Essays on Addiction

Free essays on addiction are written by professional writers and students who are passionate about raising awareness about the dangers of addiction. These essays are widely available online and cover a variety of addiction-related topics, including drug addiction, alcohol addiction, gambling addiction, and internet addiction. They offer valuable insights into the causes, effects, and treatment options for addiction. These essays are a great resource for anyone who wants to learn more about addiction and its impact on individuals, families, and communities.
The Serial Killer Profiles Grover Godwin in The Will to Kill by James Alan Fox
Words • 1313
Pages • 6
Grover Godwin, a serial killer profiler, did research on one hundred and seven serial killers. As stated in The Will to Kill by James Alan Fox, the data that Godwin had collected, about ninety»seven percent of these serial killer's victims were complete strangers, three percent were friends of the killer, and only one percent were the killer's family members (Fox 105). This research shows that serial killers have other explanations behind their kills rather than having some sort of hatred…...
AbuseExperienceSerial KillerViolence
Social Problems Faced by the Aging Community of the United States
Words • 752
Pages • 4
The population over sixty»five in the United States is projected to reach 20 percent, presenting a dramatic increase from the four percentjust two decades ago. This rapid demographic change leads to multiple social problems, often-controversial conditions that undermine the well-being of a group of or all members of a society, which impact the aging community. Due to lack of income, vulnerability, and the increasing demands of society, the elderly are often faced with challenges like financial instability, victimization, and isolation,…...
AbuseHealthHealth CareSocial Problems
How to Select the Perfect Diet for You?
Words • 1645
Pages • 7
Dieting is one of the most popular means of losing weight, Vast numbers of existing diets makes it possible to choose the most appropriate one to slenderize quickly and easily. Though, many people who try dieting may notice that they are not losing weight, but gaining it instead, Weight gain may occur after the dieting period, as well as during it. This mystery has a simple explanation: only a proper diet can help to lose weight, On the contrary, a…...
DietingObesitySoft DrinksWeight Loss
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Opium and the Urbanization of America
Words • 1733
Pages • 7
The nineteenth century marked a transitional period for America. The country became increasingly urbanized. Population in the cities became increasingly more dense as these urban centers became more and more industrialized. The advent of the skyscrapers, arrival of a coast to coast train system, and the invention of steamboats allowing for upstream travel in the country's waterways. These are only a few innovations that contributed to a complete shift in overall American lifestyle, culture, and economy. This increase in physical…...
Does Capital Punishment Make a Difference in Lessening Crime
Words • 1054
Pages • 5
This term paper is on one of the most controversy discussion known as Capital Punishment This is a topic in which the writer believes does not have a positive effect on decreasing crime in the world. For almost three years now, the writer has grown a passion for criminal behavior in some of the notoriety of a few crime cases that resulted in Capital Punishment and Wrongful Executions. One of my personal favorite crime cases in history is the Scottsboro…...
AbuseCapital Punishment
Rules as Essential Part of Society
Words • 756
Pages • 4
Ever since the days of running around on the chipped wood of the playground everyone has followed rules. Makes sense after all rules are an essential part of society. Without them life would very likely be in more chaos than it already is Yet the question remains should we follow every rule given to us. The answer, despite what some people may say, is no. There are many secular small reasons a person could go into of why people shouldn’t…...
Cigarettes Damage Brain & Double Stroke Risk – Cooper
Words • 353
Pages • 2
According to the article, smoking increases one‘s chances of dying from stroke and has harmful effects to the brain (Cooper). The article states that the toxic chemicals present in cigarettes including cyanide and arsenic have harmful effects to the brain cells and increase risks of dementia, decline of cognitive abilities, and stroke, According to the article, smoking is the leading cause of early deaths and causes the death of one smoker among two, This rate is alarming and a clear…...
America’s Heroin Epidemic
Words • 1461
Pages • 6
The heroin epidemic is the most lethal ever seen in the history of the United States. Public health authorities have raised the concern about the growing number of mortality associated with the use and abuse of heroin. Besides chronic illnesses, an overdose of heroin is one of the leading causes of deaths among American youths right now. This is evident as seen in 2016 where more than sixty-four thousand people perished because of the heroin epidemic. Efforts have been made…...
