An Analysis of the Momentum of the Women's Movement

The momentum of the Woman’s movement was Ms. It was punt One of the first was me, an African and an-American woman. The women’s movement was a decade-long battle for women’s rights. One of the first feminist magazines was Ms. It was published in 1972. There were plenty of different minority groups supporting the woman’s movement. One of the first was the North American Indian woman association, in 1970. Others included the Conference of Mexican-American women, in 1971, the Conference of Puerto Rican Women (1972), and the National Black Feminist organization (1972).

“The woman’s liberation movement is attracting a much wider cross-section of the nation’s female population than just the militant bra-burners and down with the men types, according to one of the administration’s highest-ranking women”, said Peggy Simpson.

Goals for all of these groups were established. They sought the appointment of women to the cabinet and the supreme court and doubled or even tripled the number of women in Congress.

The woman’s participation movement could upset all the old political rules and traditions in 1972, said Bella Abzug, a national leader of the movement.

In New York City 100 women ran out from the Statue of Liberty, hanging banners and signs saying: “Women of the world unite”.

The National Women’s Political Caucus (1971) had a big influence on the women’s movement. The Caucus supported political candidates of both sexes who were sympathetic to feminists views, woman have the political power to turn out of office every politician who does not support equal rights.

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”, voiced Representative Shirley Chisholm.

The N.W.P.C. put many women in the office.

Ella Grasso was elected governor of Connecticut in 1974. She was the first woman to head a state without having to be the wife of the governor. Janet Gray was elected Mayor of San Jose in California. Mayor John V. Linsay signed, at city hall, a law that stated: that all men-only bars and restraints are to admit the woman. Representative Bertram L. Podell secured a pension plan for housewives in the U.S. A housewife was allowed to set aside $25 of her husband’s income, tax-free.


  1. Nash, Gary B. American Odyssey. New York City NY: Macmillan/mc Graw Hill Publications, 1994.
  2. Associated Press. Twentieth-Century America. New York City NY: Grolier Publishing company, 1995.

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