A Comprehensive Review of The Life of Pi, a Novel by Yann Martel

Books are great, they can broaden your scope of knowledge and expose you to different aspects of the human experience. You can live through people you otherwise never could and get a taste of what it would be like to be in their present position and even sometimes they can leave a very big impact on you. Although many books have these qualities I personally have been impacted greatly by the book Life of Pi by Yann Martel. Throughout the book I found myself relating and praising many of the issues that the main protagonist faced, such as his questioning his values and learning to depend on himself.

He is also agnostic and I believe he uses religion as a form of finding himself, having something to believe in is critical and keeps some people-centered. It may provide a sense of comfort or could possibly be a way of conformity. The idea of uncertainty really stops making you think and question how these issues could potentially be relevant to an everyday situation.

The book has many lessons in between the lines and within the writing, it inspired and planted a seed of constant growth in my mind. Pi is faced with being left alone at sea, scared and with a massive man eating car also known as Richard Parker the tiger. This fear is what allows him to survive and stay hopeful on his journey, but this same fear is what made him fearless by the end of the book. I believe that accepting your fears and dealing with them allow you to overcome them and in the process of that you become fearless.

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Another lesson learnt by Pi was resilience, from when he growing up to when he was stranded in the middle of the ocean he demonstrates this. It shows that it is important for us to overcome the problems and hardships we face in our lives by bearing with it and learning from them. The large majority of Life ofPi was written in the first person. from Pi’s point of View.

I believe that when Yann Martel wrote this book his intention was to involve and really impact the reader and have them paint their own portrait of what this story may be about. It was important for this story to have it told from Pi’s point of view because it made the story more intimate, Personally, I found myself trying to immerse myself into the story because it had changed the way that I thought about things. It allowed me to learn to see things from another perspective and really take other aspects into consideration, it reminded to always be curious and to always wonder about the other side of the story. In conclusion, this book has left an impact because of the lessons taught throughout the book; it inspired and showed me many things that I could use in everyday situations. Life of Pi is captivating and it reminds readers to stay curious and to always push your comfort zones because keeping yourself on your toes will allow you to take advantage of any opportunity that comes their way.

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A Comprehensive Review of The Life of Pi, a Novel by Yann Martel. (2023, Apr 10). Retrieved from https://paperap.com/a-comprehensive-review-of-the-life-of-pi-a-novel-by-yann-martel/

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