Heroin Addiction
The World We Live in is Surrounded by Technology
Words • 2827
Pages • 12
Our lives have been so reliant on technology that we fail to see its true impact. Modern technology may have opened up the world to us, but, in return, it has closed what matters the most, the ability to have social interactions. Humans are social beings; we look to society as a way for us to connect and live in harmony. However, a question remains; Is modern technology like the cell phone, and the internet, pushing us away from each…...
Internet Addiction
A Guide for Web Obsession
Words • 1590
Pages • 7
Social media is conceived as an internet-based form of communication, where individuals create profiles to engage and stay connected with the world. Recently, the use of social media has increased and is considered an essential part of today's society. Whether it is Facebook, Instagram, WhatsApp, Snapchat, or any other platform, it has captured millions of users around the world, the heaviest of them are typically teenagers and young adults. Thus, they are the most affected users by its outcomes. Recently,…...
Internet Addiction
The Opioid Epidemic in United States
Words • 1526
Pages • 7
If you were to have pain the first thing that comes to mind is to take an over the counter medicine such as Advil. This will help you feel better for a short time. Before you know it, you have already consumed a bunch of pills within the few hours of your initial pain. Eventually, you will realize that its best that you seek medical attention from doctor. This is your mind telling you that your not okay. Worse comes…...
Drug AddictionDrugsPrescription Drug Abuse
Prevention and Eliminate of Prescription Drug Addiction
Words • 2431
Pages • 10
Abstract Prescription drug overdoses have become a prevalent and serious issue in the United States and across the rest of the world. When thinking about this epidemic we thought that many of these deaths were senseless and could be preventable. This is why we created DiNA. DiNA is a smart pill bottle that would recognize the DNA of a patient or caregiver and dispense only the necessary prescription at the correct time to the user. Our invention would also be…...
Drug Addiction
The Causes That Led to the Increase of Pain Prescriptions and Abuse
Words • 709
Pages • 3
According to an interactive article by the New York Times, the number of Americans who have died from overdoses has increased by 650% since 1990. In October, President Trump announced declared the opioid epidemic a national health emergency and he talked about the $80 million initiative that will go towards pain management research and an inter-agency task force was assembled. Addiction is a problem that intersects all sorts of demographics. Here is a graph that shows the rise of drug…...
Drug Addiction
Everyday More Health Hazards Are Being Discovered With Tobacco Use
Words • 772
Pages • 4
Tobacco has been a highly discussed and controversial topic for many years now. While it has been almost fifty years since the dangers of cigarette smoking were first discovered, it seems as though with each passing day that new information is being discovered or divulged as the case may be. Is this emergence of "new" information going to just lead to more "warning labels", or are manufacturers going to be held accountable for knowingly marketing, distributing, and selling a proven…...
The Controversy Surroundings Tobacco Use and Its Effects in the U.S.
Words • 709
Pages • 3
When it comes to the issue of whether or not it is ok for someone the knowingly aid someone in breaking an agreement I feel it depends on the risks at stake for people not knowing what the person has to say. For example, if I had an agreement with a co-worker to not tell anyone that I had cancer I would be very angry if someone coerced that person into telling everyone. But on the other hand if I…...
US Statistics Classifies Tobacco Use With the Highest Death Rates
Words • 212
Pages • 1
Drugs are generally recognized as of the greatest problems in the United States. According to the statistics, tobacco has the highest death rate. Smoking is a very popular habit, even though we all know that smoking is very dangerous. Millions of people around the globe want to quit smoking for medical reasons such as having already two heart-valve replacement surgeries. Why did some people do to quit smoking? Some people substituted eating ice-cream for smoking. Why is smoking a very…...
A Description of Doctors’s Warning on Tobacco Use
Words • 372
Pages • 2
Advertising is a technique to display a product on the market. They are also ways to sell the product. There are many different ways to advertise ones product, such as magazine articles, billboards, and television commercials. Advertising claims and basic appeals can be used to persuade the audience that their product is better than their competitor's product. But when the product is harming to the audience, do the advertisers have the right to still advertise the product. Once upon a…...
