Basic Basis Of Goal Setting Theory

Topics: Goals In Life

First, I will start off by talking about Goal Setting Theory. The basic underlying establishment of goal-setting theory is that the goals we establish affect our achievements. By establishing goals with certain characteristics, we can then increase our motivation towards a particular task. Goals help focus our stamina on the things that actually matter. When you create a goal, you start off by prioritizing those actives that lead to the accomplishment of the goal. Anything else is mainly in the way, which means you will likely focus on captivating in goal related behaviors.

In order to receive the motivational benefits that goal-setting theory provides, goals that need to meet certain criteria. The first area is referred to as a goal specificity. The second area is that goals should always be challenging or difficult.

Although challenging goals tend to be motivating, goals that are viewed as impossible to achieve often produce the opposite results. For example, If I was a supervisor and I set a goal for employees theirs a strong chance that the employees won’t be very committed to the goal.

However, if the employees have the opportunity to be involved in the goal-setting process, then they are more than likely to accept the goal and be committed to it. The last criteria under goal-setting theory is feedback. Individuals need to have some way of engaging their own performance, so they can make the necessary adjustments. When there is no feedback it leaves the individuals in almost a neutral state and can make them frustrated which affects their performance.

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Therefore, always providing feedback to employees will not only benefit the individual but also the company because the individual will want to perform better or even feel more motivated. Personalities are often the source of many business problems. They not only affect relationships, but they also affect how employees react to things. That’s where the Big Five personality traits come in which are extraversion, agreeableness, conscientiousness, emotional stability (neuroticism), and openness to experiences. These personality traits are based on the five-factor model of personality that describes the qualities of a person which help identify his or her behavior. Extraversion is a significant impact on social behavior. They are highly social, attention seekers, enthusiastic, talkative, extremely friendly, and are very uncomfortable being alone. Agreeableness personality trait people are more than happy to help others. They are good hearted people, high in empathy, extremely cooperative, shows respect for their colleagues, and are trustworthy positive people.

Conscientiousness personality trait are people who are self-disciplined and dutifulness. People with this personality trait perform their day-to-day tasks in the most disciplined manner, are highly responsible, workaholics, very organized and are very particular in planning to achieve goals. The neuroticism personality trait are people who are least stable emotionally, they tend to overreact to little things, get upset easily they, face a hard time managing stress, and are vulnerable to induction of negative mood. The last personality trait is opened to experiences which are people who are open minded, receptive to new ideas, adventurous, eager to move out of their comfort zone, and they seek to learn new things to enhance their knowledge. Each person displays a characteristic personality that prevails throughout their life.

They lead us to think that all traits are good and others bad, but in fact all of these traits offer business advantages. For example, if I were a recruiter I would use a personality test to evaluate people’s personality’s and see if they are suitable for the particular job. If the personality trait goes well with the job and they pass the test than they are more than likely going to like it as well as stay with the company longer. The five-stage model for team process includes forming, storming, norming, performing, and adjourning. The first stage is forming, and this may cause team members, a great deal of stress and anxiety due to an uncertainty about the other teams and their roles. In forming a charter can be helpful to establish ground rules and clarify the mission. It also can reduce misunderstandings and serve as a regulatory device because any team member that violates the agreed-upon norms can be reminded of the groups commitments.

In the second stage storming, conflicts often emerge about the goals and contributions of team members which can also cause challenges to the leader of the group. For example, in this stage as a team leader I would address the conflict and emphasize the team’s purpose and ground rules as established in the charter to make sure they are back on track before they stop losing focus on the main objective. Now assuming that the team doesn’t go south than the team-building process moves into norming where cohesiveness develops. For example, if a team member was regularly absent from team meetings I as a leader of the group would address the problem and constructively remind the team members of the ground rules we agreed on to begin with, so no other team member do not think it’s acceptable to be late or absent on meetings.

Performing is the fourth phase in the team process and this is when the team begins to focus less on building relationships and don’t actually achieve their team’s goals. The last phase is the adjourning phase where the team finalizes their work and disbands. If my team has accomplished our goal than I as a team leader would gather a celebration to reward the team members for having achieved their overall purpose and make them feel valued for their work. Poor leaders in today’s work environment have made it worse for every employee by using coercive power. Transactional leader makes today better by punishing and rewarding employees for their good performance. Now transactional leaders are focused mainly on improving for the better.

Transactional leaders create a noble vision to work towards that inspires others. Their genuine integrity inspires the team to take action. They also have a growth mindset that cultivates their teams professional and personal development. They invest time and energy knowing their effort will eventually bear fruit. What makes transformational leaders great is that they encourage team members to develop ideas, work with aptitude, and embrace originality. They are ultimately measured by taking risks which really creates a culture of innovation in their work environment. Therefore, team members are constantly being transformed for the better by being able to fully express their ideas openly without the leader dodging their creativity. This is something I would definitely apply to my future business because if I can become a role model for followers to admire, respect, and trust they will want to work for me and be happy coming into work.

By being able to encourage my employees, motivate them, and encourage ideas it will make my company successful as well as my employees will feel like they are a part of the company. After all, like Tom Peters says, “Leaders don’t create followers, they create more leaders” and that’s what I would want my future employees to follow. Social cognitive theory provides a framework for understating, predicting, and changing of human behavior. Therefore, social cognitive theory is learning by observation and modeling and is a way to acquire social skills and many nonsocial behaviors. Some general principles are that people can learn by observing others behavior and learning can occur with observations alone. Cognitive plays an important role in learning because it focuses on ways that people come to know their environment and themselves.

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Basic Basis Of Goal Setting Theory. (2021, Dec 29). Retrieved from

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