Ebenezer Scrooge in A Christmas Carol, a Novel by Charles Dickens

During the 19th century, in London, England, Ebenezer Scrooge is a wealthy man who does not spend his days wholesomely. He is quite miserly, preferring to keep his possessions all to himself. He is unsympathetic towards the troubles of his fellow man. Still, he clearly displays how unhappy he is with his own lot in life, despite how well he has done as a businessman. In the novel A Christmas Carol by Charles Dickens, Ebenezer Scrooge is tremendously miserly, unsympathetic, and unhappy.

Ebenezer is quite miserly, preferring to keep his possessions all to himself. He does not allow his clerk, Bob Cratchit, to have a proper fire and leaves to him to draw what warmth he can from a comforter.

He is severely angered when Bob asks for Christmas off and to be paid a day’s wages for it as well. He lives in a small set of chambers, does not spend his money on luxuries, and hoards his money away.

Ebenezer is incredibly stingy and close-fisted, preferring to hoard all that he has. Ebenezer is unsympathetic towards the troubles of his fellow man. He never actually mourned Jacob Marley, his business partner, when he died. Despite knowing how disadvantaged his nephew Fred is, he does nothing about it and simply blames Fred for his lack of means. He tells the two gentlemen that come to call on him that the poor and destitute should go to prison or to the workhouses, or die instead of relying on the donations of others.

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Ebenezer is deficient in any and all empathy for others.

Ebenezer clearly displays how unhappy he is with his own lot in life, despite how well he has done as a businessman. He hates Christmas with a passion because it is so joyous and he is so lonely. He despises that Fred pities Ebenezer for leading a solitary life. He is infuriated that, though poor, both Bob and Fred are truly happy because they have families. Ebenezer is a very gloomy and lonesome man. In the novel A Christmas Carol by Charles Dickens, Ebenezer Scrooge is tremendously miserly, unsympathetic, and unhappy. Ebenezer is incredibly stingy and close-fisted, preferring to hoard all that he has. Ebenezer is deficient in any and all empathy for others. Ebenezer is a very gloomy and lonesome man. Ebenezer Scrooge’s life is an admonition to be as generous and compassionate to others as possible.

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Ebenezer Scrooge in A Christmas Carol, a Novel by Charles Dickens. (2023, Feb 23). Retrieved from https://paperap.com/ebenezer-scrooge-in-a-christmas-carol-a-novel-by-charles-dickens/

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