Support Programs for A Healthy Lifestyle
Words • 389
Pages • 2
During your time at Hamlin, Hamlin, and McGill, John Hansel, also known as your employer, has been committed to supporting all of your well-being through healthy lifestyle initiatives. Part of this includes educating the workplace community to improve the health and quality of your life and in particular, with tobacco use. An important and compelling threat for many is the use of tobacco. Although there is widespread talk about the harmful effects of tobacco use, fifteen percent of Americans in…...
Health Care Providers
Words • 1279
Pages • 6
Throughout the history of the United States, African Americans have a long, at times tragic, and at times triumph. Many families have been in the United States since colonial times and others are modern immigrants from places around the world. The 2017 total population of African Americans made up 13.4% of the total U.S. population. English is the primary language and 15.65% of the subpopulation has obtained at least a Bachelor’s degree. 30.83% of African Americans are living in poverty.…...
Health Risks of Smoking Tobacco
Words • 985
Pages • 4
Tobacco use harms almost every organ in the human body causing many illnesses and overall reducing the health of the user. It is the leading cause of preventable disease, disability, and deaths in the United States, causing more than 480,000 deaths every year or about 1in 5 deaths (CDC, 2018). Aside from the U.S., the World Health Organization (WHO) (2015) mentioned that tobacco smoking appears to be increasing in other countries, such as the Eastern Mediterranean Region and the African…...
Outcome Of Illegal Drug-Use During Pregnancy
Words • 1305
Pages • 6
The condition of a woman or female that is going to have a baby or babies is called pregnancy according to Merriam-webster dictionary. During this stage in a woman's life, the most adequate care of the body is imperative to enable safe delivery and curtail the risk of an unhealthy child. The use of substances at pre-natal stages is an extreme public health problem that is related to several harmful and maternal repercussions. Most abused substances include tobacco, followed by…...
Janie’s Relationship With Her Husband Joe
Words • 647
Pages • 3
In the excerpt from Zora Neale Hurston’s novel, Their Eyes Were Watching God, the author portrays Janie’s complex attitude toward her husband, Joe, as emotionally distant in order to show how Joe is physically abusing Janie. Janie knows that her husband is ruining their marriage but she continues to isolate herself because anything she does or say won’t help her. Joe seems to have too much pride that he feels the need to have superior dominance over Janie, resulting in…...
AbuseSocial PsychologyZora Neale Hurston
Attachment-Oriented Research In People With Internet Addiction
Words • 1107
Pages • 5
Purpose. What is the research question(s)? (What are they trying to discover?)This is a study of attachment-oriented research in people with internet addiction. The question that this research brings is: whether attachment orientation is a risk factor for addictive behavior. To test this hypothesis, an empirical study was conducted aimed at analyzing the role of the caregiver’s emotional responsiveness in the development of addictive internet behavior.What are the hypotheses? (What do they expect the outcomes to be?)According to the hypothesis,…...
Internet AddictionResearch
Opioids: Are They Worth It?
Words • 1230
Pages • 5
Introduction The epidemic of opioid use and misuse began in the 1990s and has resulted in over 200,000 deaths. Every year, millions of Americans use opioids to manage pain. These substances have been around for hundreds of years.  Some prescription opioids are made from the plant directly, and the ones that are not, are made by scientists in labs using the same chemical construction. Opioids are often used as medicines because they hold elements that relax the body and can…...
Prescription Drug Abuse
Negative Effects of Internet Use
Words • 2504
Pages • 11
Have you ever felt pressure from society to conform to a particular social standard? If not, have you ever noticed anyone adapt to/change their way of life to achieve these particular standards? In the article, “An Introduction: At the Root of Identity, from Whistling Vivaldi and Other Clues to How Stereotypes Affect Us”, writer Claude M. Steele states, “We don’t like to think that conditions tied to our social identities have much to say in our lives…” In today’s society,…...
