Letter to Cuban Revolutionary on War Colonists

Dear Cuban Revolutionary, We think, “Oh, communism is evil”. You think, “Oh, capitalism is corrupt”. Bah! Humbug! Does it really make a difference? We are both just being brainwashed by our governments. We actually have a lot in common! Just we in the United States have a little more freedom. Stop! Stop! I know what you’re going to say. “Oh, communism is good”, and “We have freedom, too”. We can have that debate another time. That would go on for hours.

So no, I’m not here to tell you capitalist propaganda. So you must wonder what I am here for. Well, kid, I’m here to help you determine the best ways to rebel and educate you on the Constitution on the way. (No, I don’t mean traffic laws) Drum roll, please.

Using examples from ‘those golden years’, (No, I don’t mean WW2) the Glorious Revolution of America, give it up for the REVOLUTIONARY WAR! If you are to understand how to rebel against your government, first you must understand at least my definition of a proper government and where its power comes from.

My definition of a proper government is a government represented by the people and a government that the people have a say. After all, in the Revolutionary War, the colonists only wanted a representation in Parliament, which is clearly stated in the Olive Branch Petition. They also wanted lowered taxes, hence the chant, “No taxation without representation”. My definition is very similar to great Abraham Lincoln’s; “A government is of the people, by the people, for the people”.

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Thomas Jefferson’s definition is, “A wise and frugal Government shall restrain men from injuring one another, shall leave them otherwise free to regulate their own pursuits of industry and improvement, and shall not take from the mouth of labor the bread it has earned”. And building on my of/by/for people theory, I believe that a government’s power comes from the people. Most of the time, a government cannot stand very long if it is not supported by the people. Most of the time, though. Like Mao Zedong said, “True power comes from the barrel of a gun”. Why is North Korea not falling apart like the Soviet Union and soon Cuba? Because they just killed anybody who did anything they (the government) didn’t like.

So if you can turn the people to your side, you might just have a chance. Let’s take a step back. Why do you even want to take down your government? I know, I know, but hear me out. That brings up the question of when, if ever, should you stand up to authority. Like I said before, I believe that if the vast majority of the people are unhappy with the government, like in the colonies after the Stamp Act of 1765, feel free to go right at them! If the people don’t have a say in matters, like the colonists in Parliament and taxation, that is another reason to rebel. If people’s rights are being violated, (According to the American constitution. And of course I am biased, being an American myself) like the colonists’ in the Quartering Act of 1765 and the Intolerable Acts (or the Coercive Acts, as the British referred to them) where the British took away the right to assemble, I’ll charge the mound with you. Basically, if the people feel that they are unhappy, their rights are violated, or they feel that they are being done an injustice, they should stand up to authority. Well, how should you go about this rebellion business? My advice to you is to go public. Seek aid from foreign countries, (I’m sure the good old U.S.A. will give you a hand) like the colonists sought aid from France. (And got it, which helped them win the war) If you somehow get a news reporter in, the news would go worldwide, so you could get more aid and the Cuban government couldn’t just execute you all without international repercussions.

Which brings me to my next point. What are the most affective ways of rebellion/protest? I’m sure you’ll want to jump right to your arsenal of weapons in your closet, but I suggest not. I suggest writing petitions and orderly protests first, at least, like the colonists did. For nowadays, if you were to immediately attack, first of all, the Cuban government would just kill you or put you in jail to rot for the rest of your days, and second of all, what would you allies/supporters think? They would see a disorganized group of armed and potentially dangerous Cuban rebels. They might shy away from aid, saying, “I won’t supply them with guns or aid! They might turn into a terrorist organization or the next Operation Fast and Furious!”. Peaceful protest is your best option. Although if that doesn’t work, you might have to resort to violence. In the colonial times, all the colonists’ peaceful protests, petitioning, and writing resolutions had really no effect. It was only when they started destroying property, threatening government officials, physically attacking officials, and actually fighting the war when there was any impact. Well, you can’t do that, because as I said before, you would be killed or sent to prison for the rest of your life. And that wouldn’t be any fun, would it? There was one peaceful and effective method of protest that the colonists used. Boycotting. After the Stamp Act, they boycotted British goods, which actually had such an impact that it made the British repeal the Stamp Act. (Unfortunately, only to be replaced by the Declaratory Act of 1766) Take advice from the experience of the Revolutionary War colonists.

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Letter to Cuban Revolutionary on War Colonists. (2021, Dec 27). Retrieved from https://paperap.com/a-letter-to-the-cuban-revolutionary-on-the-experiences-of-the-revolutionary-war-colonists/

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