A Pseudoscience Paper on the Lunar Effect

Topics: Science

My pseudoscience paper is about The Lunar Effect. The lunar effect is the theory that there is a connection between the Earth’s lunar cycle and the deviant behavior of peopDespitee of numerous studies, no significant differences in human behavior have been established. Scholars debunking the effect sometimes refer to it as the Transylvanian hypothesis or the Transylvanian effect to emphasize its fanciful nature. In the Journal of Affective Disorders in 1999, researchers suggested that before modern lighting, “the moon was a significant source of nocturnal illumination that affected [the] sleep-wake cycle, tending to cause sleep deprivation around the time of the full moon.

When I was younger my family and I always talked about how if we had barely any sleep on the night of a full moon, we always said “Well it was a full moon.”Well, you might think we are crazy, but we were taught like that. In conclusion, the lunar effect may affect you in many ways or none, but you never know what might happen.


I could randomly choose 30 people at random on the night of a full moon. I could watch them and see if there are any significant changes, and in the morning ask them if they think something happened.

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A Pseudoscience Paper on the Lunar Effect. (2022, Jun 17). Retrieved from https://paperap.com/a-pseudoscience-paper-on-the-lunar-effect/

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