Internet Addiction
Online Gaming and Stress Disorders
Words • 1449
Pages • 6
Teknologi informasi mengalami kemajuan dan perubahan yang cepat, salah satu perubahan yang dapat dilihat yaitu perkembangan internet, karena perkembangannya sehingga internet banyak dimanfaatkan untuk sarana belajar sampai hiburan seperti mengakses berita, menonton hingga memainkan game lewat pc atau gadget, online game menjadi alternatif untuk sekedar mengatasi kebosanan atau menyalurkan hobi. Sejak awal kemunculannya di tahun 70-an dan baru berkembang pada beberapa negara sekitar tahun 80-an, online game belum begitu diminati oleh masyarakat pengguna internet namun, ditahun 2000-an online game mulai…...
Internet Addiction
The Effect of Psychiatric Symptoms on The Internet Addiction
Words • 3018
Pages • 13
Communication has always been one of the most important factors which define humanity as humans. Interaction with other individuals gives people the chance to compare thoughts, and ideas and share emotions. Personal conversations define the basics of society in which people can live and understand each other. The overuse of the internet and other technologies is causing a lack of communication and social skills in which young adults and following generations lose the ability to personal interactions with others. Through…...
Internet Addiction
The Claim of Value
Words • 1007
Pages • 5
In the development of any exceptional novel, the methods and techniques of the antagonist are decisive in the overall evolution of the story. Through their conscious efforts to be against standard moral agreements, they become immoral. The goal of the antagonist is to morally destruct any person they deem to be morally good in order to establish their personal dominance. In the novel Oliver Twist, the main antagonist Bill Sikes is a grotesque, demeaning villian who searches to eradicate any…...
AbuseAngerEthicsOliver Twist
The Resist Your Preferences
Words • 769
Pages • 4
The objective of this paper is to confront my preference by recognizing what it is and making a plan to vanquish it. The bias that I understood I have yet don't perceive is ageism. Ageism and adultism are characterized as the persecution of youngsters and senior citizens as age-based social personality gatherings. The term ageism places fault on society by recognizing how we subject individuals to specific constraints dependent on their age. As society keeps on developing, we keep on…...
Long-Term Results of a Deleterious Crime
Words • 1143
Pages • 5
Child abuse is one of the main problems that our world faces today. This abuse has distinctive frequencies that range between sexual, physical, and emotional. The more predominant and controversial one has been sexual abuse. Child sexual abuse - also known as child molestation - is undesired sexual behavior by one person upon another. The abuse is usually done by a family member or trusted adult. This causes the victim’s trust to fracture and it breaks the reliance between the…...
AbuseInterpersonal RelationshipMental Disorder
Medication Assisted Treatment for Incarcerated: Why it Matters
Words • 2354
Pages • 10
Opioid Addiction Opioid addiction first emerged as a serious problem in the U.S. during and after the Civil War, when opioids were prescribed widely to alleviate acute and chronic pain. The development, along with the diffusion of hypodermic technique (needles) administering opioids had a profound effect on opioid use and addiction in the 20th century and beyond. The post-war era (Civ-il, WWI & WWII) saw mass immigration of Europeans and an increased population of the poor with increased drug-related crime…...
Heroin Addiction
Consequences of Heroin Addiction: Loss of Life, Destruction of Society
Words • 2008
Pages • 9
The United States is dealing with a huge epidemic of drugs. More than 175 Americans are dying today from opioid overdose and many feel this number may not peak for years to come. While there is an increase in overdoses, others are suffering from opioid addiction. The crisis had reached a point where it is a risk to public health. Some blame the medical field, for the over-prescribing of pain medicines. Heroin is an illegal drug derived from a poppy…...
Heroin Addiction
Cannabinoid as a Treatment for Social Anxiety Disorder
Words • 2304
Pages • 10
Over the past few years, marijuana and its many compounds have become increasing popular around the world. One compound in particular, cannabinoid, a non-psychoactive compound tetrahydrocannabinol, has been of great interest as a potential treatment for numerous medical diseases. As recent as 2018, cannabinoid has been approved as an alternative anticonvulsant medication for treating refractory seizures. The success of using this drug as a treatment for this neurological disorder has lead to further research of this product for other symptoms…...
