A Society That Does Not Encourage Individuality and Uniqueness in People’s Lives

In the beginning of Brave New World, there is no narrator and Huxley walks the reader through a tour of the Hatching/Conditioning Centre given by the Director and Henry Ford. As this tour was taking place, the syntax and diction felt very cold and detached. Throughout this scene, the story is being told by an unknown being and they describe situations in a way that doesn’t give the readers personalization and a relationship with the readers. When describing the bokanovsky process, the narrator is described as ‘Essentially,’ the D.

H.C concluded, ‘bokanovskification consists of a series of arrests of development.

We check the normal growth and, paradoxically enough, the egg responds by budding.’ (6) This text is a prime example of the detachment that takes place in this scene. When describing this process; that detaches humans from their individuality, Huxley uses certain words to describe this process as an easy and scientific process. This text also refers to the different characters by their first name, and in a way that shows this is written by no certain narrator; but in third person omniscient.

As most authors begin their stories by developing characters, Huxley starts off by showing how business/sciencey this society is to emphasize how hard it is to have a developed character in this book because they are trying to create a society where everyone look, act, and believe the same.

This society is a place where people are trained that they must act and think a certain way in order to survive.

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Social predestination is an important aspect to the society in Brave New World, because it helps create more stability which then leads the people in charge having control over how the BNW society is. Individual stability then leads to individual ‘happiness’ which encourages those individuals not to break the mold created by the government. Huxley emphasizes on how the different social classes are trained to believe certain things about their class. He did this by giving different yet specific examples on how they use hypnopedia.

An example of this would be when they hypnotize the Beta babies to believe that Betas are the best, by making them believe; ‘Oh no, I don’t want to play with Delta children. And Epsilons are still worse. They’re too stupid to be able to read or write. Besides they wear, which is such a beastly colour. I’m so glad I’m a Beta’…’Alpha children wear grey. They work much harder than we do, because they’re so frightfully clever. I’m really awfully glad I’m a Beta, because I don’t work so hard.’ (27) This creates ‘happiness’ which is not genuine happiness because it is forced on them. Children are taught societal prejudices & ideas about a certain group of people. This idea of forced happiness and forcing this society to act certain a way, leads to a predestined society that causes a stagnant atmosphere where no change is allowed.

When writing this essay, I had no idea which scene I wanted to write about. I was originally going to do when Lenina first got into the Savage Reservation and forgot her soma. But then, I didn’t know what claim I could derive from that reading, so I asked myself what I was looking for in the piece I was looking for. The thing that I found most interesting about the Brave New World society is how everyone was so oblivious on how corrupt their society was. This reminded me of hypnopaedia and how their ignorance was planted through hypnosis. So I then chose to write about the Hatching Centre and when the DHC and Henry were giving the students a tour of the place. As I was writing this essay, I had no idea what I was doing at first, but then I got the jist of it all.

The thing that mainly stressed me out was that I forgot to write this writer’s memo. I turned this assignment in around 7pm, and thought I was done; until someone asked a question in our class group chat about the writer’s memo, and I realized I forgot to do that. So here I am, at 11:29, writing this. Anyways, as I was writing this essay, I think outcome 1 was very apparent because I had to learn how to do a close read, which is a whole new type of writing that I’m not used to. Outcome 2 was also being used because I had to work with this piece of text, and come to a conclusion on what Huxley was trying to say about this community. Outcome 3 wasn’t a big one in this, cause I wasn’t making a very clear argument. I did say what I thought the claim was, but I didn’t try to refute it or anything like that. OUtcome 4 was also very apparent in this piece of writing because I wrote a first draft about something totally different, but then I scratched the whole thing and restarted.

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A Society That Does Not Encourage Individuality and Uniqueness in People’s Lives. (2022, Apr 25). Retrieved from https://paperap.com/a-society-that-does-not-encourage-individuality-and-uniqueness-in-people-s-lives/

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