Novel "Coreopsis" by Christian David

“Tickseed” is Christian David’s debut, and everything is hard. The author maintains a very nice, catchy style of language and is able to create atmosphere. So we wait for his next novel and hope that his concept more confident. Some crime readers to study first the last pages of a book. They definitely make Although the tension, but then can concentrate light-hearted reading in an entirely different aspects: how the author arranges his material? As he takes the reader on the right track or misleading? As formulated, the author?

I think it is rather like the majority.

Follow focus to the text in order to detect even the smallest hints between the lines. Much like the fictional investigators trying to link the laid threads, characters and motifs to understand and believe to have developed according to their research, who is “it” was. If falls at the end of the name, they are proud, amazed or disappointed. In this regard, I would like Christian David “Coreopsis” comment, has but a little hint to solve it.

If you do not mind a look through the keyhole or already belong to the first group of readers, then you point your mouse. The  maximum.  Frustration sets itself to me, if I am, as described, enjoyable through hundreds of pages have worked – and in the end all for naught ‘was because the solution is not developed from the text  can.  This happens when the author in the last pages as perpetrators conjures up a brand new character from the hat Someone.

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.  not even bet on which one could . Quite so bad it is not, but even if you read at Christian David, “tickseed” again (the first group of readers) the conclusion first, you will not make a profit from it, because the transferred at the end person stays throughout the course of action uninteresting, a characterless edge figure is inflated in a flash at the end, can breathe a moment true stage air and once upside down from the must tumble down boards”.

“There was a summer when the great fear came to Vienna. One plague equal it found its way into the city, at first almost unnoticed by the more insidious.” Pretty pathetic and beautiful ominous start Christian David his crime novel, and the same is expected to horrific events. But unfortunately, our expectation remains largely unfulfilled, the macabre anticipation faded from side to side.

There are sufficient ausreizbare templates. When Saturday in Vienna young women are killed. Twice the offender has previously slammed “undisturbed”. There is one who believes to be right – a “chosen one”, convinced to do good for the society that does not know how to help themselves more. Thus “the injured order healed …” is, he says, to intervene. In order to “pull those accountable who have sinned,” he punished them cruelly. He legitimized his actions by not relying on the highest authority: “The temptation by the serpent caused the first sin because of you had Adam and Eve left the Garden of Eden”.

Thanks to our criminal Beginners Latin we smell morning air. (! aha: a psychopath with disturbed sex drive and a weird religious sense of mission) now analyze curious considerations and decisions of the experts – and wonder places head of the Vienna homicide is major Belonoz, 50. the loner rushes ahead of his reputation as an arrogant, sarcastic cynic. His senior position he has received no vitamin B and without useful book party, and he has retained its independence. With it, no one can fiddle, and this fact-based detachment he expected from his employees: “Our reason for being is not based on the fact that the people like us, so we do not lose it even if we despise some or hate”.

Vienna groaning under the summer scorcher, but the media heat the climate even further, because the campaign for mayor raging to the decisive election day. is as a third young woman in the same brutally murdered, the obvious danger triggers a series perpetrator of a polemic about the “alarming crime rate,” which sets the team of investigators under severe pressure. The shocked public and the media are screaming for results, and the policy calls for the swift arrest of a suspect – if he is guilty, you can see later; The main thing is there is peace until the new mayor is fixed.

Belonoz is, asked the young prosecutor Lily Horn, 30 to the side. Now he could with the prosecution in any case never tangle – the gentlemen procrastinate files like never move to the crime scenes and shine most in the courtroom, unless the performance can serve the career. to have yet cooperate for the hunt for a serial killer under stressed conditions with such a young, therefore incompetent woman can not go well.

Lily Horn had just returned from New York (one last chance for their couple’s relationship) and had the “Gray house”, the courthouse cellblock, reported to be employed in the department for economic crime, their specialty, but extraordinary requires extraordinary, and it must now with the edgy major and a killer deal during the investigation Lily Horn Belonoz is in the shade – not because they work better than Belonoz, but because the author desist from its protagonists more and more, focusing on Lily, who in himself scrub the political machinations not tangled, but as a strong character, good, straight, with good Inst turns inkt acting full-time lawyer.

So far, so good. On the foundation of the spread crime elements and the compelling characters David could have built. But unfortunately he is not content. He will wipe one even politics. So he devotes their machinations many pages can be evil puppet masters occur, by all means try to influence the situation to their advantage, the media help submissive … A lot of black and white painting, cliché and simplicity (for example, knitted too easy structures of offices, posts and ranks) pull the mood when reading gradually in the area of ​​disappointment and counteract the applied voltage.

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Novel "Coreopsis" by Christian David
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