Anxiety DisorderDrugsHealth
Curing the Opium ‘Addict’: Hazards of Prohibition
Words • 1516
Pages • 7
“China was turned into a nation of opium addicts by the pernicious forces of imperialist trade.”To this day the perception persists that China enabled opium addiction, only to be saved by Western prohibition power and Christianity. This ideology was fueled by prejudice, as many historians brushed aside or completely ignored the complex culture of opium consumption and the ages of confirmed medicinal benefits. All things considered, as Narcotics Culture by Frank Dikotter, Lars Laamann, and Zhou Xun brilliantly shows, the…...
The National Prohibition Act of 1920
Words • 621
Pages • 3
The Constitution of the United States gave the light of Amendment 18 on December 18, 1917, which came into action as the National Prohibition Act of 1920. The prohibition was designed to not allow the manufacture, sale and possession of alcohol, in which big number, included beer and wine. This amendment was repealed with the approval of amendment 21 to the constitution, allowing the possession of alcohol in the United States. In other words, amendment 21 included the restored rights…...
Leaving Las Vegas a Film About a Person With Alcohol Dependence
Words • 1313
Pages • 6
The movie is about an Alcoholic Named Ben that is newly divorced because of his addiction. He was fired from his job, so he left his family and all his things in Los Angeles, California to move to Las Vegas to drink himself to death. He made it to Las Vegas and was driving around when he almost hit a prostitute walking across the Vegas strip. She came to his window and that was the first time they saw each…...
Alcohol Dependence Takes Human Lives
Words • 703
Pages • 3
Ryan, 28 – an extremely alcoholic who had been abused and suffering from alcohol. With support from family and friends, he took the health check to find out how alcohol had been damaging his body. With bad results from severe serious damaged organs, his life was threatened. After that, he took a huge step to take the treatment. He said after rehab, he wanted to provide for himself and provide for others. Unfortunately, it was too late. He died before…...
Drinking Is a Part of American Culture
Words • 2190
Pages • 9
During a third of the eighteenth-century, the typical American annually drank more distilled liquor than at any other time in our history. Alcohol was believed to have health benefits. Alcohol was a safe drink compared to water. However, there were colonials who deplored alcohol surrounding drunkenness. They also viewed alcohol as a threat to the nation. The criticism of liquor firstly came from religion. Religion is often intertwined with the opinions of alcohol. Spirituous liquor was God’s good creature, however,…...
Polygamy as a Way of Life
Words • 922
Pages • 4
Polygamy, which formerly has been hidden in the shadows of Utah and Arizona are now becoming more common and breaking free. Some people are comfortable exposing that kind of lifestyle while others frown upon it. Polygamy is the practice and tradition of marrying multiple spouses; There is no such thing as legal polygamy in the U.S. Polygamy summons both fascination and disgust. According to the information in the Woman stats database, women in polygymous communities get married younger, have more…...
The Main Reasons Why Children in America Fall Into the Foster Care
Words • 789
Pages • 4
In order to understand how to fix a problem, you must first understand what causes it in the first place. One of the top reasons children in America is placed in foster care is substance use and emotional and physical abuse. Miranda Davies wrote the GALE article “The impact of parental substance abuse on the stability of family reunifications from foster care” and was quoted saying “Event history shows that children whose reasons for initial placement in foster care included…...
AbuseChildFoster Care
We've found 316 essay examples on Addiction

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How to Select the Perfect Diet for You?
...These restrictions lead to slowdown of metabolism and to uncontrollable attempts to compensate for energy, such as binging and overeating Dieting may cause weight gain, this is true, but such an effect occurs only if the diet is unhealthy or if the p...
Medication Assisted Treatment for Incarcerated: Why it Matters
...Gordon, M. S., Kinlock, T. W., Schwartz, R. P., O’Grady, K. E., Fitzgerald, T. T., & Vocci, F. J. (2017). A randomized clinical trial of buprenorphine for prisoners: Findings at 12-months post-release. Drug and Alcohol Dependence, 172, 34...
The Main Reasons Why Children in America Fall Into the Foster Care
...Another great solution to the issues in the foster care system is to simply adopt. For many people, adopting is a challenge, and most couples would rather have a child that is biologically related to them. However, educating adults on the benefits of...
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