).

Smith Machine We’re always told not to skip leg day. But you should definitely skip the smith machine. This machine forces you to do squats in such an unnatural way that it could be dangerous for your back.

We all know that squats are essential in creating a balanced body. At first glance, it looks like a smith machine could help you squat heavier without worrying about falling forward or backwards but in reality, your setting yourself up for a lot of hurt.

The smith machine moves in one vertical line. Squats are naturally done in an arc. This makes you lose much of the muscle tension that would normally be used in a squat. Not only does that put excess stress on your knees and lower back but it also just doesn’t increase your lower body strength like it should.

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If you see a smith machine in your gym, keep walking. Instead, try enlisting a couple of spotters and use the free weight squat rack.

Leg Extension Machine The leg extension is a great way to isolate the quads but is it worth your time? Simply put, no. The leg extension machine can help you build quads but there are so many other exercises that you can do that will build quads.

More importantly, all those other exercises, like squats, lunges, and leg presses, can be done safely and will increase the size of your quads more efficiently. The leg extension machine is too hard on the knees, more specifically your ACL. Injury to your ACL can put you on the bench for good.

Leg Curl Machine This machine has many of the same kind of problems as the leg extension machine. Yes, it isolates the hamstrings, but it isn’t a good choice to include in your lower body circuit.

This machine can cause your hamstrings to cramp because of the shortening of the muscle as you contract. This is called active insufficiency. Every muscle has an optimum length at which it can lift the most weight. You want to aim for this optimum length for all your exercises for the most efficiency and to prevent injury. In this case, the hamstring is shortened as it is put under stress, causing it to ball up.

Seated Chest Fly Any movement that goes against your normal range of motion or doesn’t mimic a position you would take in real life could cause damage.

This is exactly the case for the seated chest fly, otherwise known as the pec deck. When would you ever push your arms against each other with the resistance coming from the outside? Starting your resistance with your shoulders in the most extended position also makes it a very good possibility that you will injure your shoulder joint.

Again, these can isolate the pecs but there are many other exercises that will do the same without putting your shoulders at risk. Good examples include the close grip push up, Arnold chest press, and the Svend press.

Any Ab Machine We are always striving to achieve the perfect 6-pack so it can be tempting to try out a machine meant to do just that but don’t fall for it.

Most of these machines don’t engage the abdominals but uses the hip flexors to perform the movement instead. They can be harmful to your neck or back and won’t get you any closer to chiseling out an enviable torso.

The best way to work your abs is with traditional floor bodyweight exercises and high twitch movements like HIIT, and cardio that engages the abs like boxing.

Being smart with your time in the gym will not only help you get to your fitness goals faster but safer. So, stay clear of these machines listed above and aim for moves that mimic natural body movements. Make the bulk of your workout compound free weights moves and always focus on proper form. You’ll see more results and keep yourself free from injury.

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Equipment to Avoid at the Gym. (2021, Dec 13). Retrieved from

Equipment to Avoid at the Gym
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